Forum Replies Created
14 September, 2015 at 7:00 pm #528392
@phong wrote:
My inability to comprehend and implement the neccessary protocols and procedures required for the correct deployment of chopsticks.
No one is allowed to eat Chinese or Thai in my house unless they can use chopsticks. I have a very large collection of them :)
13 September, 2015 at 5:11 pm #528818@Arc en wrote:
Check this out … bliddy funny :lol: :lol:
lol That cracked me up………… I was doggie sitting for a very sad old Irish Wolf Hound last night.
I took a bag of frozen chilli with me and whilst he was asleep put it out of the work top in a plastic container then went and sat in the garden.
He came out after a few minutes then suddenly rushed in the house and came back out with something in his mouth and dropped it front of me. I thought it was a toy and said oooooooh you want to play and went to pick it up and realised it was my bloody chilli ! lol
I couldn’t stop laughing, thankfully he hadn’t pierced the bag and I still ate it! :lol:
13 September, 2015 at 5:03 pm #528741@trapper wrote:
Is there someone “employed” to not post, but look for negative comments then report back, because very few post for ages, then one negative comment and posters appear from the ether to regurgitate bile ad nauseum
Some choose to post now and again because they ARE sick of the vile bile that’s as painful as a pile! :)
11 September, 2015 at 8:42 pm #528738@hecate wrote:
@laine wrote:
Don’t take it personally Rogue, they cannot help it, they call people attention seekers, ugly, fat, snob, posh, liars, murderers even, pull it around……… its projection.
some are so unhappy with their lives they need to hit out at others, to try to make others feel as bad as themselves. that way they don’t feel so bad. kind of……. Ha! ive upset someone now they know how it feels.some feel you owe them something, because of their sad lives, (erm, its a chatroom?)
they need to turn it off, look in a mirror and get some fresh air.i was recently accused of being jealous, maybe because they were? but i don’t do jealous, if someone wants to chat to me fine, i’ll chat to anyone, i don’t know anyone personally, and don’t have the need to know about them, they only know snippets about me, not how my life is now only some of my past, but it keeps the gossips happy.
which even then makes you realise just how sad they are huh?
think ive been called everything under the bright blazing yellow thing in here and in chat, but……. they don’t know me. do i care? no, there’s an off button.
do i care what names people use? nope, if people want to use different names no ones business except their own, and no one has the right to ask why. only thing is those who do it to “spy” (even made myself laugh then) to glean info on people to hit out at them. or to abuse others because oooooo its scary … cmon.. they need to grow up! most wont abuse unless a mate is in holding their hand or been rung or texted to give the latest. never felt the need to give my number to anyone. been called names for it, do i care? not a jot! its my number only people i want to have it will have it.
for the record, im not a drunk nor bi polar, i have never commited murder or harmed anyone, i didnt marry my husband for his money i already had my own. not that its anyones business but. whatever floats their raft i guess. being widowed isnt easy. but you have little choice but to get on with life. and i intend to live mine to its fullest before i toddle off this mortal plain, and if anyone thinks anything they say in a chatroom can “hurt” me….. i pity them. i have an off button too!Laine its not often iv seen you use that off button. I have watched you, wind people up and abuse people, in your own way constantly. I have watched you use your guide friends to further your own campaign to take control of the room every time you enter. I have seen you make friends with people, use them and turn on them for popularity. I have seen you cause situations which have ended in people that have been friends for years fall out.
You say that no one can say anything to hurt you, yet you moan constantly about people abusing you. You constantly abuse people who have problems with alcohol and suffer from bipolar. You have accused two people I know of for saying you have murdered your husband. You are the one saying you didn’t love your husbands, you are the one saying that you married your husband to care for him and that you did not love him. Your business may not be anyone’s business, yet you pipe it in to the chat room everyday. Furthermore everyone has problems, why would you say they have sad lives and they think people owe them something, while you yourself obviously feel you should have the respect of the people who chat.
You accuse people of being jealous of you, yet you set out to to try and make people jealous.
No one is jealous of you laine, infect I think most feel sorry for you.Everyone can see you buzzing like a bee round the regulars in jc. Pollinating, Planting seeds, making sure everyone understands you want to be the boss. Trying to alienate people who doesn’t agree with you. You are so very transparent. Perhaps be a bit more genuine and stop underestimating people. Then you might get that respect your after, instead of the ungenuine , fawning that some give you.
It’s a funny thing Hecate but Laine is no different to many other chatters in that she comes across as a boasting attention seeking know it all.
She made the mistake of so many others in that she befriended someone with many issues who turned on her in a vile way. She is not the only one to have suffered a backlash from them but in her defence she has not been sneaky.
