I’ve been on a different forum for years now (at least 6 years- it’s a motorbike forum) and I’ve made some really good mates on there.
I’ve met a load of them, there are some I would love to meet if the chance came up and there are some I wish I met when I had the chance :(
You can have some really good mates online- maybe not what would be traditionaly classified as “close friends” but how many people have been really upset when hearing that an online mate has had some really bad news.
A couple of years ago, I knew a guy called Wayne (known to all as Zombie), remmber that I’d never met the guy at all and never spoken on the phone. But we exchanged Emails and he posted on the message board (it was his board though) all the time. But when I received a message telling me had died in a motorbike accident- I was in tears all night and in a real state for ages.
I’m a bit of a sensitive guy at the best of times, but I wouldn’t have gotten that emotional over a stranger, or someone I’d only spoken to a couple of times online.
So yeah- I think you CAN have good friendships from an online environment.
So- where and when is this board meeting? Do I need to wear a suit?