tinks replied to the topic Insomnia in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 8 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
Try Panadol Night. i found it highly effective with no sluggish feeling the next day.
have made a note of that tyvm :D
thin ice replied to the topic just to let you all know…. in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 3 months ago
@panda12 wrote:
@thin ice wrote:
@ForumHostGM wrote:
@thin ice wrote:
is there any relevance to this thread
it dont matter where gm is
its the world wide web :wink:yes it is the world wide web my dear!
and maybe you should try exploring a bit more yourself and expand your narrow mind
a bit more.dont you just love a biter :wink:
Depends where…
panda12 replied to the topic just to let you all know…. in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 3 months ago
@thin ice wrote:
@ForumHostGM wrote:
@thin ice wrote:
is there any relevance to this thread
it dont matter where gm is
its the world wide web :wink:yes it is the world wide web my dear!
and maybe you should try exploring a bit more yourself and expand your narrow mind
a bit more.dont you just love a biter :wink:
Depends where they bite.
HostMO replied to the topic just to let you all know…. in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 3 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
im going home for xmas yayyyyy!
i shall be leaving sunny Saudi Arabia for the snowy UK
cant wait to ditch my abaya and wear my own clothes
and listen to the music playing in the shops, the hustle and bustle of xmas shopping
being with my family and friends and full of xmas spirit, (of the drinking kind)
not having to speak… -
ForumHostGM replied to the topic just to let you all know…. in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 3 months ago
@cath 55 wrote:
@ForumHostGM wrote:
im going home for xmas yayyyyy!
i shall be leaving sunny Saudi Arabia for the snowy UK
cant wait to ditch my abaya and wear my own clothes
and listen to the music playing in the shops, the hustle and bustle of xmas shopping
being with my family and friends and full of xmas spirit, (of the drinking kind)
not… -
cath 55 replied to the topic just to let you all know…. in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 3 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
im going home for xmas yayyyyy!
i shall be leaving sunny Saudi Arabia for the snowy UK
cant wait to ditch my abaya and wear my own clothes
and listen to the music playing in the shops, the hustle and bustle of xmas shopping
being with my family and friends and full of xmas spirit, (of the drinking kind)
not having to speak… -
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Kindle anyone? in the board Technical Q&A 14 years, 5 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
well i suppose its a bit like when the mother board in your computer has a meltdown
what do you do then?Er …. I would pick up a library book and carry on reading it.
BTW: MY computer is German and was made by Maxdata GmbH (in liquidation) and like other German stuff it is not allowed to breakdown – so the possibility doesn’t arise.
Rosepetal replied to the topic Of Course I hugged it…… in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 7 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
awwww never fear Rosepetal,
im sure it will make great A4 size paper! :D
So cruel when I’m enveloped in so much sadness! :shock:
Cas replied to the topic G M i am here where are you? in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 6 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
@Cas wrote:
@ForumHostGM wrote:
I’m in such high demand these days Cas, i simply cannot
find the time to answer all these questions, what’s a girl to do?Hmmmm let me think :idea:
maybe i should take on a secretary, preferably one who is
1) non confrontational
2) not argumentative
3) non agressive
4) can…
Melody replied to the topic G M i am here where are you? in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 6 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
oooo pete, norty norty, mocking the afflicted.
Melody…. when can you start?
Depends on the terms of the contract.. :D
Cas replied to the topic G M i am here where are you? in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 6 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
I’m in such high demand these days Cas, i simply cannot
find the time to answer all these questions, what’s a girl to do?Hmmmm let me think :idea:
maybe i should take on a secretary, preferably one who is
1) non confrontational
2) not argumentative
3) non agressive
4) can help make a difference…
Melody replied to the topic G M i am here where are you? in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 6 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
I’m in such high demand these days Cas, i simply cannot
find the time to answer all these questions, what’s a girl to do?Hmmmm let me think :idea:
maybe i should take on a secretary, preferably one who is
1) non confrontational
2) not argumentative
3) non agressive
4) can help make a difference…
thin ice replied to the topic Happy Birthday JL august. in the board Chat forum three boards 15 years, 6 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
Happy Birthday Dear JL-August
sorry it’s a bit late ive been very busy with my legal team. :Doh i say gm is there a clue there to who has banned him
ForumHostPB replied to the topic What will you have in your pancakes on Tuesday in the board Chat forum two boards 16 years ago
cath 55 replied to the topic Jade Goody in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
In one of the news paper photo’s of her today, i noticed that she was sucking
on an ACTIQ lollipop.these lollipops are given to patients who are in extreme pain, they are soaked in 400mcg
of a drug called fentanyl, this drug is 80 times more potent than morphine and is also offered to post op patients who have under gone major… -
ForumHostPB replied to the topic New Year Resolutions…… broken yet? in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
…. I have failed at my attempt to stop smoking ……
GM xxx
This is a typically tight-arsed Jock excuse for a New Year’s resolution. They’d do anything to avoid paying taxes – particularly taxes that go to the English!!!
No … you keep on smoking 80 a day and paying all that lovely tax to us lot down south.
blackkettle replied to the topic Roll on…………… in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years, 2 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
@Rosepetal wrote:
@ForumHostPB wrote:
When I read the thread title, I thought that GM was referring to an item of her underwear.
It now seems that I might have been mistaken.
I did hear she was last seen legging it down to the offy in this!
wonders if they still make all in 1’s
ooooo i say, that would keep my…
Rosepetal replied to the topic Roll on…………… in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years, 2 months ago
@ForumHostGM wrote:
The summer, light nights, light mornings, and the sun on your face, i hate this effing cold weather.
Yep I’m sick of huge gas bills, icy roads, layers of clothes and defrosting the sodding bird bath, most of all I want warm TOES!!!!!!!!!!!!
ForumHostPB replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the board Chat forum one boards 16 years, 3 months ago
Esmeralda replied to the topic i would just like too in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 5 months ago
@PATS wrote:
@ForumHostGM wrote:
you are soooooooo dead on wednesday night.
we gonna kill the lot of ya :twisted:
pats playthings…….the WINNERS! ave bin abused summet chronic all week over this………….just cos we the good lookin side an not the eggheads…..well we kicked ur sorry butts…an me an the girls…
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