• ForumHostPB replied to the topic Ignoring posters in the board Getting serious 15 years ago

    Look, just because there’s nobody out there trying to get me doesn’t mean that I’m not paranoid OK?

    ………er………. I think.

  • ForumHostPB replied to the topic Murder ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years ago

    As with others, the whole thing with ‘legalised euthanasia’ and DNR (do not resucitate) instructions don’t sit well with me.It strikes me that the whole thing is like the thin edge of a particularly dangerous wedge.

    A rule that says that one has to use all means to keep a person from dying seems pretty straightforward to me. If they subsequently…[Read more]

  • @jen_jen wrote:

    this isn’t the thyme or plaice…

    A very sage post jen.

  • ForumHostPB replied to the topic Murder ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years ago

    I remain confused about ‘human euthanasia’. The more I read about it the more I’m drawn to the conclusion that people with ‘terminal’ illnesses don’t want to be prematurely killed. What they actually want is some sort of release from the pain or suffering involved in the illness.

    It seems to me that the issue is more about managing the end phase…[Read more]

  • ForumHostPB replied to the topic Changed Name in the board Chat forum three boards 15 years ago

    Why not combine them and go for “Welsh Cheeky” or “Welshy Cheek” or “Cheeky Chokey” or something?

    On second thoughts …. why change an assumed name at all???

    This is all so confusing – particularly as their other name is probably “Dobbin”

  • ForumHostPB replied to the topic Murder ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years ago

    A few points:

    Committing (or attempting to commit) suicide is no longer a criminal offence (Suicide Act 1967) BUT ‘aiding, abetting, counselling, or procuring’ an act of suicide is still illegal in the UK.

    Secondly, as for insurance policies – i.e. life insurance. As has been said, it entirely depends on the wording of the particualr life cover.…[Read more]

  • How about insisting that ALL containers of booze carry the warning:

    “Drink is the refreshment of the Devil” ( :twisted: )

    That would be bound to work eh? You could unite all the Churches as one and have regular hellfire & damnation sermons preached across the entire country ….. mind you they’d have to have the warning clearly stated on…[Read more]

  • @Pete wrote:

    Its racist for gods sake :lol:

    Look Pete – if he wants to accuse people of “rascism” that’s his dyslectic issue.

    I remember one of the original racists – Stirling Moss. He won so many races in his day that even now he is an icon for racing.

  • It would do if I followed your advice with the chip fat!!!

    I was thinking of trying Savlon – anybody got sny experience wih it? ….. Pete???

  • Well I really think that this is awful news …. and you should all be utterly ashamed of yourselves for gloating.

    He has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment and THAT is his punishment. he should NOT have his human rights denied him by a bunch of criminals; and the prison warders have also got a lot of explaining to do as to how they allowed…[Read more]

  • I suspect that annointing oneself with ‘chip fat’ – given its high temperature – might slightly interfere with its intended purpose!

    You’d probably end up playing ‘fry the sausage’ instead of ‘hide the sausage’.

  • It sure seems that way doesn’t it? Maybe I should change my preferred brand of lubricant.

  • Whilst I wouldn’t want to interrupt the flow of the argument – might I just slip in the fact that the incidents referred to in the last few posts involved the Metropolitan Police and not MI5, the Security Service.

    Perhaps a fresh thread could be started, slagging off the Police – this one is (initially) about MI5

  • Thank God I re-read the post. I thought it said “Vaseline” treasure. Phewwwww, that was a close one.

  • @Pete wrote:

    can you say “central thrust of my point” and “vaseline” in the same post ? :shock:

    Well at least somebody picked up on my intended irony !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • Leaving aside the above little ‘spat’ – it always sees totally unfair to me that the “human rights” of terrorist murderers (and ‘wannabe’ murderers) MUST be respected ….. but nobody gives a stuff about the “human rights” of the many victims of their murderous acts.

    Secondly, I’d much rather place my trust in the security services and rely on…[Read more]

  • ForumHostPB replied to the topic The Mayonnaise Jar in the board Off topic chat 15 years ago

    All very pink, fluffy, and heart warming stuff …..but …. as the “professor” was American he would undoubtedly have used two cans of America’s favourite drink – Cocal Cola.

    Pouring this into the “mayonnaise jar” would have caused the Coke to fizz up and pour all over his hands and the table in a ghastly sticky gritty mess.

    The moral of this…[Read more]

  • The “dreadful wailing” that you call Opera is mainly sung in Italian – which might go some way towards explaining why you find understanding it, somewhat challenging.

  • @peggy wrote:

    what un utter load of b*^%$£s !……….i hate to say it but id rather listen to the scat man !…..and just how old is pb to remeber the temprence seven ??? :shock:

    I’m a lot older than you might suspect – but we’re not ageist on these Boards are we??? …….ARE WE?????

    I remember the Temperance Seven primarily because I used to…[Read more]

  • Yes Florrie and this is the central thrust of my point really. There was hard evidence against Desai long ago, but he escaped the “Guilty” verdict in Court. However the Police disciplinary process should have been invoked against him – except (as Pete pointed out earlier) Desai played the ‘race card’ over and over again.

    Maybe he should now play…[Read more]

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