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    @emmalush wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Social cohesion better in the 80’s under Thatcher and in the 70’s- the decade of unrest, 3 day week, work to rule, strikes, the dead and rubbish not collected, powercuts, – no, i think it most definitely wasn’t.

    That was MUCH better than the racial murders we have now. We still have some of the above.

    Social cohesion has broken because of the failure of the family unit

    Something the BNP want to get back.

    most divorces in Europe, most cohabiting couples in Europe, most single parent families in Europe, highest teenage pregnancy rate in the Western world- the family unit was what held this society together- that has disappeared and hence certain sections of society are now failing- many reasons abound for this breakdown- the lack of discipline and move to a more liberalised society, the advent of contraception (and legal abortion) for women which heralded a new era of sexual freedom, experimentation and lack of responsibility- the baby boomers born in the 60’s and 70’s grew up with a set of moral codes, subconscioulsy given to them by their parents, which manifests itself in the binge, sex immoral culture of today.

    Its not the people who are to blame essentially, they just follow the system that allows them to get away with their prefered pleasures. This has all been allowed to happen by past and present governments.

    BUT little of it has to do with anyone’s colour and with multiculturalism. Just because we have areas where other races feel uncomfortable doesnt make it right- for every area you state where people live in discord, I can show you ten, twenty areas where people live in relative harmony.

    Take “my” Leicester. Its your typical multi-rubbish celebrated nonsense. We have,
    Braunstone, new parks, northfields, which are 99.9% white. Rough council, a bit criminal. 60% welfare dependent.
    Beaumont leyes 80% white and where 20% other, both segregated. More than a bit criminal, drug fuelled, very dependent on social welfare.
    Highfields (once the posh area of Leicester), a run down asian/black area/red light district/drug sesspit, once the scene of race riots late 70’s/early 80’s. Very dependent on social welfare.
    St mathews, or as its known now, st samalia, inbetween highfields and belgrave, is basicly a hellhole of desperateness, with anti-terror cameras and anti-terror swoops. Groups of somalians hanging around outside the shops, not a place to visit for fun. I wont even drive through it.
    Rushey mead, thurmaston, evington, middle class asian family, with a mortgage and job.
    Belgrave, 99.9% asian. Family orientated, 50% welfare dependent i’d say.
    All the other areas, birstall, LFE, clarendon park, blaby, wigston, west end, are about 90% white middle class with between 1 and 2 cars, family etc.

    Those (lefty extremists, new labour, conservatives, lib dems) who claim Leicester is this great multicultural success, are living in cloud cookoo land. The only area you see whites blacks and asians “mixing”, is the town centre, and thats just because there shopping, you’ll see 5% people mixing.

    In Leicester, if you can afford it, you will become one of the white flight, and move to the shires. In the shires, where i am, its about 99.9999% white.

    You think people in the 50’s werent lied to? The 50’s were the last decade of national innocence, the last decade where people obeyed without question (this post wouldnt have even been thought of in the 50’s), the last decade when social class truly meant anything. Governments govern by being economical with the truth- the 50’s were no different than today except governments of today appear to be more underhand as they try and squash leaks, rumours etc which manifest themselves in many forms of media outlet (specificallythe internet)

    But people in the community got on was better than now.

    Social unrest is and has been endemic in this country and has been for centuries- remember the poll tax riots- largest event of social unrest since the ….oh since the 80’s and the miners strike- dont remember colour or race having anything to do with it.

    They were political and social unrest.

    We have had single faith schools for centuries (Jewish, Catholic, CoE) but no one is bothered until the faith is non christian and then hypocrisy flows (incidentally, I believe ALL single faith schools should be banned and have state funded schools only)

    I dont agree with faith schools in England.

    We actually agree on the problems we as individuals, and as society face- what we don’t agree on is the cause.

    We do a little bit. Im saying racial murder is a reason to end the multicultural experiment, you believe its worth keeping.

    The lack fo faith in politics and politicians over the last 20 years demonstrated ably by the reduction in the number of people who vote, has much more to do with a failure to have a common political belief than anything to do with multiculturalism.

    But you need a common political belief for the community to come together. We have been divided to be ruled easier.

