if ya looking for a perfect man someone whos romantic, caring, and fun to be with then look no further coz here i am i am on the prowl for a female those who know of me or rememebr me from the past can verify that any takers? i yearn for thy heart to be whole again
You will never know how close I was to chucking up then… :-…
…….as i see it…shaz asked were pete was…….fasty med a toungue in cheek comment…..pete got all aggressive….shaz apologised..esme threatened to kick everyone ar.se from here to hell…..pete sed nowt………esme an shaz made up……tho what shaz was sposed to have done wrong in first place i fail to see……..pebbs sed what most of us think but only she has the ba.lls to post 8) ……bon was nice to everyone.. :wink: ………an i fort……its time some of u stopped bein so fookin defensive and chilled. :D
Meanwhile….. as the worlds banks come crashing down around us…….. Pebbles and PB seem more interested in their dislike of mobile phones…. Weird world innit.