Forum Replies Created
22 February, 2007 at 9:41 am #261573
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
This will be the start of what i hope to be a string of threads revealing glaring contradictions in BNP propoganda.
Number 1 – Kevin Hughes
The article in question.
He states, “It seems the authorities only release sex offenders early”, yet at the beginning of the very same article were told his sentence had been reduced, “Kevin Hughes – a BNP member convicted and sentenced for an astonishing 30 months (reduced to 24 on appeal)”. So i take it according to the BNP, that Kevin Hughes is a sex offender.
Were told – “Kevin writes from his cell in a filthy overcrowded prison which Kevin says is like something from the Third World.”
A little later he states – “I turned on the television yesterday at about 8.00 am”, ahhhh the third world squalor that gives him a TV in his cell, I often remember footage of Cambodian refugees imprisoned under Polt Pots regime, switching on and tuning in to “Blankety Blank”.The BNP also in another article clearly gives the impressions it wants harsher conditions for prisoners, what harsher than “Third World Squalor”, now that is harsh.
My favourite line is this – “Cards, letters and suitable reading material (no books please)”, i take it he means comics, if anything is suitable reading material, surely its a book.
Keep tuned for “BNP contradictions no.2” coming soon to a thread near you.
I have no allegiance, my voice is one of dissention….aparently you have no allegiance.
“…i am not, and never have been, a member of ANY political party in my entire lifetime. The BNP is NOT my party.” – Emmalush (Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:09 pm)So Kevin reguarly does charity work ESPECIALLY with children, this sex offender tag is now taking more sinister overtones…
So he turns on the TV in the main room, he has control of this, he gets to decide when to turn the TV on does he? Wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much freedom, hardly the third world.
“Third world squalor cells… “, Emma, your a moron.
Never said that “My favourite line is this – “Cards, letters and suitable reading material (no books please)”, i take it he means comics, if anything is suitable reading material, surely its a book” was a contradiction, merely said it was my favourite line.
“How about you do one on your fascist friends at searchlight or stopthebnp? You are neutral right?”
I can’t see a plethora of posts on here extolling the virtues of the far left otherwise i might. I am simply redressing the balance.
Thank you and goodnight.
21 February, 2007 at 7:36 pm #261505@emmalush wrote:
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
A new question then.
How do you propose bringing about an end to multiculturalism?You invite those people’s who have become part of the extended 1948 society of England to leave. Regardless of whether they will or not, you concentrate on a prodomanent belief system. English, non religious (if possible) white and hetrosexual.
This will happen in time, but when it does, it will be after a nightmare of innocent deaths forced upon us by the old gang, who only see their own personal comforts in life, and dont give a rats about the minorities the claim to represent, the minorites in our society are the old gangs political wand.
Wouldn’t it be great if atleast 99.9% of us loved mass multiculturalism. Isnt it also great, that we humans have individual thoughts that dont always go along with those who run society.
Not many would take up that “invitation” unless the word “invitation” is being used in place of “forced”.
1/ How would this SPECIFICALLY be encouraged?
2/ Where would you want WASPS to go? (“non-religious” would surely include Protestants).
3/ Where would you “invite” an English homosexual to go?
21 February, 2007 at 7:31 pm #261552@emmalush wrote:
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
1/ No.
2/ Yes.
3/ Yes. (If you support the Welsh and Scottish assemblies).
4/ No.
5/ This question contains a personal view and as such cannot be answered.
6/ Undecided.
7/ Yes and No, the question contains a “rather than”, which makes it impossible to answer.
8/Yes.The questions i posed were specific, some of these have included personal views and bias.
1. genie, what do you say to those who think yes?
2. I know, that many thousands have asked for a BNP representative. Should those within the BBC who make panel decisions be sacked because for not allowing one on?
3. Do you think English (as in the people that live in England) independency will make England a better place to live? :D
4. What is?
5. Do you have a close friend/family inside?
6. Are you infavour of the EU not costing us a yearly loss atleast?
7. Does it make financial sense to train our unemployed, before seeking a foreign alternative?
8. Any suggestions of who?1/ I would defend anyones right to voice their opinions and believe anything they like. I would as a result tell anyone who disagrees with point 1, that it is an individuals right to stand up and voice his/her objections to ANYTHING they are told by “those who run the country”. Anyone disagreeing with that opinion also has the right to voice as such. I am a sincere advocate of freedom of speach including people whose opinions I strongly disagree with.
2/ Personally, i would relish the oppurtunity to see a BNP representative on “Question Time”, because the apparent flaws in the points they raised would be exposed before the nation. To this end, i would actually call for this to happen. This is not the first instance of elected individuals being refused as such. Bobby Sands MP comes to mind, in fact Gerry Adams et al,was, even in news casts, dubbed and even refused entry into parliament, even though fairly elected. This isn’t new Emma and definately isn’t restricted to the BNP. I can assure you though, that Sinn Fein did not receive 670,000 public funding for a party political broadcast.
3/ No, it would be much the same but without cultural diversity, therefore it would, in my humble opinion be worse.