    Emma, if every non white, half white, non english person left the country tomorrow, you’d still have exactly the same fundamental problems which exist now.

    We wouldn’t have racial murder ETC. We would have less social unrest, because we would think similar.

    Demonising sections of our society (which whether you like it or not is the method of genocide- Nazi Germnay, Rwanda, the Balkans- portray the enemy as unworthy and let loose the masses of destruction) is not ony counter productive, it actually increases any polarisation through stereotyping.

    Well your mob started it, im defending myself from this nightmare, and that is my human right.



    @emmalush wrote:

    1. What makes you think its racistly bad to dislike multiculturalism?

    5. Im asking you, you retard…

    6. Would you rather see more bobbies on the beat, than the waste of money we spend on EU membership? £2.5Billion worth

    7. Its bang on the truth though, you would rather see slayer on unemployment benefit, and hire a foreigner, than train slayer for a job.

    BUT, if it was you or the foreigner…you have no idea.

    8. Until you tell us, were then entitled to assume, maybe wrongly, but thats for you to explain. I’ll guess, that you are a white christian, who has married a blck/asian and or foreigner, and has had children with her, bit like slayer :D

    We need to put you all over on one side of the country out the way, so we can run a pleasurable society without you. You’d like that, living with only the white liberals and muslims etc.

    1/ I never said it is racist to not agree with multiculturalism, i said a multicultiralist has the right to call you a racist, read your question again and then my answer.

    5/ oooooo retard, the BNP would be proud, i have very clearly put one of your posts at odds with another of your posts and you want me to define what your post said…ridiculous. Maybe if your posts were yours instead of pasted articles, this discussion wouldn’t be happening.

    6/ The question i answered didn’t just mention bobbies on the beat, it included foreign nurses etc. This question, as specifically posed, i would answer, undecided.

    7/ No, slayer appears more than employable as i am sure his employers would testify to Unless he tuns his own business, however i would rather employ a “foreigner” (as you put it) than Ugo, because i doubt he would be capable of doing the job i would employ him for. The fact is, as i have stated, the best person for any given job should be employed, and if you ever run a business and employ a sub-standard worker simply because he is white and English, then your business will fail, very quickly.

    8/ I am a white English Male in his 30’s with a White English girlfriend but my mum is Nigerian, my dad is Thai and my grandparents are from Pluto…and i am the retard???

    “We need to put you all over on one side of the country out the way, so we can run a pleasurable society without you. You’d like that, living with only the white liberals and muslims etc.”
    Yes i would, away from the gang rapists, thieves, Violence prone neanderthals that run the BNP, as convicted, have fun…i will, eating a curry, drinking tea from China with my fellow liberals…


    @emmalush wrote:

    I never said i thought your were neutral, i know your a lefty extremist, neutrals wouldn’t be so fascist towards the BNP and Englishness.

    You have constantly tried to level statements at me along the lines of “You’re neutral”, being English, i can assure i am not against myself but i am against you, not because you’re English but because you are a racist homophobe with no capacity for reasoned debate….how can i say this? Simple, you do not read what has been written, be that by myself or the BNP. Unlike Ugo, i do credit you with some intelligence (for want of a better word) and as such see you as intentionally neglecting what either i am writing or what you paste from the BNP website. As such i no longer enter into long quoted responses to you, because you intentionally misquote and ignore what i have said, so instead i will mock your posts and the nonsence you paste.
    I tried doing the same but they were deleted…hmmmmm, conspiracy theorists would have a field day.


    @smiley wrote:

    Communists are just as bad as the BNP.

    Infact, the communists killed 20 million innocent people. How many people have the BNP killed?

    Yeah. Thought so :wink:

    I am not a communist, i am a goatboy as well you know Smiley, oooooooo reminiscent of the McCarthy witch hunts….

    “I am not a communist”


    @emmalush wrote:

    I dont disagree with you for the hell, im very serious, and i am, believe it or not, prepared to be shown different to what i believe.

    genie is a bad person. There is real hatred boiling in his mind, you’re not like that.

