ForumHostPB replied to the topic Guilty or Not Guilty in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
Well I think I’m living on Planet Decency – but in reality I guess I’m living on the edge of a drug infested sh*thole. Yes of course I realise that illegal drugs can be obtained relatively simply – if you really try. I just found myself wondering why the mother chose that particular method of killing her son.
Then I recalled an article written…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic SHOCK new cure for Heroin addiction. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
…….. or alternatively, infect all heroin with Anthrax and finish off the drug problem once and for all.
ForumHostPB replied to the topic What will you be doing on 6th May 2010? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
This is last week’s news minim – a “Government source” leaked May as the proposed date of the forthcoming election several days ago and the press has been full of it since.
Mind you the press is always full of it, eh?
If you can’t choose between one set of rogues and another set – vote for your local Monster Raving Looney candidate. At least you…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic SHOCK new cure for Heroin addiction. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
I thought the same minim – why kill off your customers AND (in marketing terms) undermine your product’s value and penetration into its marketplace.
Then I thought, hang on a minute – it’s just the Scots and Germans that are getting done with Anthrax riddled heroin. Maybe there is somebody out there who doesn’t just want to screw up heroin…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Goodbye to anothe UK business in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
I did hear on the radio that RBS, now largely owned by British taxpayers, lent US company Kraft money to mount the successful bid to take over Cadburys. Shocking!
Yes … absolutely shocking indeed. They should have stepped back and allowed another bank to lend the money to Kraft – that would have been the right thing to do eh?
ForumHostPB replied to the topic It’s Hammer-Time in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
@WooHoo wrote:
A woman is in jail after police say she forced her 12-year-old son to kill his pet hamster with a hammer as punishment for bad grades.
Well I think it is a really harsh punishment for getting bad grades. After all the hamster probably tried as hard as it could – it wasn’t its fault that it got bad grades. Surely it could have had…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Things that make you go grrrrrrr…….Mk 3 in the board Chat forum three boards 15 years, 1 month ago
Ungrateful people who complain when someone buys them a lunch that wasn’t to their entire satisfaction.
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Guilty or Not Guilty in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
@Velvet 1 wrote:
One question for you PB
Would you want to live like that ? I’m not saying she was right or wrong in what she did I’m just curious to know if you’d want to live in such a vegetative state.You sure pose a tough question Velvet.
The honest answer is, I don’t really know. Part of me says that I wouldn’t want to be like that for the…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Kspersky 2010 in the board Technical Q&A 15 years, 1 month ago
I had the identical experience when my daughter brought her memory stick home from school. A swift scan by Uncle K followed by bid red screens screaming “Infection found”.
GOTCHA !!!!!
There’s nothing more pleasurable than the slighlty smug and self-satisfied smile of a parent who can (on this occasion at any rate) seem to know more about IT…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Guilty or Not Guilty in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
On reading today’s follow up stories in the papers, it would appear that the son was totally ‘brain damaged’ and was incapable of doing anything other that blinking and perhaps moving a finger, or something like this.
To my mind, this begs the question around how on earth the mother could have “known” that her son was in unbelievable agony etc…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Guilty or Not Guilty in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
I can see that as a point of view – but of course the son wasn’t given that option. He was simply murdered by his mother because she “couldn’t bear to see him go on suffering”.
I wonder if her underlying reason was that she didn’t want to be burdened with him any more?
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Guilty or Not Guilty in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
There is one aspect of this whole sorry mess that puzzles me. Why choose heroin as a means of killing (or murdering) her son and how did she know where to get it?
It wasn’t the first time she’d tried to murder him by giving him an OD of heroin either.
I reckon that most people wouldn’t know where to buy the stuff (illegally) and wouldn’t use it…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Drink Up Scottie.. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
@minim wrote:
What happens to all the whisky then?
The Jocks donate it to local NHS hospitals to be used for disinfecting the toilets and sterilising surgical instruments.
The empty bottles are then returned so they can be used in street fights.
When the victim of a ‘bottling’ then gets taken to the local NHS hospital, the bogs are clean enough…[Read more]
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Kspersky 2010 in the board Technical Q&A 15 years, 1 month ago
@Bat wrote:
Well I installed that then. Managed to do it all by myself as well. :^o
“…all by myself as well” Really ????? Hmmmmmm !!!!!
ForumHostPB replied to the topic What A Load Of Bull.. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
I wonder what would have happened if it had been a man dressed as a bull! I doubt if he’d have been sent to prison.
He would have been if he’d said “Lick my bulls”
ForumHostPB replied to the topic RIP Otto in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
Poor Mrs Jones, Otto was her best Chum – but then he was sponsored by Pedigree Petfoods.
ForumHostPB replied to the topic If You Love PB in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
Blimey !!! That’s nice isn’t it??? So much for feeling ‘wanted’.
Now you all stop your whinging and pop off and buy a loverly “PB” bag – you know you want to!
BTW: The ‘model’ with the bag on her shoulder in piccy No 3 isn’t Mrs PB – sadly enough – but a chap can dream eh?
ForumHostPB replied to the topic What Celebrity gets on your ****? in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 1 month ago
Hannah Waterman????? Never heard of him !!!
ForumHostPB replied to the topic What A Load Of Bull.. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 1 month ago
You deserve a good tanning for that remark.
ForumHostPB replied to the topic One line answers to rhetorical questions #1 in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 1 month ago
@Velvet 1 wrote:
… but what do i know… i’m a mere woman
I take it that this is a rhetorical question ???
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