I think we slid down the slippery slope to a Big Brother society some time ago, look back even five years ago to see what a nanny state we’ve become. More than ever, government takes it upon itself to bully and berate those who don’t conform to the norm.I couldn’t believe the news headlines on B.B.C. One last night: in stern tones, the warning that we are facing an obesity epidemic..what arrant b@llocks. Does bony blair intend to have us all out pounding the pavements and living on alfalfa beans..{do you really wanna look like Gillian McKeith?] Like sheep, we are herded at every turn….don’t smoke….don’t drink….and meanwhile served up the new opiate of the people….the mindless pursuit of celebrity. We are conceding our individuality. it’s time to say ‘enough and no more.’