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  • #473449

    Come out with your hands up! :lol:


    You didn’t really think I would suffer in silence did you? :lol:


    Her knickers are in the post :lol:


    Rolling a fat 1 for bed ~ night all. :wink:


    Great minds n all that.


    @panda12 wrote:

    Mine’s Gazlan.

    The fan base is swelling, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would make it this big. Straight to the heart, from a Beautiful babe as well :lol: Things have never been so good. :P


    Did ‘the messiah’ not overturn the tables of the money peddlers? Can the faithful live by these ethics in today’s world when we see our ‘leaders’ chauffeured around like Gods with immense wealth etc and so on . . . ?

    Can’t people think for themselves without reference to these scriptures, do people need to be guided to the right path? If so then what does that mean? It is no secret that these scriptures along with all other such dogma has been manipulated, altered and used to justify all manner of wrongdoing in numerous faith groups. Even our own queen swore to maintain the laws of God yet watches daily as thousands lose their homes, business etc at the hands of the money lenders condemned by the very same laws.
    See here how the very same scriptures/ethics were used to infiltrate and manipulate the minds of the faithful to serve the war mongers. Look all around you, there is evidence of this manipulation on all levels.

    Morality has been camouflaged with the paint of complacency and want, and the brush is in the hands of the so called leaders.
    When it dawns on people what that blob of matter between their ears is for, they stand some chance of saying what they mean and meaning what they say and release themselves from this deviancy.

    Of course, you being of knowledge in essential matters will be aware of this.

    Yes, I would call it absolute bollocks made for people who post bollocks like this!


    After two nights in luxurious surroundings and company, I came across it and, sadly, it has given up the ghost. Cause of death is unknown. :o


    @cherriepie wrote:

    :shock: lol What did you feed it?

    Am I reading this correct? *sigh*

    What you are reading is complete non-sense. :lol:

    Here’s a clue ~ ‘killing time’ ~ . . . got it now lol :P :wink:

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