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  • #152709

    @lisamarie71 wrote:

    just gotta ask this question, does anyone here have an ex boyfriend or girlfriend who calls em in the middle of the night to winge about the crap sex life he/she has with the person you were dumped for

    Having struggled my way through the assortment of rubbish on this thread, I am drawn to the inescapable conclusion Lisa-Marie that either you dreamt the whole thing or alternatively you have an over fertile imagination.

    The chances are that he dumped you; that you are a bunny boiler; and that you call them up in the middle of the night to scream abuse at him and his new girlfriend.

    Your ex-boyfriend did himself a big favour. Maybe he should change his phone number.


    @pefkos wrote:

    I was going to, but decided to administer oral sex on myself instead

    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @*Sian* – the Queen of the pub wrote:

    Depends but normally 7 days a week I get drunk, sometimes I go through a month and not remember any of it. :D


    @green-willy wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    What’s up with your regular sign in Tommy?? PM me, tell me the problem, and I will sort it out for you OK?

    I changed my e-mail addy in a huff a few weeks back, forgot it deactivates the c*nt!! :lol:

    OK Tommy, if you PM me with the updated details I will sort it all out for you.

    (That’ll teach you to change things in a huff eh !!!)


    What’s up with your regular sign in Tommy?? PM me, tell me the problem, and I will sort it out for you OK?


    @dropped-anchor wrote:

    Sounds like you`ve had experience with this one :?

    Nothing bad happened to the old PC I hope :?

    No I’ve never had a virus on my PC (luckily). But then I update the virus definitions on my Anti-virus scanner every day and scan the whole PC once a week. I also keep the firewall up to date and regularly scan for Spyware / Malware and remove any found.

    I never open attachments to e-mails unless I am certain what they are (not just who they are from).

    So far over the years this has kept me free of problems.


    @steve_519 wrote:

    @will Power wrote:

    If they increased the minimum wage then it might be an incentive to get those women off their fat asses as Catz says, up and into work. There needs to be a greater differential between benefits and payment for work.

    the minimum wage for over 30’s went up on monday just gone to a massive……
    ………. £5-05…. WOW…… lol


    Ah yessss – our old friend the W32/Sober virus.

    In simple terms ANY zipped file (i.e. with the extension ”.zip”) sent to you by e-mail as an attachment is high risk – even if you ‘know’ the sender.

    the W32/Sober has many many variations on a theme and all of them are grossly irritating.


    @dee wrote:

    I see PB is trying to drum up a debate thread :lol:

    I agree PB……..I don’t do housework :wink:

    Was it THAT obvious???


    @pikey wrote:

    I’m bored of baps now. My thoughts have turned to cream pies. I think a good cream pie is one of the best things you can leave a girl with.

    But do you like to lick cream pies for a while before you eat them properly or do you favour diving in for a right messy gobble and get some dribbling down your chin?

    I think that the thought of bits dribbling down your chin is far too graphic for my taste.

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