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  • #153538

    Anybody going to have a guess (or make a suggestion) ???


    @morticia wrote:

    I think you’re confusing “books by male authors” with Playboy…………………….. :wink:

    Actually no Mortician – I’m not. I read Playboy a couple of times in the 1960’s when it was fashionable as a magazine but I found most of its contents pretentious to the point of boredom. Hefner didn’t strike me as particularly impressive either as a ‘stud’ or as a journalist. Timothy Leary came across as a drug addled ageing hippie. Even the Playboy Club (off Park Lane) was a total rip off in concept; the Bunny girls were vacuous and not very attractive; the drinks and food overpriced. The only good thing was that I won a fiver in the casino once.


    No…. its a female Message Boards user (but I couldn’t possibly identify her for reasons of confidentiality).

    However, I couldn’t stop other users from guessing………………….. ?????


    I am delighted to say that I have never read one in my life.

    Also I don’t ever read books by female authors. They are all far too touchy feely. I mean who the hell wants several pages of crap about ”how she felt when their eyes met across a crowded room”. We just want to get on with the story and the action bits – stuff all this romance crap.

    Male authors understand this and stick to the point of the story and don’t get sidetracked into long boring descriptions of flashback memories brought on by the smell of a bunch or roses ffs.


    What a load of sentimental garbage all these females talk. Christ this thread reads like a Mills & Boone novel.

    “With one bound he was at her side, his hot breath on her neck……”

    Look dears its a shag OK? Get over it !!! Stuff all this foreplay rubbish, and all the soppy romance stuff, its a waste of time. Just sling yer knickers on the floor and get on with it.

    Jesus what a lot of fuss to make over plain and simple sex ffs!!!


    Welcome / Welcome back.

    (please delete whichever statement is incorrect).


    @lisamarie71 wrote:

    all i wanted was advice on what to do………
    as it is won’t be asking anymore …………….
    i’m out of here won’t be back…………..
    thanks n well thanks for nothing………….

    It was a pleasure having you here, for all of us lisamarie, and I am sure that all the users will be really sorry to see the back of you.

    (…and I still think that you’re an obsessed bunny boiler).


    @squeezy wrote:

    I only get drunk maybe once a month…..I can’t go out and not drink so I stay in most of the time – it doesnt bother me

    :lol: :lol:


    @tommy-toxen wrote:

    i used to go out and get drunk everyday in my more rebellious years (1986-1996) :lol:

    Now…. NeVeR! my gf hates drink, and won’t plop out a baby if i’m drunk :D

    Yes Tommy, girlfriends are nasty messy creatures aren’t they – plopping out babies when you least expect it. Good job that you’re staying sober these days, we don’t want any unpleasant stuff on the carpets do we?


    @robyn wrote:

    I have drinks every weekend and get drunk for a month or so

    :lol: :lol:

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