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  • #157724

    @oss wrote:

    ……….I think we should sack PB for not doing his job properly which is to keep us happy, the costumer is always right.Sort it PB or there will be an uprising

    I think you mean that ”the costumier is always right”. Well let me tell you that I am NOT a costumier – I have never sold or provided costumes in my life and I ain’t about to start now OK?

    Now if you want to sack me for not doing this then you go right ahead and do it. Meanwhile I aim to go right on butchering posts and being ironic.

    PS – Whenever I find a link that hasn’t been approved…. I butcher it OK?


    Jeez – no fighting for over 4 hours !!!!

    Has Steven gone off to have his blonde wig dry cleaned ???


    Right I’m off for a bit – see you all in another shall we say 50 pages ???

    Steven dear – don’t worry about your looks, we all know that its not your fault.


    Oh dear Steven – there’s another of your friends turned on you !!!


    @kevin wrote:

    geoff pats fastcars pb
    disgusting behaviour

    Not disgusting – TOTALLY APPALLING !!!


    @stevenage_f wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    did you notice that Steve went into edit mode to add to her stupidity??? For some stramge reason she seems to edit most of her posts shortly after they are posted. I wonder why???????

    Because i cant spell thats why but if you remember in you tiny mind i told you that

    @steve BEFORE THE EDIT wrote:

    Must be the same dog as your wife then mustn”t i

    @steve AFTER THE EDIT wrote:

    Must be the same dog as your wife then mustn”t i,How would you like someone calling her a dog

    Erm – which bit of the above couldn’t you spell Steve????? How about admitting that you had an afterthought?


    @geoff wrote:

    Ugly and insulting … you’re a credit to Hertfordshire.

    Please be accurate Geoff – he’s not insulting, just ugly.


    @Lambrini Girl wrote:

    @stevenage_f wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    You don’t suppose that our own – our very own – ”doggy” Steve is in fact……… ???????

    Must be the same dog as your wife then mustn”t it

    Lost track of my point numbers … but that proved another few … if not all.

    did you notice that Steve went into edit mode to add to her stupidity??? For some stramge reason she seems to edit most of her posts shortly after they are posted. I wonder why???????


    Could it be that Steven is ‘Lil Angel’ in disguise – or worse still ….. the other way around.

    OMG !!!


    You don’t suppose that our own – our very own – ”doggy” Steve is in fact……… ???????

Viewing 10 posts - 5,021 through 5,030 (of 5,314 total)