LucyLocket replied to the topic The JC guide to re-inventing yourself by Katie 23/Crazy Cow in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
Melody’s heart was in the right place wen she started that thread it was born out of genuine concern i feel
=D> =D> =D>
toybulldog replied to the topic International Womans Day in the board Getting Serious 13 years ago
@Eva licious wrote:
Today is International womans day.
What woman inspires you either in your life, someone youve read about or perhaps a celeb ?.Me mum.
Fought cancer for years, while helping, and I mean really helping, those suffering from it. Or old age. Sometimes it’s the same thing you know.
I never read about her, nor was she an…[Read more]
anc replied to the topic Should Dogs and Cats Sleep on Your Bed? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago
@Eva licious wrote:
aawww all the pics on this thread are so cute, lol i wish i knew how to do that id put me n maxi up he loves to pose.
ye its true anc it was my loneliness that brought max to me but it was self imposed i was going thru a daft stage saying stupid things like thats it im never gonna love anything again so my walls were up no one…
anc replied to the topic Should Dogs and Cats Sleep on Your Bed? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago
@Eva licious wrote:
Well haha i would love my doggy max to sleep with me but he much prefers his scooby doo dogbed i do try to tempt him in with me with his fav snack gravy bones but wen the snack is gone so is he … the little git …
on the flip side he does jump on me at stupid o’clock in the morning sitting on my chest and licking me cheek…
Barbie_Girl replied to the topic Read any good books lately? in the board Art, poetry, music and film 13 years ago
@Eva licious wrote:
My favourite series of books is the Alex cross books by James Patterson i usually give away books but these stay pride of place on my bookshelf, they are sort of crime thriller books.
To pass a lazy sunday you cant fail with Martina Cole,
Eva, have you tried The Women’s Murder Club series By James Patterson? They are just as…[Read more]
Aussie_Sassy replied to the topic // in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
i see bloss has graduated to f3 it’s a sad day indeed :lol:
just remember f3 a deal’s a deal no givseys backsies
i would recommend if u want to continue to enjoy the delights of blossom u print out a copy her masterpieces have a weird habit of disapearing. :roll:
good luck f3 you’ll need it
My condolences f3. Don’t…[Read more]
LucyLocket replied to the topic Lest we forget………..Wear your Poppy with pride in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 4 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month I will stop for a silent minute of thought. I will wear a poppy on my chest with pride and remember fallen heroes. Wear your poppies proud – lest we forget ♥
Ditto :)
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Just a few questions….. in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 5 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
If you had a snail that could magically grant wishes, what would you name it? Speedy
You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies, which do you choose? the gorilla
and emWho do you like better, Bill or Ted? Why? Bill (Alex Winter) as he wasnt as dumb as Ted (Keanue Reeves).…
anc replied to the topic Who would you have to dinner in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 6 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
Rosa Parks to ask her how she found such amazing courage
Billy Connelly for the laughs
James Patterson my favourite author
and could i have a 4th so that Michael C Hall could go ahead n start falling in love with me :D
Don’t see why not, a couple of us have a 4th hiding under the table! :lol:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Who would you have to dinner in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 6 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
Rosa Parks to ask her how she found such amazing courage
I agree with you Eva but as my friend would say – thats not courage, she was just to lazy to get up!!
It made me laugh at the time. -
huggermuggered replied to the topic Whoes snow man is better Animals or mine? in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
both lovely pics animal yr snowman is very cool and u can i say r a bit of a cutie
but hugger is soo hot shes practially melting that snowman and loving her snowmans hat n scarf combo so after careful deliberation my vote goes toooo drum roll plz
Woohoo ty eva….. all lies btw i was freezing lol
Mrs_Teapot replied to the topic Would you? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
no mrs Teapot cause at the end of my days im not gonna miss out on being exactly like this
Lol Eva I watched it… so funny :)
huggermuggered replied to the topic My Pic in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
hello huggs it would be a pleasure to have you back on the boards it needs livening up
oh and em i know you gave me a mention in your post am rather hoping it dosnt exclude me getting a bit of a slobber too would love a bit of action xxxxx :lol:
big double slobber for you…[Read more]
TheMaster replied to the topic Would you? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
brilliant thread, i can finally ask the questions i want the answers to :lol:
would u rather
brutally murder your entire family or
be part of a human centipede
Again? Hang on, I’ll get my machete…
@Eva licious wrote:
be stuck in a elevator with 5 incredibly fat men with bad breath…
kent f OBE replied to the topic Eva and Master’s battle of the sexes in the board Jokes and humourous links 13 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
ty kent honey
and calling all the girlies, please post ur own joke and help me win the battle of the sexes
tbh im rapidly running out of jokes xxxx
There is no battle Eva…we are winners…..just let the blokes carry on thinking they can :wink:
MasterPlan replied to the topic Eva and Master’s battle of the sexes in the board Jokes and humourous links 13 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
in light of some opinions in my other thread that us girlies are firing too many jokes at the male chatter’s, this thread should give the fella’s a equal opportunity to fire some jokes our way, us girls are toughies and can surely take it so boys n girls if u have a joke post em see who can win the battle of the sexes joke…
MasterPlan replied to the topic Advice to pass on to your Daughter’s in the board Jokes and humourous links 13 years, 7 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
masterplan i’m not looking to argue with u either, i dont want anything i put up on the boards to hurt or offend anyone i do not think that is what the boards are here for. but if u look at the boards some of it is aimed at us woman too it is a joke thread, i just saw it n thought it was funny if i saw a bit about advice…
MasterPlan replied to the topic Advice to pass on to your Daughter’s in the board Jokes and humourous links 13 years, 7 months ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
Ah Craig, come on you have to admit, there funny cause there true :)
Hmm. Well I like to think that they don’t apply to me. But maybe I’m wrong?
@Eva licious wrote:
13. If he asks what sort of books you’re interested in, tell him checkbooks.
TheMaster replied to the topic Geoff & Cowgirl in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 7 months ago
jen_jen replied to the topic I hate Sunday morning in the board Chat forum one boards 13 years, 8 months ago
@Eva licious wrote:
i’m sorry yr going thru such a miserable time and i hope things improve for you x
i guess marriage is like a gas station sometimes you get good service, sometimes you get bad servive and sometimes you just ave to put up with self service.