Eva licious replied to the topic should you go back to an ex? in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 8 months ago
I think sometimes it can work going back to a ex, sometimes wen u meet somone one or both of u is just in different places, or you have young children ect which can it make it difficult for you to make a relationship work because you dont want to disrupt there lives for example. But you have to deal with the reasons why you couldnt make it work…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic BIT OF FUN in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 8 months ago
I loved my stuffed animal called Wilbur, but i was rather surprised to see him riding a motorcycle down the motorway, i asked him wot on earth he doing he replied “because im sexy and i want too” :D
Eva licious replied to the topic DOGGY STYLE in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 8 months ago
I couldnt think of a name for my alsation labrador cross a cple of years back so i googled top 10 names for dogs, i loved the name MAX and picked that, nice to see name still makes top 10 ……………
Eva licious replied to the topic Flurry’s Birthday 22nd June in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 8 months ago
Your birthday should be a national holiday. I need a day off.
Have a lovely day xxxx
Eva licious replied to the topic really massive pointless rant :) in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 9 months ago
Mucky i actually agree with what yv put here on this subject and i agree u know if you log on after a few visits you know what to expect and you have to have a tough skin and you learn not to let every remark get to you…… but …….
u say if u dont like it dont come in , but why should the normal chatters log off because of the abuse,…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Quotes you Like in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckettor from the great mind of Homer Simpson talking to bart
“You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.”
Eva licious replied to the topic really massive pointless rant :) in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 9 months ago
I agree with you des and your proberly right, you did put that better than i did. But i do think people who have had some sort of social rejection are more likely to bully n inflict pain on others, and your right it gives them amusement/ power to write this stuff in here. Yr very wise also to be careful who you give out info too but in here u…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic really massive pointless rant :) in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 9 months ago
I think people resort to typing vile things in chatrooms is that in real life i dunno maybe they have low self esteem or have no sence of accomplishment in real life, so they find themselves in here and because they are behind a screen trying to bully others trying desperately to make them feel small to make themselves feel bigger and better about…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Robin Gibb in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 9 months ago
great music from a great band …
rip xxx
wen i think of the bee gees its always this image …… john travoltas strut
Eva licious replied to the topic Fake people and a moral dilema… in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 10 months ago
just a silly point to add
it was the couple themselves who tripped themselves up in the room and then a fumbled attempt to cover it up dug them deeper in the hole they were digging, and if a idiot like me noticed it so did alot of others. it wasnt this thread that revealed them or anyone that has responded to it.
but as my favourite chatter…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Fake people and a moral dilema… in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 10 months ago
The couple were nice sociable chatters and very pleasanat i agree, i honestly do hope they are happy together, but if there not they may have had good reasons for saying wot they did …… together or apart i wish them happyness.
but they did state in chat they had met …. so i think both knew the image wos not of any chatter … so i…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Fake people and a moral dilema… in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 10 months ago
if yr going to make up a fake persona in here u have to be very clever and think before you type. It wasnt down to Melody or said guide that this couple were undone they said a few things in room that couldnt possibly be true if they were who they said they were, there were a few red flags b4 this, although i do take the point if guides have our…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Century of Film Making in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 10 months ago
i love most films far too many too mention
12 angry men
its a wonderful life
All the indiana jones r just some of my faves ive been watchin lately
but i better not forget to mention the film i watch wen i feel like a cry
Marley and me
John Grogan: A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Lettuce count to a million in the board Tests, quizzes and games 12 years, 10 months ago
The Empire State Building in New York City has 102 floors
Eva licious replied to the topic Melody in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 11 months ago
Have a great b day may all yr wishes come true xxxxxx
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest!
Eva licious replied to the topic 20 Questions…. in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 12 months ago
1) Where did you go on your first ever date? picnic in the park
2) Where would you go now on a first date? same it was a nice day
3) How far would you go with someone on a first date? peck on the cheek
4) What is your biggest turn off? arrogance, dirty fingernails
5) What the the worst thing that has happened to you on a date? being…[Read more] -
Eva licious replied to the topic International Womans Day in the board Getting Serious 13 years ago
I agree 100% about Rosa Parks, i put her in the f3 boards who would u like to have dinner with, i was shocked wen another chatter asked who is Rosa and i think it was Dubbs who had to explain what Rosa had did. She is a true example of strength. Who knows if President Obama would be sitting in the house he is now without people like her.
Eva licious replied to the topic International Womans Day in the board Getting Serious 13 years ago
I think we all read books, newspapers ect and read about all sorts of amazing accomplishments and we wish we could mirror it in some way, or even something silly like read a mag and think i wish i looked like that.
But after reading this from Toy (hugs from me too xxxx) and Dubbs its the men/ woman who battle illness or go thru the day to day…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Do You Have a Best Friend? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago
Hopefully we are all blessed with a best friend.
All my friends would come see me if i somehow ended up in a cell
My best friend would be sitting beside me saying “we really screwed up bad this time”
Eva licious replied to the topic Should Dogs and Cats Sleep on Your Bed? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago
aawww all the pics on this thread are so cute, lol i wish i knew how to do that id put me n maxi up he loves to pose.
ye its true anc it was my loneliness that brought max to me but it was self imposed i was going thru a daft stage saying stupid things like thats it im never gonna love anything again so my walls were up no one was getting thru…[Read more]
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