Forum Replies Created
16 February, 2007 at 10:53 am #259628
@geoff wrote:
And myabe you have multiple names :shock:
I can assure you Geof, that lil fek, lil fekSnr and I are 3 different people all of thom you have known in the past and got along with albeit (in my case) under a different name and not on justchat.
Speaking for myself, i have no other accounts on here and have no desire to get more.
16 February, 2007 at 10:37 am #260623@slayer wrote:
@genie_in_a_butthole wrote:
However you feel though with regards to prisoners rights, any given society is best judged by its treatment of its worst members. As Dostoyevsky said “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”.
I take it that by “entering prisons”, you can see the low life scum that infest them and truly see what society we live in that breeds the pestilence that rape and murder 2 year old girls.
Unfortuante it is that you can see them in a prison as hanging from a rope would be a much better place for them
I never said i “enter(ing) prisons”, as should be very clear from both the quotation marks before and after that sentence and the fact i say, “As Dostoyevsky said” before the quote. If you are saying that by simply being in prison that makes a person “low life scum”, lets take a brief look at some people who have spent time in prison around the world over the years.
Nelson Mandela,
Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
Jean Genet,
Oscar Wilde,
George Jackson,
Brendan Behan,
Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire) etc etc etcI could continue but i will save you time having to google the names, these few names alone hardly constitute “low life scum”.
Now lets accept the reality that laws change, what is accepted today was once imprisonable. People sit in prison for a multitude of offences ranging from rape and murder to non-payment of fines and tax evasion. These inmates, although seperated by the length of sentence and nature of the crime are all living in the same prison system under the same rules. Should an 80 year old man who refused to pay his poll tax have all his dignity removed and be treated as “low life scum”? I suggest not.
By using the of crime of “rape and murder 2 year old girls” (excuse the grammar, but this was quoted directly from you), you have used the vilest of crimes in an attempt to justify your point that ALL prisoners should be immediately condemned as “low life scum”, this shows a complete ignorance of the reality of the situation and the British legal system. The thread was “prisoners human rights”, encompassing both the severe crimes and petty crimes that people currently sit inside a cell for. Should a person who rapes and murders a 2 year old girl be executed or as you put it “hang from a rope” is a different question and not remotely relevent to this thread and nor is the strictness and leniency of any given sentence for any given crime. All that is relevent is the rights of those that are imprisoned.
To get back to the question originally imposed we must also apply common sense, if a person is treated harshly and demeaned for a prolonged period by a system and is then released back into a society that in their mind caused this treatment, resentment and bitterness are created thus creating the likelihood of a more serious crime being commited upon release and a circle of release – conviction – prison is perpetuated doing nothing for the inmate or society unless that individual breaks it (like John McVicar, Stanley Tookie Williams etc). Now i am not for one moment suggesting that inmates should be afforded a life of luxury whilst incarcerated, but i am saying basic human rights should apply and an inmate should be afforded the protection from other inmates and officers that society is afforded by the very nature of the prison system.
15 February, 2007 at 5:40 pm #259624I have heard news that not only has the court ruling on Anna Nicole’s body not being released been lifted but quite literally her body has been lifted and is now missing. The bodyguard has dissapeared and it is believed he has taken her body to Haiti to perform a zombie marriage ritual in a last ditch effort to claim the cash…
15 February, 2007 at 5:33 pm #259650Any e-mails of condolence will be welcomed by forumhostPB who has graciously said he will prepare a tribute on here if he receives enough messages…and grow his hair into a mullet and wear a gold lamé thong as a tribute to a great man.
15 February, 2007 at 5:28 pm #259967@fastcars wrote:
@slidersuk wrote:
I personally think it should not matter whether your gay, straight, black, white, what religion you follow or where you come from!!
You often find the people who are the most outspoken and against any of the groups mentioned above are narrow minded bigots who either don’t understand, have no eduction or in the case of sexuality are more than likely confused themselves and wanna give it ago but are too afraid they might actually like it.
There was so much press about jade and her crew in big brother bullying shilpa because of her way of life, and class, possibly race, and it actually shows what a small minority of people in this country and around the world think like…
Who someone sleeps with, where they are from, what religion they follow, their colour, sex or whatever is not important and does not determine what type of person you are.
And until mankind can actually accept that fully and embrace the fact that people will not be the same as each other, and not use such groups as an excuse for war, bullying, abuse or discrimination then we will never evolve into a better existence!!
Some very valid points slidersuk….. but could you really ever envisage the British public voting for a cross dresser who practises bestiality as our future prime minister.. :?:
We already have…
15 February, 2007 at 5:23 pm #260618I think the term “human rights” answers the question. I am sure we have all at some point in our lives done wrong to another, does that mean we lose the right to dignity.
In reference to the first article you mention, very little detail is given in relation to the facts and nature of events leading to the prisoner suing. You have said that the crimes of this individual were of a sexual nature relating to underage boys, as such, this prisoner would be in segregation and as a result of having to use a toilet outside his cell, he may have been, rightly or wrongly, abused himself by other inmates or even officers due to the nature of his imprisonment. He may also suffer from a medical condition which seems likely if he needed to go to the toilet 3 times in one night etc etc etc.
In reference to the second article, it does seem ridiculous that escaped prisoners identities should be protected as otherwise it would be an infringement of their human rights, but is that the only reason?
However you feel though with regards to prisoners rights, any given society is best judged by its treatment of its worst members. As Dostoyevsky said “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons”.
14 February, 2007 at 12:32 pm #259912My partner and i have been becoming increasingly distant from one another ever since she passed away…i even have to talk to her via Doris Stokes…
14 February, 2007 at 12:19 pm #259647His memorial service is going to be held Thursday 15th Feb, in forum 3 at 9pm.
Be there or be square…
14 February, 2007 at 12:17 pm #259646@tarzzan wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
How the hell am i supposed to know you’re lieing about him…especially after those making fun think butchering innocent animals is ok.
Yeah hate the mullet, YUK. I’d love to shave the facker off.
People have to eat emma dont you think …….!!!
I never heard anything on the news about Peter Stringfellows death when was it ?
He passed away last week peacefully in his sleep tarzzan last Friday at 12.24am.
14 February, 2007 at 12:12 pm #259622I have a confession to make, i have held this for many months, but the pressure of knowing the truth is too much for any sane man to deal with or me…
I am willing to undergo a paternity test if needed unlike so many of the other claimants.
Anna did reveal to me on the eve of the conception that dave5050 was also sending her gifts including a milky substance in a petrie dish, i cannot guarantee the validity of this or the consistency of the substance suffice to say it could also be his child and now alas he is dead, conspiracies are flourishing…will i be next? And what will i spend the money on? (i know, gifts for everyone).