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    Jack Cade says:
    Yesterday at 8:34 pm

    Hello, gang…you had me worried for a bit. I’m delighted to see that you’re back up; I thought perhaps the Forces of Darkness had nobbled you: I wouldn’t put it past the bastards. Anyway, here’s my news:

    I went to my first appointment with my provider (CDG). I went in with an open mind, despite my belief that the Work Program is just another scam to transfer taxpayer’s money from the poor to the rich. But I was prepared to give them a chance: if they could get me back into work at a decent living wage, I’m all for it.

    My adviser was a pleasant young man but the Jehovah’s Witness-like fervour with which he explained the WP to me set off a small alarm bell. He made it sound like they’d invented a perpetual-motion machine, as opposed to the same old tired b*llocks that it is. Nevertheless, I withheld judgement.

    I asked about vocational training and pointed out the relevant bit of the brochure (part of the ‘welcome pack’ I received). This stated, unequivocally:

    “If you require training or qualifications to get into work, we can provide the training directly or arrange it with one of our specialist partners.”

    Oh, no, he said. We concentrate on getting you into a job, any job; then you can work until you have enough to pay for your own training. He delivered this nonsense and beamed at me like he’d just discovered the Unified Field Theory.

    I didn’t waste my breath pointing out that a minimum-wage job was going to leave me with exactly nothing to ‘save’ for training fees. By now, the small alarm bell was getting louder.

    So I asked him what kind of jobs he had access to, taking into account that I had over 30 years of experience in the construction industry.

    Cleaning jobs, he said. Lots of cleaning jobs.

    With ‘zero hour’ contracts? I asked.

    Well, yes, he said and went on to explain that there was nothing to worry about. ‘Zero hours’ contracts were just a company’s way of protecting itself. “You see, otherwise, it’s almost impossible to get rid of workers who aren’t up to the job.”

    If he really believed the foregoing, he was an imbecile; if he didn’t but said it anyway, he was a rogue; but I held my tongue The alarm bells were going off loudly now.

    When I was asked to sign the Data Protection waiver, I refused. The young man seemed a bit shocked by this.

    “But I won’t be able to put you forward for any jobs,” he bleated.

    I almost laughed in his face and drew his attention to the bottom of the form, where it’s clearly stated:

    “My placement on any program and any employment or future offer of employment will not depend on whether I choose to give consent or not.”

    He looked like he’d been hit in the head with a cricket bat. “I’ll have to speak to my supervisor.

    “You do that,” I said. Off he went and came back looking glum but he said no more on the subject.

    At this point, the alarm bells were deafening and I came to the conclusion that this was an utter waste of my time and these twerps weren’t going to be able to do a damn thing for me (except try to force me into some worthless ‘zero hours’ cleaning job.

    Time to launch my Work Program Nullification Strategy (patent pending).

    By now, we had moved on to entering my information on his computer. He asked me what I thought the barriers were to my getting work. Well, I said, aside from my age (50s), there’s my criminal record.

    His face fell. He knew as well as I did that all those crap cleaning jobs (mostly in hotels and offices) are a non-starter for an ex-con. Is your conviction spent? he asked hopefully. Oh, no, I said, shaking my head mournfully. (I don’t actually have a criminal record but it costs about a 100 quid to find that out with a CRC).

    Anything else? he inquired.

    Well, yes, I said: my alcoholism.

    Ah…erm…he said.

    Yes, I said: mostly, I’m on top of it but, you know, once in while, stress and all, I fall off the wagon and I’m sorry to say, I get a bit, you know…violent, hence the criminal record.

    By now, he looked like a man whose puppy has just been hit by a bus. (in point of fact, I’m not an alcoholic or even much of a drinker, though this bloody government might change that).

    A few more entries and we were done. Next appointment in 3 weeks.

    Consider me ‘parked’.

    An alcoholic, ex-con in his late 50s? They’re not going to waste another minute or penny more than necessary on me. Which suits me fine.

    As far as I can see, this is the best outcome one can hope for with these c*nts: to be left alone. These pimps aren’t going to get me into any kind of work, at least not any job where one can earn enough to live with a little dignity nor are they going to make a penny off me.

    The whole thing is a putrid scam cooked up by the usual crooks: socialism for the rich, the ‘free market’ (hoho) red in tooth and claw, for the rest of us. To hell with that. I don’t want to play.

    I’ll keep you all posted but frankly, I can’t see any ‘cv workshops’ or ‘interview workshops’ or any of their other laughably worthless schemes in my future.

    I thought I had issues lol :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @gazlan wrote:

    Of course things will be better, they will have a taste of the very democracy we have in the west, along with the cost at every corner for health, housing, water, fuel, education and alllll the rest ! Yes, they might even be able to vote for their next dictator as well.

    Not forgetting our renowned justice system the world over!

    A Diary of Injustice in Scotland – By Peter Cherbi

    Justice Secretary’s discredited defence for Crown Office in 14 legal aid fraud scandals as links between accused lawyers & Scots crime agencies emerge

    I bet those Libyans can’t wait for it!

    Read All About It :roll:


    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    Nope I didnt see it Gaz… I just read about it in your link and others I googled. I was brought up Christian Gaz… but I consider myself as secular now…and tolerant of all religions. Im not really into your conspiracy theories…. but it made interesting reading :?

    The thing that does bother me about religion in general is it separates people and creates divisions…. for instance I was attacked (well thumped) by an elderly woman in Jerusalem, I was confused and had she not been so frail looking i would have hit her back. I was told later that it was because I was wearing a crucifix… just a tiny one more for aesthetics than anything else.

    It made me laugh when the Israeli guide told us that Israeli society was harmonious and tolerant of each others beliefs and cultures…. sure it is :roll:

    Hope Eddie is OK BTW :D

    Oh they aren’t mine MrsT, I simply borrow them. :wink:

    Thumped you!! And rightly so, any person who visits that country in its current state should be, unless of course they go to protest at the disgusting inequality and collective torture of a nation in terror, let’s hope a lesson has been learned. And who informed you of the reason for this woman being so violent ? :o

    Eddie is fine, disgruntled at the recent austerity measures i’ve layed out but we’re the best of mates.


    Bit to big I think :shock:
    Great Mountain Publishing is proud to present Edward Hendrie’s new book:

    9/11–Enemies Foreign and Domestic
    Secret Evidence Censored from the Official Record
    Proves Traitors Aided Israel in Attacking the USA

    From the Introduction:

    “The official government conspiracy theory is that on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 Arabs nearly simultaneously hijacked four planes using box cutters and purposely crashed one plane into the Pentagon, crashed two others into each of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, and the fourth plane crashed in Shankesville, Pennsylvania as a result of the passengers rising up and trying to get control of the plane from the hijackers. This book will prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the government’s conspiracy theory is a preposterous cover story. The truth is that the attacks on 9-11 were perpetrated by Israel, aided and abetted by high officials in the U.S. Government.”
    Read The PDF Here
    I wonder how long this will remain a conspiracy theory. :roll:

    PS ~ Sorry about the expansion. :shock:


    Of course things will be better, they will have a taste of the very democracy we have in the west, along with the cost at every corner for health, housing, water, fuel, education and alllll the rest ! Yes, they might even be able to vote for their next dictator as well.

    Interesting Mrs T, did you happen upon this by any chance in the ‘holy land’ ?


    It’s ever so awful chewing on this fire n brimstone :)


    You really couldn’t make it up ffs.



    Detailed articles,videos and media about the fallen leader here :shock:


    Wonder where I’ve heard that before lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Classsssssssss heheh

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