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  • #250348

    well done,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol and welcome to u ,,,,,,,,,


    @token_male wrote:

    @fergie50 wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    You misunderstood what he said. He didn’t say that men 20+ shouldn’t be prosecuted for having sex with girls who are under 16. What he was saying was that teenagers often have relationships with boys or girls who are under 16 and that maybe this shouldn’t be classed as paedophilia e.g. a 17 year old boy sleeping with his 15 year old girlfriend. He said this kind of relationship happens all across the country all the time and questioned whether it was reasonable to prosecute every teen who has sex with someone who isn’t 16 yet.

    But just because something happens (that is illegal) doesn’t mean we should change the law or the way the law is implemented to make allowances for this prevalence. Drug taking, drink driving and assault are all prevalent across the country but no one would suggest anything less than the full force of the law- a drink driver is a drink driver and a paedophile is a paedophile- end of story

    This CHIEF CONSTABLE said someone who is 20 or 30 who has sex with a 13 year old girl should not be considered a peadophile. Well excuse me but I don’t care if a 13 year old lies buck naked in front of me n says “f/uck me”- I am an adult and have a responsiblity to that child n that does not include having sex with them.

    @mr Bigstuff wrote:

    . I don’t think he should be sacked for pointing out the reality of the society we live in.

    No, he should be made to sit in counselling sessions where vulnerable 13 and 14 year olds sob whilst describing being abused by men who have identified their vulnerability and abused their trust to rape them

    O sorry to butt in, but young lady today are, not all way honest, ok about their age, and unless its tatooed, on their forhead, how can u be shaw she eighteen, !!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a female,40 plus, a pea o file, if she has a afair with a thirteen year old boy, yes or no
    it happen, underage sex,

    grey area, ok, and thats wott its all about, {paedophile , class by law< haveing sex with a miner,. ps man 50 years old pay girl , for sex. girl under , is 14 years off age

    case ???????????????? big question the old fool didnt know, !!!!!!!!!!!! how do u tell

    but u will end u on the sex register. as a pea ofile,,,,,, lol it can go either way,

    fergie you are asking the same question i was trying to get across!

    does that mean that every girl who had sex under the age of 16 in the uk or 18 in the usa to a bloke older than the legal age therefore making the bloke a minor, does that mean that their boyfriends where paedophiles?

    I know u are, i agree

    the law, can go either way, its a grey area, this copper, speaks the truth,


    mans best friend, theirs a few human, i would”nt mine tastein, but then again the chinese

    will eat any thing, even the whale not safe, or shark, but unfair as it may seam, man

    will try any thing,
    heres a pack off wild dogs attacking, a croc, which the assie eat,


    !1 in liverpool town centre 2 am, girl drunk wearing sexy clothes , age unknowen,,,, girls will be girls, some, thing to tell er glass mate on ,school days, ok

    elvis , marry a young girl , was he a peaoplhile, great singer, all the film star marry young girls, it all about , status, know children , know er own kids, have ing fun,

    who gets the blame, tv media papers , US parents


    @slayer wrote:

    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    You misunderstood what he said. He didn’t say that men 20+ shouldn’t be prosecuted for having sex with girls who are under 16. What he was saying was that teenagers often have relationships with boys or girls who are under 16 and that maybe this shouldn’t be classed as paedophilia e.g. a 17 year old boy sleeping with his 15 year old girlfriend. He said this kind of relationship happens all across the country all the time and questioned whether it was reasonable to prosecute every teen who has sex with someone who isn’t 16 yet.

    But just because something happens (that is illegal) doesn’t mean we should change the law or the way the law is implemented to make allowances for this prevalence. Drug taking, drink driving and assault are all prevalent across the country but no one would suggest anything less than the full force of the law- a drink driver is a drink driver and a paedophile is a paedophile- end of story

    This CHIEF CONSTABLE said someone who is 20 or 30 who has sex with a 13 year old girl should not be considered a peadophile. Well excuse me but I don’t care if a 13 year old lies buck naked in front of me n says “f/uck me”- I am an adult and have a responsiblity to that child n that does not include having sex with them.

    @mr Bigstuff wrote:

    . I don’t think he should be sacked for pointing out the reality of the society we live in.

