Eva licious replied to the topic JC Sports Day 2012 in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
a few years back i was exposed to the blast of a test detonation of a gamma bomb, now i have a freakishly strong big toe so if theres a toe wrestling comp :D
Eva licious replied to the topic Fave xmas pressies… in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
got some lovely stuff this year
worst was a dressing gown which was lovely but now i have 5
best was armani diamonds perfume which was lush
closely followed by DKNY perfume and betty boop t shirt
next year fingers crossed for that car
Eva licious replied to the topic Rocky! in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
rocky u clumsy so n so :o
have a speedy recovery xxxxxxxx
Eva licious replied to the topic My poor little back (possibly not for the sqeamish) in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
hope ur on the mend barbs, wishing u health n happyness in 2012 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Eva licious replied to the topic // in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
i see bloss has graduated to f3 it’s a sad day indeed :lol:
just remember f3 a deal’s a deal no givseys backsies
i would recommend if u want to continue to enjoy the delights of blossom u print out a copy her masterpieces have a weird habit of disapearing. :roll:
good luck f3 you’ll need it
Eva licious replied to the topic The NeverEnding Story in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 2 months ago
to the NewYork KnackersYard
Eva licious replied to the topic What really annoys you in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
well if were still continueing wi this thread
just done this i was tryin to make a sarnie but left the butter in the fridge so it was brick hard so it ripped bread to shreds grrrr isnt life full of annoyances. :twisted:
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
tinks i hope u have saw the last of those cards, in my case its flowers i get with the card with always the same message with hidden meanings “i’ll be seeing u soon ect. its like yr home is still bein invaded. these guys just cant seem to let go i dunno if its ego or what xx
Eva licious replied to the topic What really annoys you in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
wen customers are just about to pay u and they put the money in there mouth while theyre looking for change ect or puttin theyre purse bac in theyre bag and then take the money oot theyre gob n hand u it thanks for the germs
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
same here tinks
if u met my ex most of u would like him even go for a drink with him so he was in another relationship after me none of which stopped him tracking me down from time to time trashing my flat threatning close friends n family for info and far much stuff i cant say here.
the police recently informed me he had beaten his new partner…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic What really annoys you in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
oh god noisy eaters thats reminded me people that eat with there mouth open yukkkkkk.
cold callers im always eatin my dinner or in the shower or in jc :P
and people who read over yr shoulder buy yr own :lol:
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
i know i’ve said it b4 but i really would thank u all for taking the time to write down yr thoughts n opinions n especially stories. There’s been times when u know other ple go thru similar stuff to urself but it really does help reading this, not that uv gone thru it of course but the fact you have gone thru it and came thru other side.
So in…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic What really annoys you in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
i agree with the last one thinks if someone walks out in front of your car and holds their hand up you should be allowed to run the pr1ck over to prove she is not a effin Jedi Knight!
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
that’s quite right melody, it was over a year ago now when i left my relationship and the police did offer to help me find a councellor an offer i wish i took up at the time, only recently did i decide to give it a go ive only had a cple of sessions but its did me good who talks things thru with a person who isnt emotionally involved.
its…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
you know what bloss i dont care if you look at this thread and see nothing but trolling, but its not what i see i see goodness in people, and for a long time for me ive saw nothing but darkness
i read this thread and to know theres people like barbie and melody’s mum who have helped people out of difficult situations, angels like my friend who…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
ty masky for sharing yr story, i know we hardly know each other but ive always said u sound like an adorable dude maybe its the hardships we endure that make us stronger, i hope so anyway …. im not just saying this cause of wot u posted i said it in the room once and the whole room agreed.
and to everyone else ty for sharing
bloss if the…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
i just read what barbie wrote and it brought a tear to me eye then i wrote what cherrie wrote and i burst out laughing gotta love room 2
ive pondered this and have decided im glad to be a troll yes blossom ive asked myself am i weak, i must be to let such things happen to me. but id rather be this and have a heart and i know that i would…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic My Bump – Just for Cherrie xx in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 2 months ago
personally i bare sugar no ill will but i hardly knew her, just said hi n bye really, if she came back it d b fine with me im guessing she had reasons for saying what she did
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 3 months ago
it was my best friend that threw me a lifeline and i thank the universe for her everyday she was there for me even though i had pushed her away during the last 6 months of my relationship.
so over the festive season lets just give a little thought/prayer for the men woman children whose holidays wont be so festive.
if people now think im a troll…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Death by papercuts in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 3 months ago
ty Melody for sharing yr story i’m only sorry you did it on a thread i started to justify yrself, to me the fact you found the courage to leave makes you a strong minded capable independant woman. People have said i was brave to leave the last straw for me was wen i lost a child due to the situation i was in, i dont think i’m particularly brave…[Read more]
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