fergie50 replied to the topic WWF supports animal testing and hunting in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
@cath 55 wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
@rubyred wrote:
sorry to go “off” topic here,,but are Fergie and d.o.a related by any chance ??
No not at tall, in answer to question, i think all murder and scum bags
should be used for, alkind of things like aids and in cure able diseases,,,,, ok “”””” top off the list for , experiment should be *pea a file*…
fergie50 replied to the topic WWF supports animal testing and hunting in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
sorry to go “off” topic here,,but are Fergie and d.o.a related by any chance ??
No not at tall, in answer to question, i think all murder and scum bags
should be used for, alkind of things like aids and in cure able diseases,,,,, ok “”””” top off the list for , experiment should be *pea a file* ok and rapist of young and old…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic WWF supports animal testing and hunting in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
we should, not try thing out on animals just because,,,,,,,, there thick and stupid, why,,,,,,,,,would u get in a cage with a lion or tiger,
all””” pea da files!!!!!!! “”””””” lol should replace animals, why not use them as lab rats, and leave
the thick and stupid like monkey and other thing like, rats and mice alone,…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic ASSISTED SUICIDE in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
animals like dogs and cats can go out with a little needle. in the bum or through the heart,
so why not humans, ????????????????? blame it on the nhs. why not, lol
but realy, would”er could”er, do it,,,,,,,,guns kill drugs kill, its a question off bottle
lol why not the death penalty for murder, “””””””” were human, and it not…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic You love paying taxes in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
I wonder how much tonys tax on his income,,,,,,,,,,,,any one know, who blair
u know the prime minister, the boss off the land,
fergie50 replied to the topic "racist revving" – you cant make it up in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
after reading through all this the chav in the car has a bloody lot to answer for lol!!!!
hi girl, u might say,,,,,,,,, wot u talk in about,,,,,,,,,, who cares
just pass in time instead off wind,,,,,,,,lol
fergie50 replied to the topic can you…………………… in the board Chat forum one boards 18 years, 4 months ago
bAD FOR ER TEETH, BOY, DON.T TOUCH them per fare garlic bet er can.t chew it
suck garlic better, 4 er peggys, this little peggy when to market,,, and u know the rest
fergie50 replied to the topic "racist revving" – you cant make it up in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
well the way the climate, changes in this country, we will not be able to tell the differences, catch 22,
we with all be well sun burn, so why doe,s every one blame the colour off our skin,?????
not untill we open our mouths, keep it shut no trouble, pardon, or thousand pardons,
Wott ever happen to, we can’t do…
fergie50 replied to the topic Media silence on rape & murder in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
be far from it for me to point out, were not all racist, yes i am white, but the way this country, is dealing with, colour people is wrong,new laws stop and search, hold in prisonaire beyonded, the present, time, to charge them,
Its the government who are covering thing up in the media, to save face, they cause all the trouble, and then their…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic "racist revving" – you cant make it up in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
well the way the climate, changes in this country, we will not be able to tell the differences, catch 22,
we with all be well sun burn, so why doe,s every one blame the colour off our skin,?????
not untill we open our mouths, keep it shut no trouble, pardon, or thousand pardons,
Wott ever happen to, we can’t do anything untill a crime, as…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic Media silence on rape & murder in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
@token_male wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
MR t walker,,,,,,,,,,,I live not far ,
hi were do u live they were white people who phone the ambulance not packys,
You didnt read what i typed did you? i mentioned about a totally different murder where asian people helped read before you gob off
@fergie50 wrote:
every time i see a packy of colour lad…
fergie50 replied to the topic Media silence on rape & murder in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
@token_male wrote:
Anthony walker had an axe in his head!
thats pretty gruesome emma surely you admit that even the police HAVE stated it was a racially motivated attack, racists saw a black CHILD and wanted to to put an axe in his head simple as that.
i shall tell you why it got more press coverage! because it needed to! it needed to wake people…
fergie50 replied to the topic What pissed u off 2day……..AGAIN in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 4 months ago
the liar still their, not gone yet, hate them all mp all the same, were just peasant, shoot
them all for getting our country into a big mess, ps the write er own wage packet gang
fergie50 replied to the topic Multiculturalism working? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
If people needed a good standard of English before they were allowed to live here then half of the people on this board would have to emigrate.
As for Sikhs not wearing crash helmets, a turban isn’t a fashion accessory. They have to wear them as part of their religion. Again, what harm does it do to anybody else if Sikhs don’t…
fergie50 replied to the topic Multiculturalism working? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
As a young man, i got a job working with all kinds off differant people from all over the world u name it,,,,,, german polish indian, all kinds at a factory in warrington,,, wire works
ropes for tow in boat and tow rope for car bus lorry, alkind, the wire for makeing nails . the rope for , the lift shafts, coal mineing, for offices and…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic Anti-white racism in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
@Geoff wrote:
Sorry, can you rephrase that in ‘white mans’ English please, I couldn’t understand any of it.
that it in scouser slang,,,,,,,,,,, simple if people who come to our land.
don,t like our ways then they should stay away ok,,,,,,,,
fergie50 replied to the topic Anti-white racism in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
who’s country, doe’s england belong too, not the white man, no free speech, can not talk, about. our culture any more,
race or other wise, engl;and, is slowly turning into, a differant country all together, just like globle warming,
it will not be long be for the white, man will be forced out off is own country were he was born and…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic so what is heaven? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 4 months ago
@American Woman wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
@American Woman wrote:
I believe that it’s easier for people to say that there is no God or Satan because they truly don’t want to believe that when this life is finished, they will be held responsible for their actions. I’m Catholic and I know there is heaven. I’ve never in my life doubted that it exists.…
fergie50 replied to the topic so what is heaven? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 4 months ago
@American Woman wrote:
I believe that it’s easier for people to say that there is no God or Satan because they truly don’t want to believe that when this life is finished, they will be held responsible for their actions. I’m Catholic and I know there is heaven. I’ve never in my life doubted that it exists. My belief just gets stronger the older…
fergie50 replied to the topic Channel Five Prog – Guys and Dolls in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
maybe, this will be the norm in years to come, only more life like, adding a voice, to the doll
maybe send it out to work, man will be its master
we could do away with all them moaning, women. lol just kidding,,,,,,,,,robot sex machine
dinner on the table, when, u say, NOW !!!!!!!!!! I wonder if you can rent one on the weekly
just like a…[Read more]
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