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  • #302031

    No I’m not confused….. a little tipsy but not confused. Anyhow one user name is enough for me, I dont know why you are all suspicious, beats me. :?




    The godfather?


    @matty wrote:

    some friend you are

    Would you answer the door naked? :roll:


    @bat wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    I think it’s you and your kind that’ll burn in hell for adding to these peoples misery. :wink:

    I agree, i think its sickening how the parents have been treated by the media and a section of the public.

    So much for innocent until proven guilty, there is NO evidence to suggest that they were involved in her disappearance. They have lost their daughter in possibly the worse circumstances imaginable. To make matters worse, they have to live with the knowledge that their precious daughter may be in the hands of paedophiles. Its the not knowing, where she is, or what has happened to her that must make their daily life hell. So for goodness sake show some compassion and think about how they must be feeling, because until she is found, dead or alive, they will have to live with that torture.

    You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Pebbles they arn,t innocent, thats just the point. Of course they were involved in maddies disapearance: if they had acted like responsible parents instead of thinking of their own pleasure, and stayed with their children instead of doing what they did, maddie would still be here and we wouldnt all be arguing the toss about it would we? And as for how they feel? Thats all they seem to do, is think about how THEY feel. What about how poor maddie feels eh? Or felt, should I say. as the poor little mite is no doubt no longer alive, due to her “parents” and I use that term VERY loosely indeed,gross negligence and incompetence. THEY are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves.

    I agree 100%. None of this would have happened if it wasnt for the McCanns selfish actions.


    liar liar?


    Because when she knocked on the door, I never answered so she rang my mobile to see where I was.


    It might not be her personally who put the story on the front page but it is her and her husband’s selfish actions that created the story. Its these actions that resulted in Madeline going missing.
    I was thinking about this earlier as well, can anybody explain why if she was ‘kidnapped’ why was that teddy she loves placed on the shelf? Would a kidnapper have done this if he was in such a hurry? Why choose madeline and not the other two children. Why wasnt the other children awaken?


    Now its me :D


    @toybulldog wrote:

    I looked at the tea leaves in the bottom of my cup. Wanted to foretell the future.

    And they told me to do the bloody washing-up.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

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