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  • #393370

    @woohoo wrote:

    I went into the garage yesterday with A Renault Clio, and came out with an Austin Allegro,.. So the question is.. HAVE I BEEN ROBBED?.. :?

    LOL@austin allegro, my first boyfriend had an allegro and it was bright yellow…
    OMG could see us coming for miles, you have brought back some nasty memories lol.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    thought i had put it fairly simply :?
    wont offer help again :( and yeah i change my own oil and brake pads and so on and even an engine once but i got help with that :lol: i used to enjoy it tho im getting older and wiser now :wink:

    Don’t be offended poli, it was probably the shock of finding a female that understads the hidden mysteries of a motor car that threw him a bit.

    Most females go as far as the colour (pink) of the vfluffy dice and whether it has a make-up mirror (=rear view mirror) or not.

    Right first of all, poli was appreciated greatly not that i understood it lol…and well done you for changing brakes and oil time mine need doing i’ll be sure to come and find you :D xx

    Secondly pb im female so less of the sexist comments please ! :twisted: tut tut ! lol x


    Well thank’s for all your the car has been wrote off anyway (will get re-registered) some silly %%% hit me up the backside, was bumper n light damage only,the car was still written off. I bought it back as salvage cause has very low milage,and i really didnt want to spend lots on it..maybe i should have cut my losses and sent it to the great scrap yard in the sky!

    pb thanks for putting it in layman’s terms unlike poli who has given me a complete headache lol… poli the secret mechanic lol.


    lol pete …


    thanks agreed to rear brakes…expecting just the pads. also they tried saying i might need whole new shaft thingy for the gaitor, i rang my brother he said u can buy a gaitor thing for like 15 quid and stick it on, when i mentioned this to them they tried telling me it needed a metal one and would be no which i replied will it pass the mot, they said yes. an hour later they rang to say that could get away with a metal clip costing a tenner, cause they knew i done my homework, but still seems extorsionate.

    Oh well thats life huh !


    a little disapointed on two counts

    1, why have i not been invited.

    2, no pink primark wellies with spots to match the umbrellas.

    please amend this at your earliest convienience.

    Ruffy xxx :lol:


    Was this a guide only question or can anyone join in ? lol

    Well as you asked fresh lemon and sugar all the way. (i’m not bitter enough)
    but rest assured i am working on it.

    Also as this is a guide only thread im free to be a forum host whenever you like. :lol:


    Thanks i found her. soo tell me more about this lure she has pls ?? lol..


    samaritans are freephone??


    Thanks GM you too x

    (Thought i’d reply as no one else did) lol.. rude ppl tut tut :roll: :roll:

    Thats f2 for you tight as %%%%%%%% we havent even got decorations
    up this year ! :cry:

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