Forum Replies Created
15 January, 2009 at 6:15 pm #389151
congratulations Chessykins.
your a little star, and well done to your team. :wink:
C’mon the Jedi’s let’s kill em all next week. :D
GM xx
13 January, 2009 at 9:07 pm #389037.
Congratulations to the new team captains Chess and Yoda, im sure you will both
do very well. however, i apologies to Yoda and the team members in advance, as my presence in the quiz team wll be very minimal. this is related to work and family priorities.all the best to both teams. and dont forget to start thinking up some new names
for your teams.have fun everyone.
ForumHostGM. xxxx
12 January, 2009 at 9:27 pm #389017Voted. :wink:
8 January, 2009 at 9:00 pm #388462@Rosepetal wrote:
@forumhostpb wrote:
When I read the thread title, I thought that GM was referring to an item of her underwear.
It now seems that I might have been mistaken.
I did hear she was last seen legging it down to the offy in this!
ooooo i say, that would keep my tits warm that would. where can i buy one? :wink:
5 January, 2009 at 9:37 pm #388408@forumhostpb wrote:
….and there you have it Sarah. Dawny is alive and still with us (if she feels like it) or not as the case may be.
BTW: Hello Dawny from me as well.
As for ‘bon bon’ – anybody seen hide or hair of her recently???
found and located in forum three. :wink:
17 December, 2008 at 7:56 pm #387908Hello everyone. xxxxx
have you all recovered from last night? :lol:
on behalf of ForumHostCL, ChatGuideAC, (arron) and myself, we would like to say
a massive thank you to everyone who took part in our charity quiz last night.we are so touched and so very proud of all our quiz participants, without you guys
this would never have been possible. so well done to you all. and please, be happy
in the knowledge, you have made this christmas, a very special one for kids with cancer.all the money raised last night will be going towards an extra little christmas present
for children with end stage cancer.CL and i , were so overwhelmed by your contributions, be it by texting, phoning,
or sending in shouts. however, the best part was when ruby and sgt pepper sang the xmas duet live on the radio. CL and i were crying it was just so lovely.well done to you both =D> you were amazing.
a big big thank you to all the people who showed true courage by picking up
the phone and taking part in the quizzes over these past were all amazing, and we cannot thank you enough.
a special heartfelt thank you to ChatHostUK (martin) for making a donation
of £100. well done Martin your generosity is to be admired. and a big thank you to
ForumHostPB for his support in the quiz last night.thank you to both the team captains PAT and Poet you have been superb through out
each quiz. and we take this opportunity to wish PAT and fastcars all the very best with
their new site.SO……… on that note……… from all the staff here at JC we wish you all a very merry
and peaceful christmas.good luck to everyone in 2009.
god bless you all.
CL & GM. xxxxxxxxxxxx
6 December, 2008 at 11:32 am #387710@chess wrote:
=GRANDMA GOT RUN OVER BY A REINDEER makes me laugh everytime i hear it
Two of my faves would have to be
Chess, every time i hear that song “OH HOLY NIGHT” it brings tears to my eyes, for me, this song is, by far, the most beautiful xmas song.
ive just listened to it with my ears phones on and the volume up very loud, i have goose bumps all over me.
it definately requires someone with a very powerful voice to sing it, such as celine Dion.
ForumHostCL also has a very powerful voice, i would love to hear her singing that song on the xmas radio quiz.
legs it. >>>>>>>
21 November, 2008 at 6:26 pm #387259He who fights and runs away,
shall live to fight another day.but he who stays to take a chance,
get’s carted off in an amublance.GM. :wink:
21 November, 2008 at 6:17 pm #143411Thank Crunchie it’s Friday. :wink:
more Chocolate. :D
20 November, 2008 at 7:53 pm #386854It’s just too painful for words.
R. I. P. little one.