Forum Replies Created
19 August, 2008 at 2:04 pm #166127
Tuna crunch sandwich Mmmm :D
18 August, 2008 at 11:51 pm #166123insomnia :evil:
17 August, 2008 at 11:26 pm #364619just be yourself, that should do it.
17 August, 2008 at 11:14 am #364376i love it!! :D
those two guys had me in tears laughing, “come on move ya body”
and the shocked looks on their faces at being rejected :shock:
loved it when simon’s huge body guard pushed them outside.
hee hee hee! :D
3 August, 2008 at 1:35 pm #359434well i would…………..
nip round to PATS house, steal her vest and put it up for sale on Ebay.
go to sunny’s and say…….”how you doinnnn”
run round to Bat’s house and smoke her out, cut her bat wings off
and stick them on her volvo, (instant bat mobile) :wink:go to PB’s house and spray paint in big giant letters GEOFF WAZ ERE!
go to geoff’s house and spray paint in big giant letters PB WAZ ERE TOO!
nip over to see chessy kins, have a nice irish coffee sing a few rebel songs
and erase her memory of sheila’s wheels.go to caffs house for one of her famous hugglesssssss.
break into doa’s house and remove all the font colour and font size from his pc
(that would confuse him for sure) :D:lol: :lol: :lol:
3 August, 2008 at 1:05 pm #359496@minim wrote:
I am astonished that they haven’t offered him a job!
If he found it that easy to hack into their systems, he would be ideal to prevent other hackers. Stupid Americans obviously haven’t thought this through.
I agree with this suggestion, makes more sense for them to employ the guy
to prevent this from happening again.serves them right for being so lax with their security in the first place.
did he ever find elvis? :wink:
20 July, 2008 at 1:25 pm #355618Hello luverly caff. xxxx :wink:
14 June, 2008 at 6:56 pm #348008well i’m still traumatised over the last funeral we had :shock:
it went a bit like this………….
Pat’s led the mourners (professional ones by the way) to the crematorium
but didnt crack on that she had a few sherries before she got there,it was only when i saw her winking :wink: at the minister i knew she had been
at the bottle.meanwhile…….. sunny had her walkman plugged into her ears sneakily listening
to the footie as we sang abide with me :shock: then…….. as the coffin slowly
slipped away sunny jumped up and yelled GET IN THERE! i almost died with my legs up
but soon composed myself when i realised that she was reffering to the goal just scored by birmingham.i tell ya, i was mortified :oops:
14 June, 2008 at 6:17 pm #347992Pat’s does this mean we have to get our best gear on?
14 June, 2008 at 6:12 pm #347989@pats wrote:
would just like to state page was NOT a forum 3 member. i had never heard of her till i got slung into the lobby (as u do when u sign in nowadays :evil: )and i was mesmerised at the amount of people leaving cos they couldnt see their keyboards fa crying. so like u do i asked wat was up :D was then told someone had just posted their last message as they were expected to die that night sometime. so after sayin i was sorry i tootled into forum3.
fa some reason a load of lobby users then came in to spread the bad news. about this time sunny was just threatening to kick some coonts ba/lls into the back of his throat cos he dissed birmingham [-X amongst the usual hilarity sunnys comments always cause.a lady known as blonde55 laid into sunny fa enjoying herself whilst someone was at deaths door.this as you can imagine caused a near riot. weapons were handed out…..insults exchanged..memories of other long departed users reminiced over…..and general mayhem reigned until said lobby user who started this slunk off.
hope this clears the confusion up. 8)i almost choked on my coffee then :lol: