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  • #390870

    you have less??



    Esme darling.

    stop being a Diva it doesnt suit you. :wink:
    GM. xx


    Hi Folks. xxxx

    Thank you all for your help and support on last night’s quiz, i couldnt have won it without you, it was great to see you all in good spirits and having a great time,

    as you are all aware that was the last one for a few weeks, as arron is getting married on saturday.

    we take this opportunity to wish him and his future wife all the very best that life can offer them both.

    Thank you arron for all your hard work over these past months the quizzes have been
    fantastic and have really brought the Just Chat communities together.

    take care and have a lovely day on saturday.

    god bless you both.

    lot’s of love.
    GM. xxxx


    Hi Folks xxxx

    Last night’s quiz was brilliant, and well done to you all, poet was superb and as always, a true gentleman, everyone was in good spirits and the after quiz banter was even better.

    keep up the hard work everyone, what a clever bunch you are, you are, what a clever
    bunch you are. :wink:

    love. GM. xx


    No Worries Yoda,

    i will be present as a team member anyway hun.

    thanks for replying,

    GM. xxx


    my best frined constantly moans about the recession, so much so, that,
    she had a go at me last week for doing my food shop at marks and spencers.

    then………… she went out to have her hair done, and promptly paid £85 without even
    blinking. :twisted:


    i have failed at my attempt to stop smoking i’m afraid, much to my disgust.

    however, i have re-joined my yoga and tai-chi classes, i have always eaten healthily
    and my weight is on target for my age and height.

    i just need to battle my nicotine addiction more. :evil:

    GM xxx


    Hi Yoda,

    apologies for my absence in the team, however, i shall be present
    on monday night i am off work the next day, yayyyyy!

    so, if your stuck for someone to phone in, im available.

    GM. xx


    Congratulations Dawny.

    big hugs.

    GM. xx


    Congratulations Yoda on leading your team last night, you did well.

    big thank you to the phone in contestants (even tho CL is still an old crow) :wink:

    good luck for next week guys. :wink:

    GM xxx

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