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    Literally sent into there, there’s two guests and yet one still spammed the room. Then they have the audacity to complain about guides banning? They’ve got rid of more guests in the same time frame than guides have combined. If it is a paid bunch for another site, well I look forward to those sites crashing and burning. They’ll have all our spammers with them there soon.

    Those evil guides banning abusers, spammers and bullies, flog them I say flog them !

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    Did you see Joey Essex’s gravy on Master Chef last night now that WAS thick !

    Now I’m doubting myself could have been someone else lol

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    Did you see Joey Essex’s gravy on Master Chef last night now that WAS thick !


    What are they ? :unsure:

    People who dip their crisps or crudites after biting on it then dip it back in again. It makes me want to boke! I mean who would want to share saliva with a stranger at a buffet! ewwww

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    Double dippers! ewwwwwww


    To only pick three is quite cruel!

    Thai red curry
    Thai green curry
    Pak Choy
    Chilli con carne and Rice
    Poached Eggs on toast with ground white pepper and salt.(runny egg naturally)
    Chicken Chow mein with chinese curry sauce.
    Chicken Madras with saag aloo and plain naan (every Friday night).

    A big bowl of comforting pasta of any kind with a sprinkling of capers and parmesan and lots and lots of basil leaves and freshly ground black pepper.

    A Greek Meze
    Slow Roasted Lamb stuffed with whole garlic cloves and sprigs of Rosemary.

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    A couple of days later the doc rang to say the biopsy was negative but he knew it was cancer and he could fit me in the next day for an X Ray directed biopsy.
    I had to be clamped into the mammogram machine with an extra squeezy tool and he came at me with what can only be described as a staple gun apparently it would shoot a needle right into the tumour to get a more accurate result. Cachung, Cachung, Cachung! My knees went weak, I felt sick and faint!

    I went back a week later for the definite results. A cancer nurse was with the surgeon and as soon as I saw her I knew what the news would be. After the consultation she took me to another room and explained all that would happen.

    I still couldn’t tell a soul due to the forth coming party and when I have something serious to deal with I always go into myself and can’t talk about it to anyone. I used to wake up in the mornings feeling absolutely fine but then it was like a hammer had hit me in the chest once I’d remembered I shouldn’t feel fine because I had Cancer! The only person I could tell was my boss cause I thought she might wonder where I was nipping off to lol

    Three weeks later as I was being prepared for the surgery a lovely young nurse took me to a ward and was telling me she was actually leaving that day due to the stress and long hours. She nipped off at one point and while she was gone I decided that I had to tell her a little secret I was keeping.

    In a slightly whimpering voice I said “Can I tell you something”? “Of course you can” she replied.
    “Well the thing is I’ve got a batholin cyst, I’ve had it for over a month and my GP gave me antibiotics hoping it would clear up but it’s agony when I walk and grown bigger and bigger and I wondered if the surgeon could whip it off whilst I’m under the anesthetic you know like two for the price of one”! I’d put it to the back of mind at the time as one lump was enough to deal with but realised at the last minute that it wasn’t going to go away and I’d have probably have to be put under again at another time.

    She had a little giggle and said she would go and see what she could do. Within 10 minutes the Indian surgeon who was doing my op came bounding in saying “Oh my darling why didn’t you bloody tell us my bloody wife is a gynecologist and the bloody gynecology ward is the furthest department away from here”! God I felt such a bother but he was so funny and sent a couple of student doctors to prod my fanny and they said they would be able to remove the cyst at the same time and would I mind if they kept it for research. I didn’t want it back did I? so agreed.

    They put the operation back an hour but that was ok as I was very grateful to be getting rid of both lumps.

    The op went well I’d only got a small cut in my breast and this horrible drain thing dangling out of it with a bag attached to it to collect fluid. Had to walk around with that for a few days and hid the fluid bag in a Tammy Girl purple carrier bag someone had given me with some maltezers and a magazine in. There was little pain but as they had to cut through a nerve in my arm that was a bit stiff. They had packed my fanny with some kind of dressing which was a bit bulky but don’t think there were any stitches. I didn’t look so I’ve no idea and frankly I didn’t want to know.

    After a few days a nurse came round with this ‘Special Kit’ saying oh that’s a treat for you later.
    Confused I asked her what it was and she explained it was an MRSA testing kit which comprised of two or three huge long Qtips that had to be applied to different orifices. Flipping charming I thought!

    Then it dawned on me that this old lady three beds away had contracted MRSA and had to be moved out of the ward to an isolation one. I was horrified because I was wondering if she had used the same bath that I’d sat in with my fanny wound! It had a bad effect on me and for two years after that I was OCD about my own bath constantly cleaning it even when it was spotless !

    They said I could go home after a week as long there was someone there to look after me. I lied and said there was. All I wanted was my own bed and to be alone away from all that clinking and clanging and people shouting through the night.

