• galaxy replied to the topic good food in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 4 months ago

    Well I’m 21 so I don’t know if you class that as young or not but I have to say I haven’t been to macdonalds or burger king in years. I very rarely get a takeaway and never eat “ready meals”. I love going out to restaurants, especially for chinese and cook all my meals myself. I think a few years ago I probably did eat processed crap but I care…[Read more]

  • @Peeved wrote:

    @galaxy wrote:

    Matty you seem very sure of the fact that there is no heaven or afterlife, may I ask how you know this as a fact?

    I personally don’t believe in God, I think the whole idea is absurd but I understand that some people need to cling on to the belief that there is something higher who they can turn to in times of need and…

    [Read more]

  • Matty you seem very sure of the fact that there is no heaven or afterlife, may I ask how you know this as a fact?

    I personally don’t believe in God, I think the whole idea is absurd but I understand that some people need to cling on to the belief that there is something higher who they can turn to in times of need and I understand that. But at…[Read more]

  • @Drivel wrote:

    @galaxy wrote:

    :shock: Tuna with pasta and fruit…. erm interesting combination! Lol well it didn’t take look, tasted nice and best of all I didn’t have to do the dishes! ( In my house the person who cooks doesnt have to do the dishes )

    Do none of you have Maids to cook and clean the dishes – how very common !!

    Alas no, we…[Read more]

  • @Esmeralda wrote:

    Galaxy….I agree with the famous quote from Shirley Conran..”Life’s too short to stuff a mushroom.”

    It was always the pile of dishes and pans needing washing that put me off cooking..but I became very proficient at anything that could all be made in the one pot..even things that weren’t supposed to be. And my tuna pasta was…

    [Read more]

  • @Beatty Blue wrote:

    @galaxy wrote:

    @Beatty Blue wrote:

    I don’t know anything about cooking, I don’t even have a kitchen :(
    Last time I had a warm meal was yesterday when I visited my parents…(one very bad idea..) next one will probably be at Wonderboy’s on Saturday…(if he’ll give me anything to eat :? :oops: )

    You don’t have a kitchen?!

    like I…

    [Read more]

  • galaxy replied to the topic Evil teachers in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 5 months ago

    Oh god thats so awful, as if its not hard enough starting a new school without teachers of all people making it worse for you

  • @Beatty Blue wrote:

    I don’t know anything about cooking, I don’t even have a kitchen :(
    Last time I had a warm meal was yesterday when I visited my parents…(one very bad idea..) next one will probably be at Wonderboy’s on Saturday…(if he’ll give me anything to eat :? :oops: )

    You don’t have a kitchen?!

  • @dee wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    I would love to be able to cook more its not i dont want to just carnt or as hubs says carnt be ar sed lol

    Do a lovely sunday roast tho but any think with a bit more to it i carnt do as for cooking rice you need to be a clever f00ker mine always turns out soggy lol

    Uncle Bens Rice Pouch…….2 mins in the microwave 8)…

    [Read more]

  • @sunny wrote:

    I would love to be able to cook more its not i dont want to just carnt or as hubs says carnt be ar sed lol

    Do a lovely sunday roast tho but any think with a bit more to it i carnt do as for cooking rice you need to be a clever f00ker mine always turns out soggy lol

    Well I made egg fried rice last week, didnt have a clue how to…[Read more]

  • @sunny wrote:

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Cooking i do try juts carnt do it

    Thats why iv been married 18 years

    He great at it lol :twisted:

    Lol! well its practice for when I move out you see, I love my mams home cooking so want to learn to do it myself so I dont have to rely on takeaways and ready meals :-…

  • Lol they actually turned out really nice matty and weren’t hard to do at all ( they just sound it lol )

    I prefer cooking myself, I really enjoy it and now very rarely have take aways, the boyfriend does a lovely stir fry so I prefer that now and I made spring roll’s the other day to go with it :)

  • :oops: lol I know its terrible I can’t cook, but I’m making more of an effort!

    Thanks for the tips, gonna try it tonight :D

  • @Bat wrote:

    Hi Galaxy, I,ve found just what your looking for.

    Thanks :D thats exactly the kinda thing im looking for x

  • @Becky wrote:

    You can get things like that from Argos or go into a town ( not racist ) where its mainly indian people live and the shops there might sell it. Or failing that i go to a chinese outlet and it sells indian foods aswell as chinese and sell all tableware as its an outlet mainly for restaurants and even sell live lobseters :shock: Hope…

    [Read more]

  • @AbitofMary_J wrote:

    step away galaxy…!!! im awaitin tads’ lou-lou’s, rubes’ and the rest spooks to leave Cath so can do mine lol dam ignorant if ya asked me…. ya’ have ur turn ….. don’t be greedy lol

    Sorry Mary_J *sulks off into the corner*

  • For me personally I’d say yes you can get over your first love, it just took me a long time

    And yes you can subconciously be attracted to someone, that happened with my current bf, we work together and he told me he was attracted to me but I didnt feel the same way. For months people said to me they could see I like him as well but I just…[Read more]

  • galaxy replied to the topic I passed!! in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 7 months ago

    @Captain Charisma wrote:

    @galaxy wrote:

    Took my 4th driving test this morning and I’ve passed ( with only 2 minors :D ) so I’m now walking around with a huge grin on my face :D

    i normally walk round with a huge grin in my trousers :D
    so u passed the test on the 4th :D
    u must have give the bloke head :D
    aint no other way ud pass with the way u…

    [Read more]

  • Cath when you are taking more names could you add me please??

  • You don’t want colin farrell hes a bad boy…. on the other hand never mind :lol:

    Personally I don’t like to use my name as a username, if I get to know people then I dont mind telling them. I just have images of me walking along one day and some random stranger shouting my name because I had it as a username on a website :?

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