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  • #431983

    Look, just because there’s nobody out there trying to get me doesn’t mean that I’m not paranoid OK?

    ………er………. I think.


    As with others, the whole thing with ‘legalised euthanasia’ and DNR (do not resucitate) instructions don’t sit well with me.It strikes me that the whole thing is like the thin edge of a particularly dangerous wedge.

    A rule that says that one has to use all means to keep a person from dying seems pretty straightforward to me. If they subsequently pass away, then so be it – all reasonable efforts were made.

    Once you allow that there are circumstances where they can be justifiably ‘killed’ you create a Pandora’s Box of issues. It becomes a ‘judgement issue where one person’s judgement might be for killing whereas another’s might be against killing. Who decides what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’???

    On balance I’m going to come down on the side of preserving life rather than taking it. Yes I know that some people’s ending will undoubtedly be unpleasant (and who knows, mine might be as well) but that is the way it ends for some. Others have a relatively easier ending and that’s the way it goes for them.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    this isn’t the thyme or plaice…

    A very sage post jen.


    I remain confused about ‘human euthanasia’. The more I read about it the more I’m drawn to the conclusion that people with ‘terminal’ illnesses don’t want to be prematurely killed. What they actually want is some sort of release from the pain or suffering involved in the illness.

    It seems to me that the issue is more about managing the end phase of a terminal illness than about being ‘murdered’.


    Why not combine them and go for “Welsh Cheeky” or “Welshy Cheek” or “Cheeky Chokey” or something?

    On second thoughts …. why change an assumed name at all???

    This is all so confusing – particularly as their other name is probably “Dobbin”


    A few points:

    Committing (or attempting to commit) suicide is no longer a criminal offence (Suicide Act 1967) BUT ‘aiding, abetting, counselling, or procuring’ an act of suicide is still illegal in the UK.

    Secondly, as for insurance policies – i.e. life insurance. As has been said, it entirely depends on the wording of the particualr life cover. Most (but not all) life insurance policies are invalidated if the person, whose life is insured, commits suicide. They are usually intended to provide cover in the event of accidental death, or premature death due to illness or disease. They also usually only cover a person up to a stated age – mostly 65 – but they can run for longer but at a greatly increased premium.

    Thirdly, and referring to the TV presenter, Ray Gosling. It wouldn’t be at all difficult to ascertain who his ‘long term’ (now deceased) partner was and equally a swift search of the Births, Marriages & Deaths Registry could provide his date & place of death. It’s only a short step to investigate the circumstances and apparent causes of his demise.

    The highly charged and emotional statements made by Gosling to the effect that he would refuse to disclose any details “even under torture” seem to be ever so slightly over the top.

    He is an ex-bankrupt who has apparently not worked regularly since his discharge. Maybe the comment that this current ‘confession’ is more to do with publicity seeking than anything else, is pretty close to the mark.


    How about insisting that ALL containers of booze carry the warning:

    “Drink is the refreshment of the Devil” ( :twisted: )

    That would be bound to work eh? You could unite all the Churches as one and have regular hellfire & damnation sermons preached across the entire country ….. mind you they’d have to have the warning clearly stated on bottles of Communion wine, chalices etc.

    Er ….. on second thoughts ……. !!!


    @pete wrote:

    Its racist for gods sake :lol:

    Look Pete – if he wants to accuse people of “rascism” that’s his dyslectic issue.

    I remember one of the original racists – Stirling Moss. He won so many races in his day that even now he is an icon for racing.


    It would do if I followed your advice with the chip fat!!!

    I was thinking of trying Savlon – anybody got sny experience wih it? ….. Pete???


    Well I really think that this is awful news …. and you should all be utterly ashamed of yourselves for gloating.

    He has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment and THAT is his punishment. he should NOT have his human rights denied him by a bunch of criminals; and the prison warders have also got a lot of explaining to do as to how they allowed him to be abused in this dreadful manner.

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