    The first morning home I felt so happy to be free and went out to the back garden and racked up all the fallen leaves of course I was sore and black and blue but I didn’t care. It was a beautiful autumn morning and I felt so grateful and lucky to have had such good care.

    Unfortunately later it all kinda went tits up (pun intended).
    To be continued ………

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    Try Vagisan Forum along with Estrogen and some diazepam, it works a treat.

    Dear god I think it would be mental to give school girls lessons on the menopause when they have to get to terms with tampons, boys and all those other yukky things!  Last year I had to support a child in Sex Ed who found  it excruciating to deal with erections and diagrams of the human body!  He had to be taken out of the lesson and given water !


    Now whereas I think Sex Ed is a good thing I think there is a limit and once teenagers grow spots and hair in places they don’t want to see hair they have to deal with it .  But something like the menopause and a mid life crisis is something we can put on hold for them at a later date surely?

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    No need to be cruel.

    In my family you dont go through the change until well into your 50s.

    its no excuse for belittling a woman and making them feel bad.

    In fact my own sister is currently being forced to go through menopause medically cos shes 54 and her body just wont stop releasing eggs. Her fertility and her not getting pregnant and not going through the menopause is apparently dangerous to her health?

    why is it dangerous to be fertile and be able to get pregnant if your body can allow it to happen?

    surely your body knows?

    why is she being told that she should not be so fertile at 54? why is that such a crime if its what nature is saying is ok?

    she has gone through all the tests and fertility and she is 54 and she is fertile and can have more kids and her eggs are fine, they tested her eggs!!! do NOT believe all this crap about being over 40 and NEVER getting pregnant – internet lies.

    It is not unusual for the menopause to kick in when you are in your 50s…

    Not sure about all the other stuff and concerns re being fertile are all about….don’t quite get it…the later you start menopause the better it is for your body…once you start the menopause you will suffer many different symptoms and its very important to take calcium, magnesium and B complex supplements

    I will be a sufferer now for 6 years in October…..yes 6 years!! remember having an exchange with a chatter about the menopause years ago and this particular chatter said she had been suffering for 10 years…I was gobsmacked…but still thought when I start surely it wont last that long….well im not far off :wacko: …another friend of mine suffered 11 years…then had breast cancer…and the chemo threw her into menopause again!!….good news is she is in the clear and the symptoms disappeared after her chemo finished

    So…on from my symptoms…..I would never take HRT unless it was absolutely necessary and I had considered and tried all other options….other options for me are mainly Herbal…so for 2 years I tool Black Kohsh….absolutely fantastic….although I was getting physical symptoms emotionally I was affected at all….I stopped taking it when I thought I was through it…I had no symptoms of anything for about 3 months so I stopped taking the Black Kohsh….then boom! all the symptoms come flooding back with about 10 new ones and worse than before….yes that does happen!…when you think its gone…it comes back with another exciting addition….but I decided not to take anything for it and just ride it out…barr the bone supplements

    I have heard it said that if you take HRT all you are doing is suppressing the symptoms….so eventually when you come off it they will kick in anyway

    Menopause is different for every woman and there are literally hundreds of symptoms

    The menopause was forced upon me having to take Tamoxifen at 47. Didn’t bother me at all until two years later when they thought my ovarian cysts could be cancer.  This gorgeous tall handsome African gynecologist couldn’t wait to rip them out ( he expressed he would like to keep them for medical science and I complied lol)  and said “Oh how are you going to cope with much more serious symptoms of the menopause”? Oh get lost I thought I’m wellard!

    Two weeks after key hole surgery once I’d stop screaming nightly with the referred pain in my shoulders Booooooooooom the mega hot flushes started!  He was very into herbal remedies and recommended Black Kohsh which I took for two months which I found quite pricey and didn’t work for me.  I went cold turkey and had lots of different symptoms for 10 years the main one being extreme hot flushes but I used that to my advantage in that it saved me a bloody fortune on heating!

    One of my besties is a Sexual Health Expert and she’s used to very hot Hospitals, she’d come round at least once a month for supper and until she’d satisfied my curiosity about the whys and wherefores about vaginal warts and other sexual diseases I wouldn’t turn on the heating, then I’d whack it up to full belt!

    The one thing that stuck in my mind was that I overheard an emanate head surgeon talking to another cancer patient “ Please promise me you will never take HRT”!


    They never offered it to me because they couldn’t but I’ve known so many who swears by it.

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    Do NOT type to or about me in here LD.

    Just to let you know if you apply for an ESOL night course now I’m pretty sure you’ll get on one for September at your local college.

    This one I feel would be just about meet your needs:-


    Beginners part 1, entry level

    A follow-on from the taster course for complete beginners. Learn practical phrases that can help you with shopping, finding your way around, the time and booking accommodation.





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