4/ The question can have no answer set in stone, different cases of murder would call for different severity of crime. A father convicted of murdering the rapist of his child should be treated more leniently in my opinion that a man who stabbed a young teenage child at a bus stop for no reason other than he was black. Each case would needed to be judged on its own evidence.
5/ I wouldn’t answer that to you on here out of self-respect. The reason i could not answer question 5 lay totally on your inclusion of the word “luxury”.
6/ I have yet to make up my mind regarding the EU, but on common sense i would of course be in favour of anything not causing a loss, but it isn’t that simple.
7/ I would encourage the training of any unemployed person, but again Emma, you neglect glaringly obvious facts. The foreign alternative is sometimes better than the English equivalent, this of course isn’t always the case, regardless of race, the best person for the job should be hired. To get slightly of track, the best building firm i ever used were Asian, i took them on for the renovations squarely because of their advert in the Yellow Pages which read “You’ve tried the cowboys, now try the Indians”, they did a great job and i would use them again before i would use a previous English firm who arrived late, drank tea like it was English, Increased the quote midway through the job, took 2 weeks longer than estimated and worse.
8/ I have seen no one in English politics that would fit that description.
21 February, 2007 at 6:57 pm #258446@token_male wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@token_male wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
Im ZERO percent british.
yet you support a british party? a party for britain?
unless the B in BNP stands for something else?British NATIONAL(s) (English) Party…
Would the mass hysteria that surrounds those who dont know what the BNP stand for, be much more calmer if they attendid class more.
So you consider yourself English (ie A British National) but not British???
Nope, an English National.
But the party is quite clearly for BRITISH nationals?
Don’t be silly token, if that was the case it would surely be called the British National Party…oh yes, i see, it is called the British National Party. Well Emma has the right to ignore the wording and rename it herself, ignore anything she likes and replacing it however she desires…
I might join the RSPB, even though i hate birds, i have decided to change the last word and replace it in my mind with the word “Gorilla”, because i like them and think they should be protected…the mind boggles.
21 February, 2007 at 6:50 pm #261542@token_male wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
Thats what we do when we visit a foreign land of culture, embrace it.
what a load of rubbish!!
the engish and british.. are hated abroad!
we are rude intollerant we fight kill and are not a good example when abroadIts also true that when the English emmigrate, the first thing they do (generally) is set up English conclaves, open a “British pub”, look for some “bangers and mash” or a good English breakfast…hardly embracing the culture and lifestyle of the locals.
Take a look at Spain, Greece, Australia etc etc etc.21 February, 2007 at 4:18 pm #258444@emmalush wrote:
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
As long as the 0.01% is of White, European ancestry, i take it, now that is an assumption i am making, in order to clarify.
It wouldn’t bother me what they were, law abidding of course.
What you seem unable to accept, is, whether you agree or not, we now live in a multicultural society.
I 100 billion percent accept that. Just because we have it, doesn’t mean its any good.
The reality of changing this is impossible
Wrong. We humans can get to another country in one hour. Its funny watching you try to blag your way out of talking about it. You dont want to, because you realise there is scope for the opposite view to you.
You may feel i twist what you say to suit myself, but
Stop right there, you dont need to say but, its clear.
if this were true, it shows i have read and understood what you have tried to say
You do that to try and over throw what i say. You are soft selling your stance.
Of course, i may agree with things others have said, but i don’t read something and take it upon face value as fact.
Never ever ever? If your dearest tells you something, you all ways question it?
Your claim to have some belief in Lib. Dem policy is acknowledged, however prior to this post, on any of your posts, i find no evidence whatsoever.
So what?
In fact, the more posts i read, the more contradiction i find. The reason for this, is when you have pasted certain articles in the past
How far back you going? You’ve either done alot of reading, or you’ve been on here before feb 3 when i have?
Off the top of my head, you have posted to the effect, that Kevin Hughes was convicted of a violent offence unfairly, yet here you say “Criminals should be locked up proper”, a criminal is someone convicted of a criminal offence, as he was. This isn’t me twisting things, its me correlating 2 of your posts and showing the contradiction.
He is not a criminal, he was locked up UNFAIRLY…
So you’ve been reading alot of what ive been talking about. How do you find the time?
“In your opinion”, this wasn’t my opinion
…and you say i dont read your posts properly. I meant, its your opinion that he meant other than he actually said. Lets do the twist, ooh baby.
you are supporting a white England for the white English.
That is my human right to do so, if i choose.
“If you are English, patriotic and proud of England, start campaigning my friends, there are many people think like you.”
No Emma, the above is spin.Its what i believe. Its spin to you, because you dont believe it. You seem to think that the liberal rule book, is the rule book of life for everyone.
“Play the game fair”.
Emma, i can only confront the posts you put before me, accusing me of not playing fair, because you have no answer and then claiming your words are being twisted and spun out of context is preposterous. I am actually doing the reverse and putting your words in context.No, its YOUR context.
