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  • #332336

    one would be of a mind to put a moratorium upon Rainbowbrite from this thread for failing to note the parenthesis which had suggested that any off topic remarks would not be *ahem* appreciated to say the least



    It quite likely that the bout of flatulence might have been caused by muscular spasm in the lower part of the digestive system





    and there was me thinking that underestimate was one word :roll:

    How long on average, do you think ugo has spent claiming that he’s leaving?


    May I suggest against setting traps or poisons for two valid reason
    1) most rodents (especially rats) are neophobes and would be extremely wary of any recent change to their environment
    2) wouldn’t your ‘womenfolk’ get rather suspicious if they found out that you had developed a recent obsession with buying mouse-traps and peering into dark, quiet places and crooning ‘here mousey, I won’t hurt you (much)’

    What I would suggest is this; find the little blighter’s home, because it will only get worse if it turns out that the little interloper was an expectant mother, and see if you can forcibly evict your unwanted tenant. If that fails then lockdown on all possible sources of food and starve the b45tard out, make sure to clean up any leftover or stray bits of food, it may be slow but hopefully it would be less obvious than rampaging through the house wielding a sledgehammer and leaving peanut butter everywhere.

    Oh and if possible find out how the bu99er got in, otherwise one day you might find that you’re up to your neck in mice


    Your poison running
    down my throat
    so sickly sweet
    that I just want to choke.
    You’re my angel in black

    Your touch burns its path
    across my skin
    with your heart of stone
    loving you is my sin
    You’re my angel in black

    Your icy shrapnel flows
    and cuts through my vein
    it’s clear now that you
    have driven me insane
    You’re my angel in black

    Despite the monster
    that you have become
    I keep my promise
    you’re my only and one
    Because… you’re my angel
    … but only in black




    Forget your inhibition
    cast out the indescision
    Take joy in your new position
    Of this you can be sure

    From your new location
    Reassess your own vocation
    Through meaning’s lost in translation
    dwell on it no more

    Sit back and enjoy the vacation
    Take time for relaxation
    At this beautiful destination
    Just don’t take the tour


    only a loser like myself could come up with such a rubbish thread and still enjoy it.



    ouch, sounds painful. I remember when I broke my wrist it hurt like buggery (maybe not so apt a phrase to use in this case). hope ur bum feels better soon

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