Forum Replies Created
6 December, 2006 at 10:34 pm #252028
@sharongooner wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
pole lacks, are all well come
they can come here, after all they !!!!!! helped, during the war, but them back packin ppppp acky
can stay were they are,, ok, how’s me english, thousand pardon,,,,,,,,,,,,bang and boom
your english is fantasticly humorous!! :wink:
u like! well u havent seen me best side
just me delinkwent side, common as muck , and hard working scouser,,,,,, And i would have
a thousand pole, as friend, than the other kind, who turn on their fellow man with bomb
in their back pack, and instead off butties!!!!!!sandwich,,,,,,I worked with a lot off polish lads down the pit, in the northwest, great bunch off lad and funny, and hard working
some off their names, are similar, to our, girl names,
1 carol !!!!!!!!!! polish name, andrea polish name, and these are , mens first names, ,,,,,
the first person , i ever worked down , pit with was called marrion,,,,,,,,carol, a polish
old man, brillant man………and funny,
6 December, 2006 at 10:11 pm #251978@sharongooner wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
xmass should be every leap year , ok its , ripoff , pss I bought me daughter , new tv u know, not, the HD or plasma, just the ordinary, cheap tv, come down in price, they have gone up, WAS £!£)130, now £180,,,,,,,,,,,,, bloo ******dy cheek,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ah xmass
let face it, in the summer, their £130,,,,,,,, same tv to get rid off them along comes xmass
they shoot up by £50 pounds more, O and let not forget, the january sales, u watch
they go back down,,,,,, I vote xmass every four years, ok, to help poor people, give them time two, save up,,,, sod the big profit chain stores,,,,,,
you should have gone to tescos……… 89 quid for tv with built in dvd. think you were ripped off there……
its not the point, it was a 28 inch tv for me daughter, no afence)
do like the way i spelled that ha,!!!!!!!!!
but every year familys spend money,they don’t have
and end up, with huge debt after xmass,
6 December, 2006 at 9:43 pm #251976xmass should be every leap year , ok its , ripoff , pss I bought me daughter , new tv u know, not, the HD or plasma, just the ordinary, cheap tv, come down in price, they have gone up, WAS £!£)130, now £180,,,,,,,,,,,,, bloo ******dy cheek,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ah xmass
let face it, in the summer, their £130,,,,,,,, same tv to get rid off them along comes xmass
they shoot up by £50 pounds more, O and let not forget, the january sales, u watch
they go back down,,,,,, I vote xmass every four years, ok, to help poor people, give them time two, save up,,,, sod the big profit chain stores,,,,,,
6 December, 2006 at 9:31 pm #252026pole lacks, are all well come
they can come here, after all they !!!!!! helped, during the war, but them back packin ppppp acky
can stay were they are,, ok, how’s me english, thousand pardon,,,,,,,,,,,,bang and boom
4 December, 2006 at 8:40 pm #252397peace and quiet come to mind lol enjoy while it last,,,,,,, lol
4 December, 2006 at 8:35 pm #249256why in america, they are working on animal , like sheep and pigs,horse bulls were they inject them with a bio essence, from fish,which glow in the dark,
were if the animal get lost, in a field , they light up in the dark,
al differant colours, green for a !pedophile ! red for a child rapest, yellow for .well u pick a colour, so u know, were the ba***** d are,, sick ha ha ,,,,,,,,, get me point!!!!!!!!
it’s like a tatoo, that never, ware s off , green headed monster, lol
1 December, 2006 at 2:47 am #251937the big question, like all soaps, were they realy worth, the money they were payed
per episode, like everything else in this crazy world, and the ordinary, man on the street
in real life, earns button, like amblulance drivers and nurses fireman, heres wott i hate,,,,
all soap!!!!! top off list corrie! brookside” east ender” their all crap to me they should all be payed the minimum, wage just like mps and mp, theirs nothing ,special,,,,,, about any off them,
so turn er television, over, and go out , and have a pint, and find some good friends lol
thank goodness, they put, a button on er, tv so er can turn it off, when craps on it,,,,,,,
29 November, 2006 at 8:51 am #251693I remember threpence,3d and 26d , the old money, wow it was , 3d threepence on the bus for ten miles, those were the days,
many thing have change, why me dad used to make, us wear foot ball boots, to play out in,
ps my dad invented the trainer, he used to take the nobs off them, go to school in
short trouser till i was fourteen, and jeans were a luz , plastic sanddles from woolys
and the jeans bell bottoms, lee cooper wranger , made in the usa, not hongkong, ben sherman shirts, good quality, shoes made in liverpool hand made all leather, comos
a pint off ale was 1shilling, cig were 9d per pack off 5,,,,, no health warning on them,
woodbines , my first week wages was £3 in old money, the dole was 18s shilling+ 6d
a week, in `1968,,,,,,,,,,lol now its rip off, uk , they robb us off 260 pennys, out off the pound, and the weather was cold, snow was snow, black and white tv, u were rich
if u had a colour tv,
28 November, 2006 at 8:39 pm #251656well i find it hard to sleep, so if u need a hand give us a shout lol, u young one,,,,,,
sleep wotts that,,,,,,,,
28 November, 2006 at 1:49 am #251266@sharongooner wrote:
@forumhostpb wrote:
i loved Rubes. i will miss her a lot. i looked forward to moderating her. So much so my beautiful Italian wife voiced concerns at the time that I devoted to me little scot blond bomshell……., I just had to say “she needs me”….. and she did. Loved her to bits i did :wink: :oops: :oops:
ohhhh errrr aye!!!!
Theres a new kid in town :wink:
are er talk about thee ruby cube , now thats a puzzle
good night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol hey ruby don,t take er love to town, heard it all before like the slaming off the door