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  • #278397

    @mellow wrote:

    awww code words aren’t so bad really hehe :o

    look ill give you A FEW of them and then you will see ….

    theres no big deal really :!: #-o ok here goes :-

    LUSM = lets understand some more ,
    SLSB = shush laaaar secrets best ,
    BUX = britains understand Xmas ,
    MULU = most underhand less understood ,
    BU = bloody un-aware ,
    SSSM= shy squirrel seeks mate ,

    there pasta and sunny see whats all the fuss bout codes ,
    N T I A T ! , just a few you keep you satisfied. ill tell you some more laters :D/

    :-k NTIAT = not that interesting are they !!

    OMG u fibber hehe :lol: :lol: :lol: (nice ideas thou!) :idea: :D


    @sunshine1 wrote:

    dkasndflnasflsdf code that (_)_) and that

    bloody mulu sounds like some light muller light yogurt………….. atleast write a book bout the codes otherwise pasta and i start our own codes AND IT WONT BE A PRETTY SITE pmsl

    God i love you hehe !!! and that ass is soooo sexy lol :P


    Omg this is getting heavy,
    i really am feeling unsteady,
    how can i be mistaken for the google gimp,
    when all his efforts bloody stink,
    well now all my opinions have been aired,
    i must go cause matty’s making me scared ! :? :?

    ps yoddy love the siggy xx


    @mellow wrote:

    well my bux me finks that sunny N pasta ave
    no chance of cracking our code HEHE :lol:

    pity INIT cus its not code weally is it :!: :!:

    its just lumu bux , u no its flu too INIT hehe :wink: xx

    not so hard to understand is it my lil croc

    ‘ ‘ mulu ssm bux flu :!: ‘ ‘
    X :D X
    X X X X X X

    AWWWW u cute lil f’er lol :oops: and i flu u2 and mu ssm cause ya my DLHNF init hehe xx


    @mellow wrote:

    any where with you :oops: :oops: xx

    omg no no OMG …… hehe :oops: :oops:
    erm was 14 tut me !

    erm what do you do when you are lost for words??? lol :wink:


    Hmmm :oops: :oops: lol what code words???

    (mu2 bu sssm ) xxx 8-[ and yer init you too nutters lol xx


    Erm funny enuff was blackpool :oops: :oops: :lol: xx

    where would you most like to make love ??? :roll: :P


    Ask the cherubic figure lmao :lol: :lol:
    (trust you too) lol x

    Have you ever been in the blackpool tower ?? lol


    @mellow wrote:

    erow maybe !!
    welcome to the boards , i know its a late welcome
    but is sincere and meant xx xx :P

    OMG u lol :o :lol: :oops:

    Well hmm easier to hide out here init !! hehe :wink: and thank you very much and that was sincere too lol xxx


    Behind a church!! trust me :oops: :oops:

    Do you like pickled onions??

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