A floating voter would not open 31 of the last 50 threads in this forum only representing 1 parties point of view, the majority of which are pasted from the site of said party. Emma, that is not a floating voter, thats an extremist.
I never said i was a floating voter, i said if the policy was good enough, i could be, thats “moderatism”. I also said, that currently there is no party that has better policy to make my life better than the BNP, but also saying, that watchout for a few new ones that i support, which explains the above isnt blag spin, its belief.
“None of us are perfect like you genie.”
I know.:D
You have quoted what i have said before and asked for “evidence?”, unlike you, i then provided evidence. When this happens to you, you respond with this kind of statement. Are we playing by different rules
Of course we are playing by my rules, you dont expect me to be dictated to do you…
You have no personal ownership rights to any country (in my opinion)
“Never said i did”
Yes you did, “people in my country”. can any other readers spot the MY in that sentence.Damn, ive lost the paper that states i own the country…
I am not the one bombarding these boards with my message and dictating that others agree with my opinion, i am merely revealing the ever growing flaws in your belief system.
You mean your version of flaws, which are not true, therefore dictatorism…
The one and only ‘failing’ you mention is murder??? which as a concept has existed since the dawn of humanity. All multiculturalism allows is that it gives people with unethical beliefs and morality a dubious reason to ‘murder”. It doesn’t cause murder.
Racists dont cause murder? Racists in the now “asian only” area of Glodwick, Oldham, didn’t murder 76 year old Walter Chamberlain? Yes white racists too. Weve had streams of blood, when will Enoch powell be remembered for asking non whites into our society to do jobs in our hospitals, then over the next 50+ years be remembered for the rivers of blood speech?
You can have a mass multiculturalised society, but you cannot gaurentee harmony.
You can have limited multiculturalism, and you can almost gaurentee harmony.
I say genie my friend, we stop the innevitable nightmare now.
Let me highlight a line from this i would urge you to think about carefully, Emma –
“now we are so scared of those who are different from us, weve become more cautious”.
Your the one thats scared of difference, not me, and you seek to lay blame for your fear at different things. Many things cause crime to occur, to lay the blame squarely at the feet of multiculturalism is extremely naive.Strewth!! I didn’t say that genie. Im going to have to stop calling you my friend soon.
“Why take part in something you think you’ll gain nothing from? “
Simple, i am bored and passing timeSo you lied a little.
You, honestly Emma, have a tendency to pass the buck and blame others, be they Marxist or African, Liberal or Asian for what you see as the failings in your life. You alone can do something about that, because i can assure neither Nick Griffin or Josef Stalin would give 2 f**ks about you.
I know that, believe it or not. My butcher tells me he wants to marry me, its all in a days work for him, i know he dont care about me. I have a choice though dont i, politically, socially etc.
If your not happy with your life, then change it and stop blaming others.
The others are at fault.
Quoting and referancing partial sentences diminish your statements and i will refrain from responding to these now.
21 February, 2007 at 4:16 pm #261540@emmalush wrote:
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
Emma embraces multiculturalism. But would like an end to immigration.
I do not embrace it you idiot. Cant believe you accussed me of lieing but put up a brand new thread to tell lies yourself.
Emma does not think people living in England should have to return to their native land.
Correct. I think they can be encouraged if they so wish. I would never force people to leave. Whilst they dont leave, the make-up of England can be aimed at supporting a white English society.
Emma does think people from any other country should be allowed to visit and live in England temporarily.
Nothing wrong with that, so long as they dont change the English white make-up of our country, and embrace what being white and English means. Thats what we do when we visit a foreign land of culture, embrace it.
Emma, like myself embraces multiculturalism and i applaud her for it.
Previous signs of dillusion stamped by that statement.
I will actually apologise for this thread Emma, lol, but it did provide me with a little chuckle.
21 February, 2007 at 4:14 pm #260289One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
21 February, 2007 at 4:09 pm #261503@emmalush wrote:
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
Thank you Emma, so from this you no longer wish an end to multiculturalism, simply an end to immigration into England from any other country.
Shame you didn’t ask for a when and how to end the multicultural nightmare…im hardly going to say yes, we should kick em out, that would be stupid, so i answer no, which is not a 100% correct answer…
By proxy, All other countries as a result should end English migration into their country, we must be fair after all.
Fine by me, long live Nationalistic paganism.
I could not answer them, because i embrace multiculturalism and welcome it.
Hopefully not, but one day you will suffer it. You may already have, but are scared to say. Cant be fair for your taxes to be spent on non white and gay sex organisations, but not white and straight sex organisations?
A new question then.
How do you propose bringing about an end to multiculturalism?21 February, 2007 at 3:56 pm #2615491/ No.
2/ Yes.
3/ Yes. (If you support the Welsh and Scottish assemblies).
4/ No.
5/ This question contains a personal view and as such cannot be answered.
6/ Undecided.
7/ Yes and No, the question contains a “rather than”, which makes it impossible to answer.
8/Yes.The questions i posed were specific, some of these have included personal views and bias.