Eva licious replied to the topic HAPPY BIRTHDAY GD in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Two Boards 9 years, 7 months ago
Hope you have had a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday xx
Eva licious replied to the topic World Suicide Prevention Day 10th Sept 2013 in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 6 months ago
Mainly applies to ple in scotland for this week, but theres a bit of help for ple anywhere.
nice post
Eva licious replied to the topic Mellows Birthday in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 1 month ago
Two tips on your birthday:
1) Forget the past, you can’t change it.
2) Forget the present, I didn’t get you one.Have a wonderful day xx
Eva licious replied to the topic Christmas words A – Z in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 2 months ago
Eva licious replied to the topic Happy Birthday To Doll For The 17TH Of December in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 2 months ago
Happy 21st doll face, i wish you the best life has to offer.
Have a wonderful day xx
Eva licious replied to the topic Royal Family Kill Nurse in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 3 months ago
Personally i’ve never found those kind of pranks funny, its just making someone look silly so u can have a giggle at them, its a kind of bullying. However there was no way to know how this prank would play out and end up with a family losing a loved one. The DJ’s didnt seem to be particularly sorry after they pulled this prank but they must be…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic single mothers in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 4 months ago
Single mothers should never be judged like this Shiddy they do a marvellous job of bringing up there child alone, usually under a great deal of strain and financial responsibilities which they must bear alone,
No woman i would imagine sets out to b a single parent, why would they, either the man leaves, perhaps they are widowed, or they have had…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic should chatguides be allowed … in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 4 months ago
Of course they should b allowed to chat but wen they have there chatguide hat on they should be fair impartial and wen there is a dispute in the room they shouldnt b seen to take sides esp wen its one of there friends who is in the middle of a dispute in the room.
Eva licious replied to the topic views on abortion in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 4 months ago
I dont know really but i dont think woman should be ordered to abort if its not wanted the trauma involved might be irreversible to the woman ……. im a bit against men telling woman what to do with there bodies…
Eva licious replied to the topic whats better? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 4 months ago
the chase ….. gotta luv the beast …..
Eva licious replied to the topic what do you love more in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 4 months ago
Well people obvously, as ive never had any money to luv but if i had im sure i would be very fond of it …….. :lol:
Eva licious replied to the topic Dallas! in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 6 months ago
I’ve been watching the old series on cbs satelitte channel and ive gotta admit i love it and im a bit hooked …. I watched the new one last night and it looks like it will be good and i’ll defo be sticking with it.
Eva licious replied to the topic Winnie Johnson in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 6 months ago
Ian Brady is a remorceless psychopath with little or no remorse, whether he knows where keith’s body is we may never know, the landscape on the moors is ever changing and alot of years have passed by since the murders, did he genuinely try to find Keith the day police took him out to try to find the body, if i had buried a person i think where the…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic The JC guide to re-inventing yourself by Katie 23/Crazy Cow in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 7 months ago
Melody outed no one she named no names it was others on a thread started by her who named other chatters, i think if she could retract that thread she would so maybe let it die. Melody’s heart was in the right place wen she started that thread it was born out of genuine concern i feel.
I dont think crazy is katie personality wise they seem very…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Summertime…and the living is easy… in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 7 months ago
the heat no sleep
the cinema bein full of superhero movies and kids stuff with the exception of ice age 4 i love that
people who wander about in shorts n no top that really shouldntbut to prove im not a complete sourpuss
i like sitting in the garden with mates eating strawberries n cream and having a drink on a summers evening and going for a…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic INSPIRATIONAL SONGS in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 7 months ago
This song was playing on the radio when i got in my car knowing that i had to drive away never to return to a old life, it can still bring a tear even with my old black cold heart.
Also a classic song which says somewhere over the rainbow there is this magical place where everything will be better, a…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Resurrect F2!!! in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 8 months ago
everything everyone has put is true, but wen f2 ws good it was the best room
f2 rules
it just got deadly dull the same insults, the same borin spammers, the same boy chasing and whining about the same girl , which dominated the room sadly zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
n alot left because of the insults ect, not that anyone cld blame em
it proberly will make…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic Resurrect F2!!! in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years, 8 months ago
i think f2 is sadly gone it seems to be permantly quiet…….
maybe we should have a agreed time all the old regulars agree to pop in ……..
Eva licious replied to the topic AH SO NOW THEN in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 8 months ago
i hate sport on tv like most females id rather watch the soaps, but one of my best girlfriends loves footie and is now thouroughly engrossed in wimbeldon and tbh i cld sit n watch it with pimms n strawberries n cream.
I hate most romantic mushy films, there isnt enuf money in the world to pay me to watch pretty woman, titanic ect, my male…[Read more]
Eva licious replied to the topic AH SO NOW THEN in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 8 months ago
not sure, im always rubbish at guessing the who dunnits
max too repetitive hes always putting it about
Derek not enuf drink in the world to go there even for kat.
Ray he is gawgus maybe him
Michael maybe him, but a tad obvious, they have a kid and they have been getting along recently, hes prob the red herrin.
so i think its Jack,…[Read more]
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