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  • #1122311

    Of course LD , should Badders name ever get banned she may have to pay like all the other idiots :whistle:

    Idiots? How kind you are mooosey.


    I feel quite hurt I’ve only had six reset requests so far!  :wacko:

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    Same here!


    Just to say as many of you know NS was staying with me last week and on the Friday evening when we were due to go to a local Thai for a blow out, we were both inundated with messages via different mediums and phone calls complaining about the low life, uneducated, jealous, vicious, despicable, vile Scorpion.

    Many of these communications were from some quite surprising sources and every single one of them didn’t believe a word of the rumour that this disgusting person was spouting about.

    In the end we decided to cancel the meal out and go for a buffet on the Sunday lunch time instead. (I love a buffet)!

    I’ve no idea what this childish person was hoping to achieve but it’s completed back fired on them making them look like the dolt with issues they are. I can honestly say I’ve never had so many people so revolted at a board post.  Many have accused single people and permutations of people.  I have no idea who it is but for their own sake hope they seek professional help in the very near future.

    NS and I did not enjoy our Sunday buffet because as we arrived at the restaurant there was no buffet!  It came to pass that I had mistakenly booked a Thai Buffet Lunch at a restaurant in Surrey two hours away by mistake, however we did enjoy our set meal for two with extra tempura prawns!

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    Well Morg needs a new party trick, the shock value ended months ago, and it’s just boring people now, I’d be shocked if I found out he could read a book ! But there you go , nowt as strange as folk !!

    No doubt there’s a big fat target on my bottom now and I’ll be a puppy murderer who drinks 23 bottles of taboo a day whilst paying some poor sod to roll me over in bed and hose down my massive 42 stone body at the same time as squashing cockroaches in my bed sit that stinks of poo and rats gnaw at my dentures !!! etc etc At least he has some form of imagination !!! Or maybe that’s his normal type ??!!! I’d run if I wasn’t too fat and hideous !!!

    🥴😂 🍞🥯🥐🍗🍖🍕🍟🍔🍜🍣🥟🍰🧁🥧🍦🍩🍪🍿 🛌👨🏻‍🏭🚒 🦷🐀

    I can hear that keyboard banging already , screen splashed with furious spittle !!

    sleep well everybody. I will !! 😁 Zzzzzzzzzzz


    I was more shocked to find out he’s actually over 17 he’s 40 odd, now that is a shocker ( perhaps I  should pay more attention).  As for reading a book, never going to happen!

    I’ve no idea what taboo is but I’ll look out for it in Aldi next time I pop in.

    2 members liked this post.

    @blossom. wrote:

    This place is a joke – and so are many who frequent it.

    Apparently they have nothing better to do with their lives.

    So why do you choose to join them time and time again?


    @boojangle wrote:

    And a few more…. (I really need to get out more!!! As in…. beyond the garage lol)

    Do some craft fairs before Christmas people will buy them in droves !


    @Arc en wrote:

    What do we think of it so far ???

    Some really strong auditions especially from abroad – so it might get interesting as the weeks go by.

    I don’t like the mix on the judges …. Rita Ora is the weak link but that’s just my opinion.

    I think there are some really singers this year so far but I’m a sucker for the hard luck stories and bawl my eyes out at so many!

    I’m looking forward to boot camp to sort a few out and will judge them after that.


    @somer1 wrote:

    This place is beginning to make fun of me off!!!! When i log in and see mates taking Hot Chocolate i can no longer stand back and watch.Its a make fun of chat room not a slagging site.For make fun of sake grow up!!!



    @rogue trader wrote:

    seriously,some people in chat
    do you think we are idiots?
    i just dont get it do you?,youve got married men,married women coming in,oh im only here for the chat,are you spherical objects
    theres gotta be a reason you are here
    im single ,but i swear ive never ever in all the years ive been here chatted anybody up
    its not the place
    yet you get all the johnny come latelys giving it large
    i thought it was a chat site not a knocking shop
    if you wanted chat theres 1000s of sites,so why do it here
    discuss please?

    No one ever chats me up and for the life of me I can’t think why?

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