I’ve had a few, I think quite in tune with that side.
My earliest recollection was feeling a hand squeeze my knee. I broke down in tears as I knew it was my grandad. Don’t know why I thought or knew it I just did.
In my teens I would walk home along a lane, high wall on one side and a building on the other, only one door. An elderly gent asked if I had a light leaning in the doorway. I didn’t smoke then so apologised. Carried on down the lane and heard foot steps behind me, turned to look an no one was there, went to carry on and the same gent was leaning against the wall and asked me again do I have a light.
My friend worked in a bar, I was there at closing time as we were going to have an evening together. I helped clear up, a glass slid across a table when no one was near. We both seen it move! Regular occurrence in the bar, they call him ‘MrBoots’ as in the cellar there’s been the noise of old hobnail boots on the stones.
At sea I’ve seen a woman dressed in white. A deckhand starting shouting in the middle of the night someone was trying to pull him out of bed. (We all put it down to a prank) I was on my on and would pace on the bridge to keep myself awake. Seen something pass the window, a white flash, thought it was a gull. Turn an there’s a woman in a wedding dress standing on the bow. I mentioned it to the skipper and his face dropped, “so you’ve seen her too!”
I often see shadows or sparkles at the side of my eye. Just know someone or something is there.
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