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  • #437631

    @gazlan wrote:

    Actually i have done some work with a pathology technician and witnessed more than one post mortem, although the relevance of this is un-important…this does not escape the facts i have mentioned, people who have been wrongly imprisoned suffer immensly…they are living human beings !!!!!!
    There are many many ways to identify remains without DNA……. although i have no statistics at hand, i will say that in almost all cases of issues identifying bodies, there will be a relative alive who has reported a loss, i have said that there will be cases where there will be no relative….but the dead are still dead and DO NOT SUFFER!!!!

    If you have witnesses post mortems then should have this information to hand from knowledge(couldnt you google quick enough)


    @gazlan wrote:

    The dead are dead…they have no worries nor suffer, unlike that of someone suffering at the hands of injustice

    Gazlan have you ever dealt with a dead body? Have you ever worked as or with a foresnsic
    pathologist? who takes every effort to identify human remains, majority look upon them as a person with respect and try to find out who they are where they came from how they happened to be on a mortuary slab and lastly to find relatives or to go to a relative and tell them exactly how they died, so that they can be given a proper burial,


    Would be far easier to chip everyone at birth, similar to the chip implant they have for animals. :wink:
    Only problem would be kidnapping may go up in this country :-

    sorry couldn’t resist


    @peggy wrote:

    i think its a good idea in some respects but the sytem like so many is open to abuse ……..However if the data base was set up it could also be used as an aid to identify peoples remains when other techniques fail .

    I agree Peggy every deceased person does have a right to be identified not only so that they can rest in peace but that their immediate family know where they are.

    DNA was( and still is I believe) used in Bosnian/ Herzegovia Genocide. Hundreds of people were identified using DNA and clothing to identify the majority of corpses found in the mass graves.


    Could be a very interesting thread – unfortunately it will be hi-jacked by Gazlans diatribe


    @pikey wrote:

    My. Aren’t you grumpy.

    No not grumpy at all – just don’t like throw away comments


    @pikey wrote:

    @peggy wrote:

    …youve been there picking up the bodies ?………youve been there telling the familys ???……….youve walked into the homes of these people and told them there child has died?………..have you ????????? have you ????? HAVE YOU ???????????????

    I haven’t. I’m pretty sure that’s what staff are for.

    Pikey – that remark is totally out of order


    @gazlan wrote:

    Majority of the people without funds and are unemployed- can usually be found down the pub enjoying a smoke, some take drugs. Enter their homes they have all the mod cons and satellite tv.

    You didnt mention diatribe…..odd as it engulfs that comment to a stupid level

    Not stupid at all – get out into the community and see what life is all about.


    @gazlan wrote:

    Maybe if you had family life, some children, possibly you would think differently about Christmas and Easter – when children are small and believe in Santa its magical – I do feel for people who can’t have a family for whatever reason or don’t have a family life – to me they miss out on so much even if Santa is a fantasy.

    Lets hope that includes the poor unfortunate people without funds or employment then

    Majority of the people without funds and are unemployed- can usually be found down the pub enjoying a smoke, some take drugs. Enter their homes they have all the mod cons and satellite tv.


    Peggy he couldn’t hack it he can’t hack normal life without drugs, he’s weak and a coward.
    His only claim to fame is typing diatribe on here.
    He complains about education, the government and police.
    He needs to get out more and get street wise.

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