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  • #297102

    Once again we see the voice of moderation and sound common sense silenced by the fanatics, is there no end to it? :cry:


    @smiley wrote:

    I’m known as a moderate here, Galadriel. I am the voice of reason, the icon of JC liberalism.

    He said, tongue firmly in cheek I suspect…. :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @galadriel wrote:

    …Is he really?…..gosh you wouldnt think it would you?
    …..and he seemed like such a nice man, thank you ForumhostPB…

    ( btw, love the suit! ) :D

    Well thank you – it fell off one of Ugo’s untaxed uninsured vans.

    Do you think perhaps a new christmas party frock might drop off one of his ‘ untaxed uninsured vans ‘ any time in the very near future?
    …..I dont like to ask really, me being new and everything, and he does seem to be such an angry young man doesnt he?……wouldnt want to subject myself to another tirade if I could possibly avoid it. :wink:


    @pats wrote:

    can i adverise and reccomend desis place…..chatopia?………….ooppss i just did………… :lol: :lol: :lol:

    No advertising!!….. ( smacks Pats btm! ) :D


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    It makes a change ‘cos Tommy (Smiley) is usually spitting nails and threatening to hang everybody. Grammar and syntax are the least of his worries.

    Is he really?…..gosh you wouldnt think it would you?
    …..and he seemed like such a nice man, thank you ForumhostPB…

    ( btw, love the suit! ) :D


    @smiley wrote:

    My point was, a terrorist cannot condemn another terrorist for terrorist actions, when they themselves are terrorists.

    Bass supports my sovereignty being stripped away by evil EU Nazis. That makes him a terrorist.

    Muslims support my sovereignty being stripped away by evil Islamic bombers. That makes them a terrorist.

    There’s no difference other than the method that is used. One uses political terrorism, treaties etc. The other uses dynamite strapped to their chest.

    Different methods, same goal. The destruction of civilized life, terrorizing innocent British subjects, denying us the right to democracy, forcing us under oppressive rule and tyranny. Terrorism.

    So bass cannot condemn Islamic extremists just because they use a different method to his people, but they have the same terrorist goals in mind.

    How refreshing to read a well constructed, common sense post which is quite devoid of any grammatical error!…..I think I’ve overlooked you Smiley!…..I’ll add you to my ‘ Friends ‘ list if I may?…….Oh, we dont have friends lists?, never mind!
    Well done. :D


    @*Sian wrote:

    My mail is only being delivered a day late. Not bad considering

    Considering it was posted a fortnight ago? :lol:


    @ugo wrote:

    Yes I ordered two separate items from eBay , One was coming from LA ) America ) the other from Essex , Both the same size & the LA one arrived first , even tho they had both been posted the same day ……!

    Thats because the US postal service have got their act together, it just gets worse here…. :roll:


    @Miss Minx wrote:

    I’m kind of glad i’m renting now :shock:

    You must be joking!……if I wasnt sharing I could no more afford to rent than I could pay a mortgage…..I’ll be drawin me pension before I get to own anywhere. :roll:


    Refreshing to see that racism/bigotry is still alive and flourishing here on JC. :D

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