Forum Replies Created
27 September, 2006 at 3:14 pm #242663
@token_male wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
MR t walker,,,,,,,,,,,I live not far ,
hi were do u live they were white people who phone the ambulance not packys,
You didnt read what i typed did you? i mentioned about a totally different murder where asian people helped read before you gob off
@fergie50 wrote:
every time i see a packy of colour lad with. a shoulder bag, i wonder, is it a bomb.
i never was like that,,,,,,,,,thanks to tony blair, but their all the same keep it quiet, for the sake of the government.
Rubbish for you to be saying packy means you where always like that! you are a racist! simple as that!
FACT is that that CHILD got axed because of his skin colour because people who use words like packy or n******** etc etc etc dont like them!
so they get drunk go out shout these names then go to an INDIAN restaurant or a TURKISH or GREEK kebab house! after spending all night drinking DANISH lager! they call a taxi who turns up in a GERMAN car to take them back home so they can sit on their SWEDISH furniture watch an AMERICAN film on their JAPANESE television!!
you make me sick!
lol right to free speech, like or not its the government to blame
justwhats the differants, we call paddy, micks, u got admit its sounds better than ni **er
that’s the trouble with this country. no back bone to say,even our blackboard, are not allowed in school today, even the golly wog not allowed on the jar off jam, wotts next, no jokes , we should not be in a iraq, the world a crazy place to day, years ago it was all took, in “”””””” and no trouble, we said watt go’s , but today it make one wonder just who,s, country , is ours or theirs,
government will let any one in its all about the vote,””””””””””””””””” And any way the old saying stick and stone break me bone but word will never hurt, me lol lol
27 September, 2006 at 4:36 am #242660@token_male wrote:
Anthony walker had an axe in his head!
thats pretty gruesome emma surely you admit that even the police HAVE stated it was a racially motivated attack, racists saw a black CHILD and wanted to to put an axe in his head simple as that.
i shall tell you why it got more press coverage! because it needed to! it needed to wake people up!
surely emma you can see that racism is a problem in this country?
he majority of people in england are white! it was given all the publicity to try and stop it all! to make people shamed of themselves for hating someone because of the colour of their skin!
iv read the cases you have mentioned also alot of them mention that the bnp sent intimidating messages to journalists!
sorry emma but the bully boy tactics dont work in this day and age im afraid
gavin hopley?
god rest his soul!! them nasty asians hey!
even the nasty asians that took him into their home and looked after him until the ambulance arrived?
MR t walker,,,,,,,,,,,I live not far ,
hi were do u live they were white people who phone the ambulance not packys,
but the lies, told, to the media, paper the echo, reason for the attack, <real story
two lad comeing outoff the huyton park hotel pub, shouting black this and that
our lads are being killed in Iraq or, same old story, government, to blame,or not
our country more against coloured people, than it ever was, because we go mix up in a war. which in my opinion , had nothing to do with us,more racist now than we ever was
every time i see a packy of colour lad with. a shoulder bag, i wonder, is it a bomb.
i never was like that,,,,,,,,,thanks to tony blair, but their all the same keep it quiet, for the sake of the government.
OK OK OK did u hear me.
26 September, 2006 at 7:23 pm #38076the liar still their, not gone yet, hate them all mp all the same, were just peasant, shoot
them all for getting our country into a big mess, ps the write er own wage packet gang
26 September, 2006 at 6:12 pm #242607@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
If people needed a good standard of English before they were allowed to live here then half of the people on this board would have to emigrate.
As for Sikhs not wearing crash helmets, a turban isn’t a fashion accessory. They have to wear them as part of their religion. Again, what harm does it do to anybody else if Sikhs don’t wear crash helmets? Maybe those of you who are so concerned about the issue could dedicate your life to developing crash helmets that would fit over turbans.
Emma you say it doesn’t take a masters degree to read signs in a foreign language. You speak like someone who obviously hasn’t tried learning a foreign language. Could you read road signs written in Welsh, Czech, Chinese, Russian, or Arabic? Reading in a foreign language can be difficult if you’re unfamiliar with the language.
