fergie50 replied to the topic What a prat!!!! in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
the railway will use any accuse,
has to why the train are late, so thats why our fare keep
going up to pay for a prat , just like him. maybe he thought with all these late train,
i’ve got no chance off being behead befor morning, so i’ll just get me head down here it as safe, as any here hic, pass the brandy,,, hic
fergie50 replied to the topic SHEIKH HILALI in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
WEll i know u heard, it all before, but i personaly, don’t see any use for religion off any kind
In my opinion, all religion, is for primitive men and women, and goes back, they say 2006 years ago,,,, u have only got to read the bible, wott a load off crap, were supposed, to be modern men and women, today, I see no future in religion, only…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 3 months ago
happy xmass to u
fergie50 replied to the topic NEW Labour lack compassion for the people in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
all tar ! ed !!!!!!! with the same brush, their only intrested in their own deep pocket,
me personaly , I,m alright jack sod them, all.
fergie50 replied to the topic :) in the board Jokes and humourous links 18 years, 3 months ago
two priest, takeing a shower, one looks down on the other, and notice that he has a nicotine
patch on is willie, why have, u got that their, he says, to priest, its in the wrong place
no its not , he replyed, I’m down to ” “2 butt a day, its fine were it is lol
fergie50 replied to the topic :) in the board Jokes and humourous links 18 years, 3 months ago
@Oss wrote:
I heard a really funny joke last night had me in stitches for 10 mins
I’ll have to tell it to ya one day :roll:
want”A” “”””””” a buy a pair off scissors mate
stitches, on the mouth, can be sore,,,,,,,,
fergie50 replied to the topic life is backwards in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
its all in the water, ()90 % were the thrill in that hic,
fergie50 replied to the topic HOW WILL I DIE…..? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
I’m already dead,,,,,,,,,,,, but guinness has , save me at 53
fergie50 replied to the topic Who REALLY hates friends??? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@token_male wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
the ordinary, man on the street
in real life, earns button, like amblulance drivers and nurses fireman, heres wott i hate,,,,
all soap!!!!! top off list corrie! brookside” east ender” their all crap to me they should all be payed the minimum, wage just like mps and mp, theirs nothing ,special,,,,,,…
fergie50 replied to the topic Being Thankful For What You Have in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
Ive tol my boys they may not get much christmas morning. But, we are saving a few quid for the Jan sales. I explained that the PS2 games all come down in price, and they would have some christmas funds to spend etc.
They were both fine with that.
gone are the days when I get ripped off by the high street, if we end up with…
fergie50 replied to the topic Polish workers, good or bad? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
pole lacks, are all well come
they can come here, after all they !!!!!! helped, during the war, but them back packin ppppp acky
can stay were they are,, ok, how’s me english, thousand pardon,,,,,,,,,,,,bang and boom
your english is fantasticly humorous!! :wink:
u like! well u havent seen me best…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic Being Thankful For What You Have in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
@fergie50 wrote:
xmass should be every leap year , ok its , ripoff , pss I bought me daughter , new tv u know, not, the HD or plasma, just the ordinary, cheap tv, come down in price, they have gone up, WAS £!£)130, now £180,,,,,,,,,,,,, bloo ******dy cheek,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ah xmass
let face it, in the summer, their £1…
fergie50 replied to the topic Being Thankful For What You Have in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
xmass should be every leap year , ok its , ripoff , pss I bought me daughter , new tv u know, not, the HD or plasma, just the ordinary, cheap tv, come down in price, they have gone up, WAS £!£)130, now £180,,,,,,,,,,,,, bloo ******dy cheek,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ah xmass
let face it, in the summer, their £130,,,,,,,, same tv to get rid off the…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic Polish workers, good or bad? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
pole lacks, are all well come
they can come here, after all they !!!!!! helped, during the war, but them back packin ppppp acky
can stay were they are,, ok, how’s me english, thousand pardon,,,,,,,,,,,,bang and boom
fergie50 replied to the topic There’s no bugger about again in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
peace and quiet come to mind lol enjoy while it last,,,,,,, lol
fergie50 replied to the topic Good idea or not? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago
why in america, they are working on animal , like sheep and pigs,horse bulls were they inject them with a bio essence, from fish,which glow in the dark,
were if the animal get lost, in a field , they light up in the dark,
al differant colours, green for a !pedophile ! red for a child rapest, yellow for .well u pick a colour, so u know,…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic Who REALLY hates friends??? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
the big question, like all soaps, were they realy worth, the money they were payed
per episode, like everything else in this crazy world, and the ordinary, man on the street
in real life, earns button, like amblulance drivers and nurses fireman, heres wott i hate,,,,
all soap!!!!! top off list corrie! brookside” east ender” their…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic Warming memories in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
I remember threpence,3d and 26d , the old money, wow it was , 3d threepence on the bus for ten miles, those were the days,
many thing have change, why me dad used to make, us wear foot ball boots, to play out in,
ps my dad invented the trainer, he used to take the nobs off them, go to school in
short trouser till i was fourteen, and…[Read more]
fergie50 replied to the topic Sleep or Sex? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
well i find it hard to sleep, so if u need a hand give us a shout lol, u young one,,,,,,
sleep wotts that,,,,,,,,
fergie50 replied to the topic No more Ruby Red … in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 3 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
@ForumHostPB wrote:
i loved Rubes. i will miss her a lot. i looked forward to moderating her. So much so my beautiful Italian wife voiced concerns at the time that I devoted to me little scot blond bomshell……., I just had to say “she needs me”….. and she did. Loved her to bits i did :wink: :oops: :oops:
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