The real name of the film star Rita Hayworth was Violet Pretty from Merseyside and once one the Miss New Brightont Contest.
My gran was a woman who said what she thought and stood no nonsense . One day, in a tiny little shop in OMeath in Co. Louth she was standing in the queue when a large black car pulled up outside. A man in a long fur coat bustled in to the shop and went straight to the front of the Queue and demanded to be served. My gran pointed out, in a very reasonable voice, that there was a queue and he should wait. He said, in a very arrogant manner, that he could not wait because his wife ” The famous actress,Rita Hayworth” was waiting for him in his car. My gran then informed him, in the same reasonable voice, ” Yes, well, I knew her when she was Violet Pretty, so she can just wait, Now get to the back of the queue!”. He left.
I swear this is true, I was in the shop and about 8 at the time :D