As for the idea that you can claim benefits for a family living overseas, well that’s just nonsense. If they don’t live with you here in this country then you can’t claim benefits for them.
have, u ever heard off a tax form u fill in to claim for spouse,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wott u put on it is family, wifes and children, only
which did happen twenty odd years ago, claim for er whole family no matter were they lived, I know its all change now. i was just make in a commet,,, comet ok big stuff
better to kill no crash hat, if u see one run over him if he dies its his fault for not wearing a crash hat turbin lol save own country stand up and be heard, go home to foreigner er not welcome er hook packy joe
26 September, 2006 at 4:05 pm #242604As a young man, i got a job working with all kinds off differant people from all over the world u name it,,,,,, german polish indian, all kinds at a factory in warrington,,, wire works
ropes for tow in boat and tow rope for car bus lorry, alkind, the wire for makeing nails . the rope for , the lift shafts, coal mineing, for offices and skyscraper ,,,,
their was a lot off packy stanys, wott ever way u say it,,,, ok their was one man who had ten wifes in his country, and a load off children, who, he claim for off the tax payer off this country
when the tax inspector came out to interview, him, he said i not speak english,, load off bull
he spoke better english than me,. just who is kidding who. send them all back. ok lol
our country owned nearly, half the world, years ago. we give them it back. but they still come over here for a hand out,,,,,,
22 September, 2006 at 2:42 pm #242222@geoff wrote:
Sorry, can you rephrase that in ‘white mans’ English please, I couldn’t understand any of it.
that it in scouser slang,,,,,,,,,,, simple if people who come to our land.
don,t like our ways then they should stay away ok,,,,,,,,
22 September, 2006 at 2:07 pm #242221who’s country, doe’s england belong too, not the white man, no free speech, can not talk, about. our culture any more,
race or other wise, engl;and, is slowly turning into, a differant country all together, just like globle warming,
it will not be long be for the white, man will be forced out off is own country were he was born and bred,,,,,,,????????muti cutlure take over, no cockney slang or scouser or any
mix off all lables, we will in fifty years time , be speaking a differant, slang our children
will look at the old way as,stupid,,,,,,,,,, just like the the indian in the wild west, just have to go along with it to please,, the differant, people, who are comeing into our land and changeing it to suit them,, need a prime minister like howard in assie land to tell them/
if u do not like our way then please leave, and go back were u came from,,,,some one to stand up up up,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for all off us,,,,,,,,,brittish back bone guy
20 September, 2006 at 12:02 am #241861@American Woman wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
@American Woman wrote:
I believe that it’s easier for people to say that there is no God or Satan because they truly don’t want to believe that when this life is finished, they will be held responsible for their actions. I’m Catholic and I know there is heaven. I’ve never in my life doubted that it exists. My belief just gets stronger the older I get. My blind faith turned to proof when I held my baby for the first time. Proof of hell and Satan? That’s easy, look at the people who rape, torture and murder children. There in lye’s your proof.
mR bush please read this,,,,,,,and blair
mr Bush , I hope he go’s to hell ,
Sorry – But call me crazy, what was funny about my statement?well for 1
hell must be a big place, because, all these people, that kill one and other over war, will go there, now the ordinary, person, may not if it exsist, hell or heaven, !!!!!!!!!!! who don,t kill, so who chooses, GOD…….. only man know right from wrong, animal kill for food, man kills because off religion!!!!!!!! do away with religion, and we will all go to heaven, I would like to see all war and””””””””””””””””” trouble through out the world to end, man kind should worship peace,,,,, my kind off world,,,,,,,,,,,without religion
19 September, 2006 at 7:30 pm #241853@American Woman wrote:
I believe that it’s easier for people to say that there is no God or Satan because they truly don’t want to believe that when this life is finished, they will be held responsible for their actions. I’m Catholic and I know there is heaven. I’ve never in my life doubted that it exists. My belief just gets stronger the older I get. My blind faith turned to proof when I held my baby for the first time. Proof of hell and Satan? That’s easy, look at the people who rape, torture and murder children. There in lye’s your proof.
mR bush please read this,,,,,,,and blair
mr Bush , I hope he go’s to hell ,
19 September, 2006 at 1:15 pm #241959maybe, this will be the norm in years to come, only more life like, adding a voice, to the doll
maybe send it out to work, man will be its master
we could do away with all them moaning, women. lol just kidding,,,,,,,,,robot sex machine
dinner on the table, when, u say, NOW !!!!!!!!!! I wonder if you can rent one on the weekly
just like a car hire thing, differant model every week, lol u could make a few bob on that
all model stay young, ,,,,,,,,,, DELBOY “”””””””””””””” were are them dolls grandad,