Now come on you lot …. don’t be so quick to condemn!!! Ashley is living 24/7 in the media spotlight and anything and everything he does is the source of yet ANOTHER gutter press expose. Look … he’s only a footballer for Christ’s sake. He gets paid for kicking a ball around at weekends, that’s all.
It’s not as if he is a ‘world leader’ or something – and as for Cheryl. Can you REALLY blame him for indulging in the odd bit of rumpy-pumpy here and there? After all she’s not exactly the sort of female you’d settle down for a quiet evening in with, is she?
In between enhancing her career and prancing around TV studios & clubs etc, I’ll bet she spends her time in front of a mirror admiring her latest Gucci or Prada accessory – oh and bursting into tears at the drop of a hat.
Ashley is better off without all of them and he should raise two fingers and piss off to Spain or Italy where the females are much more ‘accomodating’.