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  • #245388

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @fergie50 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    sorry to go “off” topic here,,but are Fergie and d.o.a related by any chance ??

    No not at tall, in answer to question, i think all murder and scum bags

    should be used for, alkind of things like aids and in cure able diseases,,,,, ok “”””” top off the list for , experiment should be *pea a file* ok and rapist of young and old women. “”””””””””””””””{paedophile]

    and leave the poor animals alone,,,,,, ok ps there enough off them, to go around

    don’t u agree, miss red shoes,,,,,,,,why bother with animal when we can have a real human to try thing on,,,,,,,,,,,,,we keep them in prison why not make them pay, 4 there , bad deeds,,,,,,,,,,,ok

    with helping the human race, fight diseases, 000000000000000000000 drugs lol

    woctcha fergie how you doin (soz i know i know off post :roll: ) hugsters fergie xx

    lol wotts this thread about. ?????????????????? hic XXXXXXX er ok


    @rubyred wrote:

    sorry to go “off” topic here,,but are Fergie and d.o.a related by any chance ??

    No not at tall, in answer to question, i think all murder and scum bags

    should be used for, alkind of things like aids and in cure able diseases,,,,, ok “”””” top off the list for , experiment should be *pea a file* ok and rapist of young and old women. “”””””””””””””””{paedophile]

    and leave the poor animals alone,,,,,, ok ps there enough off them, to go around

    don’t u agree, miss red shoes,,,,,,,,why bother with animal when we can have a real human to try thing on,,,,,,,,,,,,,we keep them in prison why not make them pay, 4 there , bad deeds,,,,,,,,,,,ok

    with helping the human race, fight diseases, 000000000000000000000 drugs lol


    we should, not try thing out on animals just because,,,,,,,, there thick and stupid, why,,,,,,,,,would u get in a cage with a lion or tiger,

    all””” pea da files!!!!!!! “”””””” lol should replace animals, why not use them as lab rats, and leave

    the thick and stupid like monkey and other thing like, rats and mice alone, !!!!!!!!

    death to all child mole lesters, lol do u like me english, it common………as muck

    paedophile,,,,,why not use them instead,,,,,,,


    animals like dogs and cats can go out with a little needle. in the bum or through the heart,

    so why not humans, ????????????????? blame it on the nhs. why not, lol

    but realy, would”er could”er, do it,,,,,,,,guns kill drugs kill, its a question off bottle

    lol why not the death penalty for murder, “””””””” were human, and it not alouded, so the next time ,

    er out pushing the old fuddy” duddie”””” in the wheel chair , just leave them on the motor way,

    let it be some one else problem,,,,,,,sssssssssss good night


    I wonder how much tonys tax on his income,,,,,,,,,,,,any one know, who blair

    u know the prime minister, the boss off the land,


    @sharongooner wrote:

    after reading through all this the chav in the car has a bloody lot to answer for lol!!!!

    hi girl, u might say,,,,,,,,, wot u talk in about,,,,,,,,,, who cares

    just pass in time instead off wind,,,,,,,,lol


    bAD FOR ER TEETH, BOY, DON.T TOUCH them per fare garlic bet er can.t chew it

    suck garlic better, 4 er peggys, this little peggy when to market,,, and u know the rest


    @slayer wrote:

    @fergie50 wrote:

    well the way the climate, changes in this country, we will not be able to tell the differences, catch 22,

    we with all be well sun burn, so why doe,s every one blame the colour off our skin,?????

    not untill we open our mouths, keep it shut no trouble, pardon, or thousand pardons,

    Wott ever happen to, we can’t do anything untill a crime, as been committed,

    like he ran over me, no its I think he was,,,,,,,,,,,,man goe,s in bank to draw money

    he looks suspiciouse, just like the guy on the train, shoot first ask question after, poor guy

    wott was is name, police got away with it, money talks ok, its a crazy world,

    I take it you’re not English then…or just learning it? Which country are you from?

    liverpool lol just a peasant off england, just like paul ringo and john

    a born again scouser lol


    be far from it for me to point out, were not all racist, yes i am white, but the way this country, is dealing with, colour people is wrong,new laws stop and search, hold in prisonaire beyonded, the present, time, to charge them,

    Its the government who are covering thing up in the media, to save face, they cause all the trouble, and then their out, a different government, is put in their place new laws, vote for us

    Years ago we got on side by side, no problems, then along come the like off blair and is buddy bush, and try to save the world, off terrorist, big deal,, its not about people, its about power, oil gas anything u choose, but people no, were , theirs million being kill for

    Wott, is makes the white man look bad, but i for one would like to see a end to it all,

    poll did we have a choice, a vote not to go to war, no, I feel for every child no matter
    wott colour they are, who suffers, our childrent, off the future,,,,,,,,,

    hate no trusting, cause >>>>>>>>>>> government,,,,,,,,,,,,<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    well the way the climate, changes in this country, we will not be able to tell the differences, catch 22,

    we with all be well sun burn, so why doe,s every one blame the colour off our skin,?????

    not untill we open our mouths, keep it shut no trouble, pardon, or thousand pardons,

    Wott ever happen to, we can’t do anything untill a crime, as been committed,

    like he ran over me, no its I think he was,,,,,,,,,,,,man goe,s in bank to draw money

    he looks suspiciouse, just like the guy on the train, shoot first ask question after, poor guy

    wott was is name, police got away with it, money talks ok, its a crazy world,

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