Because she has the b alls to continue to chat and I have to say there are times she doesn’t do herself any favours, she still soldiers on because like hundreds of others she enjoys chat!
You all seem to think she is different and target her, she’s not! There have been people like her from the year dot.She doesn’t back down, she doesn’t flounce , she doesn’t bend to people who abuse her so therefore in many of your eyes she is a problem and someone many of you quite enjoy abusing. In fairness lots of you enjoy abusing certain people you have a ‘thing’ about and I can only deduce from that, is that you have serious lack in your real lives which although that is quite normal it’s not fair to inflict it upon people who want to have an enjoyable chat!
What many of you forget is that she is not the first person you have all turned on and seemingly enjoy ridiculing and venting your anger on!I find it so sad that so many of you hide behind a screen to take up all that energy to be so biatchy to what end?
I am using Laine as an example and I really do apologise for that. She is not friendly with any of the Guides, she is not ‘my’ friend. She would be the first to tell you how I have been honest with her and told her how best to deal with what has gone on, as I or any other Guide would tell her. She is aware I have booted her and will always do so when I see fit as will any other Guide!
It’s such a shame that over the years so many of you can’t move on from the mindset that someone who is different to what you would like them to be can’t be ignored and has to be targeted to make you feel better about yourself.
As much as you can all hide behind any name you wish, your vile abuse and cowardliness is something you have to live with.
Hope you sleep well.
28 July, 2015 at 7:52 pm #526901@trapper wrote:
Isn’t it the guides jobs to be impartial and not use barbed sarcasm ?
Oops I forgot.
28 July, 2015 at 7:46 pm #527162@rogue trader wrote:
back just took our arch out
yeh i did ld yeh but im prone to fits of piques
im a highly strung geezerI trained in Indian head massage you know, do you want one?
28 July, 2015 at 7:44 pm #526899@trapper wrote:
But isnt it the guides jobs to remove the wind up merchants ?
Well unless your completely thick trapper you know as well as I do you can’t remove them for long!
28 July, 2015 at 7:40 pm #527160@rogue trader wrote:
ERM how come claire is ungagged ld and not me ?
and dont lie ive been watching you for an hour
you sad sack.But you said you were leaving?
28 July, 2015 at 7:38 pm #526897@gemma1969 wrote:
Sorry to hear you are upset Moons.
None of us are angels and I am as guilty as the rest of being unfair and a gobshyte at times and you and I have had our moments but do agree that you are being goaded. I have kept my mouth shut now for quite a while apart from calling Kenty and Laine a pair of witches as they were….goading! Maybe harsh especially to Kenty, and I can be a witch myself! (toad turning to follow!) But whether she knows she is doing it……or not…..she does goad. Like someone mentioned on the other thread try not to bite ( I know I did and regretted lowering myself to the sweetie level ). After watching 3 chatters being called the raggedy 3 by Laine the other day (and to be fair to the guide in who questioned what this meant) I do feel that Laine uses this apparent abuse to enable her victim status further.
I used to iggy on sight, then decided as an adult I could be in a room and say nothing to those I didnt wish to converse with…..then learnt I couldn’t when pushed!! Try not ta take it to heart Moons! It’s someone with their own issues, like we all do…..making themselves known!
Be Happy hun! enjoy the chatters that you get on with and try to ignore the ones that feel the need to bring you down for their own gain!
You are absolutely right on many points Gemma, however, you can only judge on what you see at the time you are chatting, as all of us guides can. You will not have seen this morning how moons started on mr pat for no reason whatsoever. It was cruel, it was unnecessary and it was way out of order and therefore deserved a banning and most of you would be the first to complain if she was allowed to continue with it. That wasn’t an isolated incident, it often happens.
Yes you are as guilty as Kenty and Laine of annoying people simply because of how you are as I am and many others but if any of us let it get to us then our chat life would be over wouldn’t it?
As you said it’s time be grown up about it and enjoy the chat and ignore those that tend to wind you up. It is after all only a chatroom and I simply can’t understand why people take up so much energy getting so upset about people they can simply put on ignore and have no contact with.
It never ceases to amaze me the imagination you all have about who is gagged or banned and the reasons or none reasons for this. As for the name changers, I will reveal to you now that NS and I have quite a giggle about how some of you think you know who they are when in reality you are way off the mark.
28 July, 2015 at 6:55 pm #526895@rogue trader wrote:
claire you do realised we are fckd when rosie gets back from shopping
with her suet batter mixGod I really fancy a suet treacle pudding now with custard like my mum used to make with whipped evaporated milk.