Gotti replied to the topic Appropriate TV Titles in the forum Chat forum three boards 5 years, 5 months ago
Dennis the menace ayyyyyyy I bet you are glad i’m not the controlling jealous type or insecure in myself. I’m so glad i’m a confident young stallion.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Socks and Sandals in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@Wordsworth60 wrote:
@sceptical guy wrote:
@Mrs_Teapot wrote:
@eve wrote:
y do men get sores on their feet from wearing sandals without socks? Women dont wear socks with sandals and it doesnt seem to be a problem. ? Maybe get sandals that fit?
men have sweaty feet eve.. thats why they smell a bit… and rub on sandals……. advice for all the…
Mrs_Teapot replied to the topic Socks and Sandals in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@eve wrote:
y do men get sores on their feet from wearing sandals without socks? Women dont wear socks with sandals and it doesnt seem to be a problem. ? Maybe get sandals that fit?
men have sweaty feet eve.. thats why they smell a bit… and rub on sandals……. advice for all the men….. talcum powder :D
sceptical guy replied to the topic Socks and Sandals in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@eve wrote:
in my considered and totally non judgemental opinion
said offenders should be hung by their toes!
time for the witchfinder general, I see
I walked all the way to the pool and all the way back wearing just sandals (actually, was wearing shorts and t-shirt too).
Major blisters on my feet.
damned if you do, damned if you don’t
anc replied to the topic Pondering in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@eve wrote:
Yay! anc said people and not peeps :D
Thank u anc :D
I did on the first one, should have on the second – oooops! lol
anc replied to the topic for jillytots and bendover in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@eve wrote:
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
He didnt Eve, it was me bored yesterday that reopned it when i seen tinkerbells post
Humbug! :lol:
anc replied to the topic A plea in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@eve wrote:
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
@rogue trader wrote:
no wordsy man,i beg to differ,if im in chat,yeh you got to get your lols in quick,because as you are well aware,its fast and furious,on them thar chat sites,but on boards i can take all day,or even all week,to answer,yep i agree lol and all the other emos are a sign of recognition,but imo it depends…
eve replied to the topic Name-changers and Sociopaths in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
SimplySu replied to the topic Name-changers and Sociopaths in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@eve wrote:
Su knows :)
Su knows
haha eve, trust you to remind me of a ‘JC’ I like :wink:
How IS Cyril, btw?
Mrs_Teapot replied to the topic Chance Meetings in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@eve wrote:
The real name of the film star Rita Hayworth was Violet Pretty from Merseyside and once one the Miss New Brightont Contest.
My gran was a woman who said what she thought and stood no nonsense . One day, in a tiny little shop in OMeath in Co. Louth she was standing in the queue when a large black car pulled up outside. A man in a long…
tinks replied to the topic The Most Gorgeous Man in the World in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
kent f OBE replied to the topic Sgt in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@eve wrote:
I dont think that Alison Moyet was ever fat. She just had a lovely womanly shape.
You’re right eve…..when Alison “died” I was a skinny size 8 so I guess I thought she was fat :lol:
tinks replied to the topic A message for Martin in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@eve wrote:
Come on! I ask u!
How can anyone compare crisps with Choccy!!!!!
i like eating the two together :-
jen_jen replied to the topic Century of Film Making in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@eve wrote:
Yes it was from Taken :)
Can anyone tell me the name of a film I saw years ago, an old Jimmy stewart film, where he is a rather niaive sewer worker whose only ambition is to “move up” to being a street sweeper and who falls for a prostitute? I think the film was set in France?
Seventh Heaven
eve replied to the topic ROOM 101 in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@Wordsworth60 wrote:
@eve wrote:
The question of grammar aside, I have to put in my 101 the non pronunciation of the th. How hard is it to pronounce th?? Fink? fort? etc. :twisted:
Sorry darlin’ rahnd our way vat’s the way cleverdicks talk . . .
Yea Lah but werr I was born from we nobbled clever dicks :D
Terry replied to the topic Do you know what? in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@eve wrote:
People are people whether online or on the net.
That’s too deep for me. I’ll need to go away and think about this particular concept.
eve replied to the topic Feigning for attention in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@(f)politics? wrote:
@eve wrote:
We all have fantasies. Perhaps some ppl need them more than others and find it less dangerous and harmful to live them out in a chat world than in reality?
Don’t think he meant “those” kind of fantasies eve you devil :oops: :wink:
Nor did I .. Ya mucky mare! :D
Terry replied to the topic The Future in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@eve wrote:
U do seem to be very adamant in your own opinions Terry. You have every right to hold them and express them but surely not the right to denigrate the opinions of others?
It’s important to have an opinion eve. I don’t agree with panda, sceptical guy or poli. That’s life I’m afraid.
Mrs_Teapot replied to the topic The missing pound? in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@eve wrote:
Only just seen this and noticed how many ppl blamed me! As if! Me! the totally non violent, quiet, submissive, gentle person that I am!
( where did u get the fantastic Betty with a gun from ? )
Lol eve… I just googled Betty Boop with a gun and up it popped :shock:
sceptical guy replied to the topic ROOM 101 in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
@eve wrote:
The question of grammar aside, I have to put in my 101 the non pronunciation of the th. How hard is it to pronounce th?? Fink? fort? etc. :twisted:
ouch, Eve.
I cannot say words beginning in ‘th’. I always use ‘f’. So instead of sayng thought, I say, fought, or fort.
It’s true. When I was 10 and 11, I had to go to speech clinic to…[Read more]
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