draculina replied to the topic Coalition … in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 7 months ago
Option 1 is the only option
draculina replied to the topic Coalition … in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 7 months ago
I’ll take option one please
draculina replied to the topic Foot fetish in the forum Say hello! 7 years, 7 months ago
hi i also do speak the english
draculina replied to the topic Awww Donald … in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 7 months ago
Trump would be a better PM than May
draculina replied to the topic If most muslims are decent people then … in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 7 months ago
Selling weapons to your enemy isn’t the best idea i’ve ever heard.
draculina replied to the topic Coalition … in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 7 months ago
Drac for PM 2018
draculina replied to the topic Nice Try Martin in the forum Technical Q&A 7 years, 7 months ago
You’re the one that blocked access to JC from the browser that you know I use, lol.
Seems to have mysteriously disapeared now though.
draculina replied to the topic Lets hope this scumbag rots inside his cell. 15 years is nothing! in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 8 months ago
Surgeos are human, they can make mistakes, or be misinformed on things just like anyone else can. Blindly trusting anyone is a bad idea.
draculina replied to the topic Lets hope this scumbag rots inside his cell. 15 years is nothing! in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 8 months ago
Are you a doctor, or a lawyer? If not then by your own logic you should not be talking about the topic.
You are acting as if he murdered these people, which is the thing I have a problem with. The patients concented to have surgery, and I assume also approved by the hospitals and surgical teams involved.
He may have exagerated the risks or…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic Lets hope this scumbag rots inside his cell. 15 years is nothing! in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 8 months ago
I will try to clarify what I have said, because I know some perople will try to misrepresent me. I am not trying to defend his actions, I am querstioning the legal system, as I see this more as an emotional response rather than a reasoned decision made on existing laws and precidents.
draculina replied to the topic Lets hope this scumbag rots inside his cell. 15 years is nothing! in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 8 months ago
Did the patients not sign conracts that consented to the surgery being done?
And I suppose they couldn’t get a second opinion from another doctor, or researched the risks for themselves uing the internet?
He should not be allowed to practice medicine anympre, but I am still not convicned that anything he did was a crime.
This doesn’t even…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic Lets hope this scumbag rots inside his cell. 15 years is nothing! in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 8 months ago
Maybe there is something I am missing, but I am failing to see what he did that was illegal. as far as I know, he (truthfully) told his patioents that they had lipomas, and that there was a risk that they could become malignant, maybe he exageratedthe risks but I haven’t seen anything to suggest that. He offered to remove them, and the patients…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic Why I am leaving JC in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 8 months ago
He deleted my post saying that I was IP banned.
draculina started the topic Nice Try Martin in the forum Technical Q&A 7 years, 8 months ago
But you will have to do better than that to get rid of me.
draculina replied to the topic Why I am leaving JC in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 8 months ago
Welcome to Just Chat Linda.
I messaged Matin about it when it happened, but he hasn’t replied, so I don’t think an explanation will be given.
I’m about still for now, but I’m not posting as much as usual.
And you are the misguded one Scep .
draculina replied to the topic Manchester Arena Attack: Political Discussion in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 8 months ago
There is a lot of ‘fake news’ being circulated by left wing outlets, some of which is repeated in the original thread. One of these is that muslim taxi drivers were offering free transport for the victims, the image I often see attached to this story is this one:
If you look at the image carefully, you will notice the man is wearing a turban,…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic Manchester Arena Attack: Political Discussion in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 8 months ago
There is a lot of ‘fake news’ being circulated by left wing outlets, some of which is repeated in the original thread. One of these is that muslim taxi drivers were offering free transport for the victims, the image I often see attached to this story is this one:
If you look at the image carefully, you will notice the man is wearing a turban,…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic Why I am leaving JC in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 8 months ago
I never mentioned anything to do with Islam
draculina replied to the topic RIP to the victims of Manchester Arena in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 8 months ago
You all reveal your true hypocrisy by reacting to an actual remembrance like this, just because the wrong person made it. Of course I posted it in French, that was the language that we spoke in, and people call me a racist xenophobe, what a joke.
I know that you couldn’t read it, but I called for all victms of terror to be remembered, including…[Read more]
draculina started the topic Why I am leaving JC in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 8 months ago
Last night I posted a memorial to the Manchester thread, to remember a close friend that I lost in the Brussels bombings a few years ago, and all victims of terror. I woke up this morning to discover that it had been deleted. If find this to be highly disrespectful, and I very much take offence to it, which is not something that I do easily.
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