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  • #138674

    Its good to know that you buy your clothes at a charity shop. More people should do as you do and support charities.


    i am delighted to hear that because if users advertise stuff on our boards, we charge them an enormous amount of money for the privilege – then we delete their accounts.


    @kate wrote:

    Good site, probably find them cheaper at a charity shop though :D

    I’m sure that the user’s will take note of your expert advice on buying clothes from a Charity shop.


    Er…… you’re not using the JustChat Message boards for advertising are you ??????

    Its one thing passing on useful hints and tips, but if you know the guy and start to reccomend his site……………………. !!!!!


    @pedant64 wrote:

    your mother’s older than you? JC been giving out Degrees In The Bleeding Obvious again?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

    Yes I guess I am huh? Mind you I am not as batty as mother is. She gives me a (useless) present and I slip it back in her bag or in the boot of her car when she isn’t looking. She never seems to notice.

    Oh and Mary, the useless scarf came from some tree hugger’s festival and was about 14” long and was said to be ”dolphin friendly” or made from natural materials. Usually I get a jar of some unspeakable pickle or something that has passed its expiry date. Either way it goes back to her.


    Just in case there has been a bit of confusion, the ‘other’ Melody is now using the user name ‘Fay’ and is a regular user in JustChat Forum 3 – 40’s room. She used the name ‘Melody’ for a couple of years back in 2001-2003 or so in the old regular’s room.


    Thanks for all the Birthday Greetins people – much appreciated. I had a nice day (back in August when it was my birthday), just lazing in the sun and generally doing sod all – no change there then!!!

    For those of you who may be lucky enough to reach my excessively advanced age, be warned that as you slowly rot away over the years you don’t get Birthday presents, you get commiserations. This year I didn’t even get the usual pair of socks, but I did get an utterly useless scarf from my (even more aged) mother.


    @temptress the Budgie Caterer wrote:

    Budgies can eat the following fruits and veg, if you give them seed all the time they become malnourished and kick it lol, top tip sprout some seeds for them, just add some of their seed to a saucer and add a little water leave on the window bottom, top up the water when needed, then rinse feed them to the bird when they have shoots sprouting(important dont let the shoots grow so much that they turn green) Replace them each day.

    Swiss Chard
    Mustard Greens
    Potatoes – white, red
    Turnips – turnip and the greens
    Zucchini – chopped
    Cucumber – chopped
    Sprouts – Wash well before giving to the bird
    Green beans
    Corn on the cob
    Apples – chopped
    Citrus fruits – oranges, tangerines, etc. – with peel
    Banana, plantains
    Melon – without the rind
    Grapes – green, red

    Wow !!! They eat better meals than I do !!!


    Damned cheek !!!!

    Look I now get a Freedom Pass which gives me totally free travel on all the trains, Tubes, and buses in the whole Greater London area AND I get free prescriptions when needed.

    The bottom line is I can get my Viagra for free – you lot have to pay a fortune for it and I get free travel to make use of it as well. Can’t be all bad can it ???


    @hubbyandwife! wrote:

    hay all you what new anything interesting going on in your lifes that you want to tell us bout? :lol:

    Er……………. nope.

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