    Maybe PB can change the first option to, Is PB also genie :D

    I can see why you would think me a bad person Emma Braun. I advocate equality for all and human rights. I dislike racism, sexism, homophobia etc etc. I guess i belong to a long list of “bad” people like:

    Mahatma Gandhi,
    Lenny Bruce,
    John Pilger,
    Noam Chomsky,
    Mother Teresa,
    Martin Luther King, Jr.,
    The Dalai Lama,
    Aung San Suu Kyi,
    Audre Lorde,
    Ronald Takaki,
    Frances Fox Piven,
    Amartya Sen,
    Cesar Chavez
    etc etc etc

    Such bad bad people…

    “There is real hatred boiling in his mind”, this coming from someone who has said and i quote “I like being racist”, because of course that doesn’t constitute “hatred”. I suppose you belong in a long list of “good” people like:

    Adolph Hitler,
    Pol Pot,
    Idi Amin,
    Saddam Hussein,
    Rudolph Hess,
    Josef Stalin,
    Lt William Calley,
    Colonel Gaddafi,
    Slobodan Milosevic,
    Nick Griffin (had to include this miscreant, lol)
    etc etc etc

    I guess i am glad i am a bad person on looking at these lists.


    @emmalush wrote:

    The hatred coming from genie. Will someone produce a poll asking for this muslim extremist to be banned from this site?

    I see no hatred coming forth here, merely sarcastic observation and criticism, isn’t it ironic though, that you perceive this as hatred and wants me banned…the BBC see the BNP as spurning forth hatred and refuse it and you feel that is wrong….hmmmmm, one word Emma Braun


    btw, i am an athiest.

    (Er – that’s two words ….. Ed)


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    Never said i was neutral

    Didn’t you say words with effect of, all parties are the same, that you wouldn’t vote for any of them?

    No i didn’t say that precisely as you have stated, and that doesn’t constitute “neutral” anyway. If you have acknowledged that i am neutral, how can i be a lefty, which you also claim…my my you are a confused little facist aren’t you?


    @emmalush wrote:

    1. Is It fair for the multiculturalists to point the “racist” finger at me for not liking multiculturalism?

    2. Ok…what should happen to those in the BBC who dont allow a BNP panelist?

    3. You little faker you.

    4. Yes cos you replied with a bizare reply again, and you aint good enough to do my head in.

    5. You are avoiding the question, because you dont know the answer, but are willingly prepared to say someone else is wrong. What constitutes third world squalor?

    6. Ok, how would you fund more bobbies on the beat etc?

    7. So here we have it folks, this marxist, the kind of people you vote for, would MUCH prefer to see you on unemployment benefit, and bring in foriegn help, than train you.
    You get what you deserve. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANA VOTE OLD GANG?

    8. Are you?

    1/ Already answered.

    2/ They should be shot at dawn by crowds (well you and Ugo) of BNP supporters, or publically lynched, sarcasm intended.

    3/ No question.

    4/ No question.

    5/ I am not avoiding the question, that phrase was quoted from your favourite site. You have actually pasted the article on here, you define it.

    6/ Never said i would specifically fund more bobbies on the beat.

    7/ A loaded question if there ever was one, and full of false accusation and nonsence.

    8/ Might be.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    So your question “How the hell is that criminal” is answered.

    No its not you butthole, you tried to claim that denying A holocaust was a crime. Im getting fed up of correcting you.

    So i can see your point that with these people in charge, we would be living in a “Safer” society…(sarcasm)
    “You cannot know the complete ins n outs of the minds of those who join your organisation.” or who run it, it seems…

    That goes for EVERYONE you buttface. And our safer society is NOT what weve voted in, people who let criminals off, UNLESS its Kevin Hughes.

    Now explain to us all how your multiculturalised sesspit society would be better than what i would want?

    INCITEMENT OF RACIAL HATRED is a crime with which Nick Griffin THE CRIMINAL was convicted, i am getting tired of repeating myself Emma Braun.

    Because it seems the leaders of the society you want are predominently and quite literally rapists, thieves and thugs.

    Interesting to note that when racists get stressed, the truth of their convictions comes out, why so angry all of a sudden? Didn’t we get to beat up an asylum seeker today?


    @ugo wrote:

    Stop talking out your ring you mug !!! :twisted:

    ahhhhh the true language of the BNP…”stop talking out of your ring you mug”, hmmmm, am i conversing with a literary great, could this be the reincarnation of Dickens.

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