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  • #136972

    The ”sisterhood” are going to absolutely kill you for that one !!! Boy oh boy are you going to pay.


    Its taken you nearly TWO months to add your reply !!!!!! and its virtually the same as Angel’s !!!!! You must make more of an effort to keep up!!!


    What’s up Giggles??? Its just a kid enjoying a fag in its break time. Where’s the problem???

    They get paid so little anyway, why shouldn’t they enjoy a quick smoke in between shifts????

    At least it isn’t binge drinking on Vodka (unlike some others !!!!!).


    I can see you !!!!!!!

    Since you asked – yes I had a great time in Italy, did absolutely nothing at all for most of the time and not a lot for the remainder.


    @tommy ‘ He’s gonna sleepa weeth the fishes’ ToXeN wrote:

    Who said I’d be going up in a car, or walking?

    We’ll parachute down from a stealth plane and sneak into your house, take out your armed guards and blow you to smithereens and we’ll be home for tea before your mob knows what happened!!!!

    The ‘Capo di Tutti Capi’ thought of that one years ago. In fact the Carabinieri have tried it and come seriously unstuck before.

    The house / villa is hidden in the olive groves and is virtually invisible from the air. They tell me that there is a supply of Stinger missiles available to discourage any airborne attacks Tommy. Sorry about that.

    Apart from anything else, the local women are seriously fierce and can handle weapons better than most men. (Stilletto is an Italian word after all – think about it !!!).

    Right I am off to bed now – up at 3.00am , ugh ugh.

    See ya next month.


    @tommy ‘Death Wish’ ToXeN wrote:

    …..You do realise you just gave me the exact location of where you will be staying! Me and my mob will come with our tommy guns, zoot suits and TNT and sort out you and your mafia family!!

    Va bene my leetle one – there is method in my madness !!! The road up the hill to our house is only one car width and passes through some pretty gloomy olive groves (where nobody can see ”too much”).

    Cousin Luigi and Brother-in-Law ”Little” Giovanni (he’s 6’4” tall and built like a brick shíthouse) are always on patrol for the ‘Capo di Tutti Capi’ (and Don PB + La Contessa PB, when we are there). Anbody going up the hill gets a ‘Baci di Lupara’ – or kiss with a shotgun, generally behind the ear !!!

    Looking forward to seeing you there, if only briefly !!!!

    PS They do a great line in funerals, wailing women, black horses pulling the hearse etc etc. You’d love it !!!


    @soulie wrote:

    have a good holiday, what part of italy will you be visiting?

    We have an apartment in my father-in-law’s house which is near a village called Santa Maria di Castellabate in the province of Campania. This is down the Mediterranean coast around 150Km South of Naples. (Naples -> Salerno -> Paestum -> Agropoli then 20 mins or so along the coast to Santa Maria).

    It is beautiful there, scenery to die for, golden beaches, hot sun, pizza and cappucino, mmmmmmm !!

    Picture of the coast looking North

    This describes the Bay of Castellabate

    Even the Germans have piccies of the place

    This is the village

    If you fancy a visit this is where it is


    @poshy wrote:

    Whats the Alt Gr key ? :oops:

    Er…… it is the one immediatly to the right of the space bar, very clearly marked “Alt Gr”


    @superanubistype wrote:

    Bypass this simple censor by holding down keys ctlr and alt on the left handside of your keyboard and type any vowel.

    Sorry PB thought id ruin it for you.

    Evil swine !!! Trust you to give the game away !!! (personally I use the ‘Alt Gr’ key except for the ‘o’ which in both cases brings up an ‘Open’ internet dialogue box).

    I might have to insert Hot Chocoláté in your Márty’s fávoúríte word if your’re not too careful


    I just thought that you bunch of cunts would like this shit – as I try to fuck you all !!!

    PS cunt is cunts anyway its all bollocks

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