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  • #165504

    Myrmidon or maybe skulduggery, can’t decide, possibly even stulify (or maybe not, applicable to too many people on this site… only joking)


    There’s no need to take it so personally, it’s just a bit of fun after all :lol:


    Wow, this seems to be getting out of control (as per usual).


    Why do they have the phrase ‘blind as a bat’ when bats aren’t actually blind?

    you know the phrase ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ would that be true if someone threw a dictionary at you?

    Why the hell does the chicken keep wanting to cross the road?

    what is zero to the power of zero?

    is a slug just a homeless snail?


    Dust of Snow

    The way a crow
    Shook down on me
    The dust of snow
    From a hemlock tree

    Has given my heart
    A change of mood
    And saved some part
    Of a day I had rued.

    Robert Frost


    Hope, that brief flicker in the dark
    viewed by imperfect and unworthy eyes
    uncorruptable in essense, unachievable in practice
    taunting humanity with its blind faith

    the weight of original sin, our eternal atonement
    we stand and watch as our heroes die in vain
    protecting a cause for which they are refused a release
    victims of honour, truth and justice
    just words in the cold light of day
    hollow and without value


    I wish that I had more time to sit back and contemplate the finer things in life


    Marvellous, wonderful, spectacular…mere words fail miserably to sing your full praises…But I can still try to encapsulate and condense, refine and commence once more my enjoyment of your piece and my fondest hope that you will grace us in the (near) future with possibly another soulful look at life in its convoluted course of self realisation, perhaps =D> =D> =D>


    Wow that’s definately something I’m planning to miss this year, rom coms make me sick due to the fact that they are unrealistic in their optimism, IRL people don’t act anything like the characters portrayed in the films. this in itself could be redeemed except for the simple fact that romantic comedies are Never Funny so they expect us to become interested in something which is neither engaging or, well engaging (bad grammar I know, but I really don’t like rom coms end of story). kudos to you if against all common sense and reasonability you actually enjoy this sort of crud but it’s just not my cup of tea as it were, so deal with it…
    Reading this again I am ashamed to realise that it makes me look like a complete a5s hole, so sorry or something (though really I don’y know why I’m apologising, I really don’t like rom-coms)


    prepare to be disappointed, or maybe not. just be yourself and spontaneous, and if that doesn’t work then nothing ever will. you just have to be unequivocally, unabashedly and uniquely you and as long as you can say that you have then that’s all that matters.

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