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  • #436522

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    men just dont listen do they eh, XP u post said i believe :D
    Hope u get it sorted

    Yup, you sure got me there. Tucked away at the bottom he said he used XP. May I therefore apologise for being male and for my gender driven inability to read properly.


    @melody wrote:

    If you are good at sex…. they will fall in love! :wink:

    Interesting thought. So people who regularly ‘pleasure’ themselves fall in love with themselves eh?


    I don’t suppose you’re using Windows Vista are you??? (God forbid!!!)

    BTW, you didn’t answer Martin’s question. If we don’t know what sort of error message you get when you leave the chatrooms, then we can’t begin to resolve your issue.

    Of course I’m making the assumption that you aren’t typing a load of obscenities into the chatroom or persistently scrolling …. you wouldn’t be one of those naughty users that get regularly booted

    would you???


    ….. or alternatively, if you want all that expertise for free then you get in the queue along with the rest of us.


    True, but cows usually eat the soup their mothers lovingly prepare for them.


    From all the above replies …. I conclude that the answer to the poll question is a clear and resounding “NO”.

    This is because sex is a rather messy process used primarily for blackmail and love is biodegradable.


    When you say you “can’t remain in just chat room for longer than 10 minutes” is this because boredom sets in and you have an uncontrollable urge to exit, or is there some other cause?

    Maybe you could assist us by describing your feelings at the time and how you felt after you ‘left’ the chatrooms??


    The main reason why people fail to attend for their NHS appointments is that they know they won’t be allowed to smoke a ciggie while they are kept waiting.

    Rather than punish smokers for failing to attend, surely it would be better to provide them with ‘smoking shelters’ at a minimal cost (say around £60,000) so that they could pop out for a relaxing ciggie during their endless wait to see an NHS official for their routine dose of patronisation.


    Good idea Peggy – but maybe you could take this one stage further.

    How about agreeing a ‘protocol’ for the use of coloured type? You know the sort of thing – Pink = Gay; Red = looking for cyber; Green = not interested in cyber; Yellow = I’m feeling sick ….. and so on.

    Any ideas on this people???

    1 member liked this post.

    @melody wrote:

    I flushed a pan of my mum’s home made soup down the loo does that count? lol

    Presumably you ate it first???

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