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  • #176283

    we’re too old for bloody bunk beds!!


    es I m lso a ew ser nd een eeling a it eft ut f hings


    Emmalush DEFINATELY reckons I’m a cow…ooh and you know what…I am :lol:


    sorry to butt in but I need rescued from the thread I’ve got going with Emmalush..and I thought it was time I introduced meself


    Jeezuz..I thought I’d spelled it out. Take a globe, start in Vladivostock and keep going left.What else? Read Stepfel’s ‘Between Revolt And Anarchy.’

    your stalling tactic of insisting on answers to empirical questions is transparent and childish,so maybe I’ll employ the same and demand that you answer MY questions or I’ll squeem and squeem until I’m sick!!

    Tell me where all the neo-fascists have gone or I shall have a tantrum?

    Tell me where you’ve misplaced your sense of humour?

    What is a Vodka and that as in bloody mary?

    Am I a sad barstard doing this on a Friday night?

    #237470’s an bear with me as it’s scary..maybe just maybeee I go so far to the left that I meet up with the…no that’s a crazy notion..are you with me?
    Can you prove to me that there are no longer neo-nazi thugs in the BNP?

    What makes you say I have a fascist intolerance of you? I’m actually enjoying our joust.

    Gee :oops: I’m just a cute ole Communist gal 8) and I raise my glass of vodka to you comrade.


    How can I debate with an illiterate oaf incapable of grasping what lies beyond marxism or capable of grasping basic English? And can I take it that you concede [by highlighting ‘still’]the BNP WAS peopled by neo-nazi thugs? Where have they gone?
    Do you also concede that it looks like we’ve frightened everybody else off, or indeed bored them to death [a joint operation] and are you always so easy to wind up? :lol: :lol: :twisted:


    Darling…I think I lost you several paragraphs ago. I would hardly call this descent into mud-slinging, anything resembling a debate. You really shouldn’t punch above your weight, but if you insist then I shall oblige you. If nothing else it shall be an exercise in correcting your grammar and spelling.

    Ooooh a bitchfest :x :lol:


    There you go again..yada..yada..marxism. Who said anything about bloody marxism?
    I’m advocating the kind of revolution this country has never seen..make Karl Marx look like Mickey Mouse.

    As for your ludicrous assertion that I’m a nazi..I can only assume you’ve found the stick-on Hitler moustache in my dressing-up box!

    May I recommend “Duck Soup” for your indigestion?


    A] I don’t need the sympathy vote or daft homilies about us all dying..I’ll tell you about the despair of finite-.being some time.
    B] Why the obssession with Marxism anyway? I’m way to the left of old Karl.
    C] You haven’t been able to prove that the BNP are NOT thugs. :x :x :x

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