    No, he should be made to sit in counselling sessions where vulnerable 13 and 14 year olds sob whilst describing being abused by men who have identified their vulnerability and abused their trust to rape them

    O sorry to butt in, but young lady today are, not all way honest, ok about their age, and unless its tatooed, on their forhead, how can u be shaw she eighteen, !!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a female,40 plus, a pea o file, if she has a afair with a thirteen year old boy, yes or no
    it happen, underage sex,

    grey area, ok, and thats wott its all about, {paedophile , class by law< haveing sex with a miner,. ps man 50 years old pay girl , for sex. girl under , is 14 years off age

    case ???????????????? big question the old fool didnt know, !!!!!!!!!!!! how do u tell

    but u will end u on the sex register. as a pea ofile,,,,,, lol it can go either way,


    free!!!!!!!!! zzen this time off year,

    put it all on ice, sounds like er walking on ice, buy a new one, xmass only comes once a year, lol

    u need snow, to keep it all fresh, lol buy a shovel and dig a hole, and put it all down there

    and make, shaw u , fly tip the frezzer, in a good part off the city, repair not a chance

    it will cost u more, hiss hiss ,,,,,,,,,, can u ear it and thats just the price off a new one,,,,,,

    hot air. wott a excuse , O dig deep ,,,,, to keep it extra cold


    that!!!!!!!!!!!! religion, its all crap, now have i broke any laws,

    tell me that i can have a opinion, my old mother said stick and stone can break, my bones //// but word will never hurt me, black is black white is white, what can u say do we not “”””all say the wrong thing once or twice, in our lives,,,,,,,,,

    were does it end, when were all locked, up or does it, just come down to anger, or common sense,

    road rage , or maybe computer rage, cartoon rage, loads off ways to say, thing

    we live here, we were born here, we have every right just like u, peace is hard

    boy it can only get , well do i say it


    why don,t we make, some mps redundent, who needs them,”””””””” never see one off them claiming dole,
    why soft johnny england, come to mind, were to soft, easy going, we do not mined,

    when this tax and that tax, comes out we pay it, make sense, were are we gonner get the wages. for all these well payed mps mp, brillant life stile, of the rich and famous,

    were just peasant, only time they need us, it’s , when they want voteing in, and like fools

    we do, not me, any way who cares, they don,t its all about money,

    which doesnt come out off their pocket, one does wonder , what it will be like in say

    the next hundred years, if i was boss, all prisoner, murders and pea o file”””””””lol

    would be asked, do u want to spend the rest off er life in jail,

    or can we use u as a lab rat, in stead off animals, or would u perfur””””””””” lol just me ,,,,,, a needle in the arm, and go to sleep, we would save a few more ,bob, for mps and mp , please excuse me spelling, but i am not foreign just a scouse, born and bred in our muli cultured uk england or great briton, ,


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Well here we all are worrying ourselves silly about carbon emissions and saving the planet for the future of mankind.

    Practically everything we do these days has been ruled ”bad” by the eco-Nazis, whether it is leaving a light on or a TV or computer on standby or (God forbid) driving around in a car of all things. Using ‘energy’ is the new mass murder it seems.

    As I recall there is no law against any of the above and yet we now suffer the constant tut tuttings and stares of disapproval from the environmental lobbyists.

    And yet how many of us will go out this weekend and celebrate Guy Fawkes night by letting off loads of fireworks??? (Setting fire to £10 notes might be cheaper BTW).

    Just think of all the vast clouds of chemical gasses released into the atmosphere from even a small garden display, much less a larger professionally organised one. Does anybody REALLY care … or is the ‘concern’ for the environment all very well, as long as it doesn’t spoil YOUR fun???

    Who has contributed to the long term destruction of our planet through global warming this weekend and if Guy Fawkes hadn’t tried to blow up Parliament, would the entire human race live just a little bit longer????

    hi and lets not forget all the bombs we and america have droped on,,,,,,,iraq, and all the forest fire, in and AROUND THE WORLD, THEIRS NO COAL FIRE, THEY HAVE DONE AWAY WITH THEM. THEIRS LOAD MORE TO COME,, LIKE SUPER VOLCANO, GOING OFF,


    IN MY OPINION, NO MATTER, how hard we try its all our fault, its the miner its the motor,car

    its the consumer, were, will it end, even when the world was forming, we have allkinds off gase, going up up in to the sky,

    they say our planet, half way, or middle age…….. more sun shine in place like iceland

    maybe, wott comes off the planet off ours, is suppose, to come off it, i think theres no cure, to a greener cleaner planet, like cancer, it will get u in the end, but the taxman

    will get us first, lol true or false :lol: :evil: its a pity, guy fawkes failed, we might have had aworld without the lying cheating mp mps,, off parliament,


    sounds like a cheek and chong, problem.. lol :lol: :roll:

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