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  • #110770

    the biggest mammal on earth , and its still alive today, and that because i’m feeling blue,

    ok ,,,,,,,,,,,,,wott is it, well ! even bigger that any “dine o sores” , that ever lived lol “”””””” do u like the way i spelt that!

    that ha ha,,,,,


    don,t tell me she done a kenny rogers,&

    took her love to town, hey ruby, great song


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    Yet again you all seem to have missed the point with “id” cards. The only people pushing for them is the banks.

    With some many cashiers gaving out money all day, sometimes they make a mistake……………

    And how many poeple have used there partens credit card by mistake in a shop with out the shop staff noticing?

    And the banks with get there way in the end, and you all will have to pay for it.

    chip and pin, maybe comes to mind its the government,

    who want id cards, it turning into a police state, they want to stop all the fiddler,!!!!!!

    and theirs ,camera, every were, why next time u go to “er toilet just check, around the rim,

    just see if it clean, lol if not, just pull the chain and flush it away, just like all them MPS”who

    want flushing down the loo,


    @woohoo wrote:

    Does it really matter?

    wow do i have too answer , u

    well yes, if er in a mini, and theirs a 20 ton jugger naut comeing towards u , well “er know er” finished, so er” can write, er” will out, or buy a bicycle, and head for the hills………Ive

    all way said if it were allowed , people on bicycle should rid on the right,, so u have time

    to stop!!!!! get on the sidewalk out the way, out off the way big wheeled bugger comeing toward u, lol its better than being cliped by his big wing mirror, !!!!!! he can see u,!!!!! and u can see him, would save million off bike riders, and horse riders , slow down thats a laugh


    @sharongooner wrote:

    WithThat much guiness in your belly would you still be able to see your wee man, never mind wake him up lol!!!!!! :wink:

    lol lol

    work wonders on mothers to be, just ask, any fourteen year old. lol this crazy world out off control, with all these laws

    the government, give us to follow, women” girl”lady !!!!!!!!!!!!!!have all got it made,

    don,t smack the kid for, being naughty just put asbo, order on them , (((((((just put a battery!!!

    in me spell checker for rubyred the wee lassie, doe,snt think highly off us scouser, lol


    @kateee wrote:

    i’ve had my really muddy manky dog walkin shoes stolen from outside my door………they were fallin to bits hope whoever took them dies from the smell :twisted:

    kinky bvgger !!!!!!!!!


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @fergie50 wrote:

    As the old song goes, thank heaven, for little girls,!!!!!!!!!!!!today their as mad as the boys, lol

    one does wonder, wott the age off consent, will be in the next century, any gueses

    go on 9 10 12 13 14, how old, us poor men, she looks eighteen or is she 14, all that make up, can,t tell look for a tatoo,, to late, lol tatoo get it lads

    now i know how old that one is its still wearing it’s nappy, give them a couple off bottles off bud , and the rape drug and let find out mate

    just kidding girls……. lol today is it any, different from say fifty years ago, i think a court off law, should , make it right, lol 20 years, locked up !!!!!!!!!and er a pea o file, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    if in dout, leave it be, i would say, but after 10 pints and a lot off eye sore, can we resisted,

    she keeps looking at me, she must like me, wow it lol leter, jail bait,,,,,,,

    So……….. you can keep it up after 10 pints then? Wow!! :wink: 8)

    lol 10 pints, off guinness
    works in mist stir re us ways, hic puts lead in the old pencil,

    lol from, illierate fvcrker, its magic


    @rubyred wrote:

    ffs its illiterate fvckers like HIM they need protected against !! IF he is not a wind up! i pity wee lassies in Liverpool !

    er rubyred er you, have a sense off humour

    who,s buying the next drink, lol girl the truth is out their,


    As the old song goes, thank heaven, for little girls,!!!!!!!!!!!!today their as mad as the boys, lol

    one does wonder, wott the age off consent, will be in the next century, any gueses

    go on 9 10 12 13 14, how old, us poor men, she looks eighteen or is she 14, all that make up, can,t tell look for a tatoo,, to late, lol tatoo get it lads

    now i know how old that one is its still wearing it’s nappy, give them a couple off bottles off bud , and the rape drug and let find out mate

    just kidding girls……. lol today is it any, different from say fifty years ago, i think a court off law, should , make it right, lol 20 years, locked up !!!!!!!!!and er a pea o file, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    if in dout, leave it be, i would say, but after 10 pints and a lot off eye sore, can we resisted,

    she keeps looking at me, she must like me, wow it lol leter, jail bait,,,,,,,


    the chinese will eat anything, I just don’t. why their don.t eat them selves their a enough

    off them to go around, 8 billion , poor little doggie, do they not eat cat, u know moggie

    and rats. to or is that against , their luny chinese calender, the year off the dragon,

    hores to , wott dont they like ,

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