Strange woman, one minute walking around with her knickers around her ankles and the next, in a sleeping bag. :lol:
For your attention Madam~
i) The queen has made an oath before God and the people to uphold the laws of God. YES she CAN repeal Government and hold to the oath she swore. Why else should she be there? Why else should we have to witness her sickening wealth created on the backs of the people now struggling all around her?
ii) The word FORCE says it all really!
iii) Fall through the cracks? You mean grow with the aid of their Guardians who are there to duly DO that? To grow and use the land that has been sold and TAKEN from them so that they need PERMISSION to even walk on it in some cases.
You cannot have it both ways . . . Understand that we have been fed a fallacy through the education system {again compulsory} and yet we see how they commit blasphemy against the laws of the almighty on who the laws have been founded upon. I don’t think there is any need to have to dig and dig to see this. I don’t subscribe to any faith group but I am under laws created by people who do annnnnd those same people abuse it in abundance.
Do you know . . . sometimes I wonder just who’s side you’re on!